Results 221 to 240 of 689 for stemmed:framework
You use such belief organizations to concentrate upon certain data and ignore other, so that consciously and unconsciously you organize inner and outer stimuli so that it makes sense according to your beliefs, and forms therefore a more or less dependable framework in which action and response are possible.
[...] Individual lives have been constructed along those frameworks.
[...] These newspaper beliefs shut you off from full utilization from Framework 2’s potency.
[...] Be aware, however, of the sudden reassurances from Framework 2. (Also at Prentice)—The news program invitation (from ABC), which places you in a context, however small, of national interest—an invitation that you did not court; these, plus many excellent letters of late, should show you of course the beneficial aspects of your work that you can at times overlook (with irony). [...]
Love-making, like dreams, returns you to yourselves, and initiates beneficial Framework-2 activity. [...]
Psychological time is so a part of inner reality that even though the inner self is still connected to the body, you are, in the dream framework, free of some very important physical effects. [...]
[...] As you can experience days or hours within its framework in the dream state and not age for the comparable amount of physical time, so as you develop, you will be able to rest and be refreshed within psychological time even when you are awake. [...]
From its framework you will see that clock time is as dreamlike as you once thought inner time was. [...]
[...] Within the framework of psychological time you can also lengthen such experiences.
(“Connection with a framework that is broken, or cut off.” [...] When Jane saw the monogram she said the A represented a framework to her, like an A-frame house, and that the right leg was shorter.
[...] As stated in connection with the “framework” data on page 244, the A in the Art Shop monogram on page one of the object meant framework, or A-frame house, to Jane.
[...] Connection with a framework that is broken, or cut off.
[...] I remarked that most of our world’s problems seem to result from Framework-1 thinking, that our species is so steeped in such conscious-mind behavior—locally, nationally, and worldwide—that there seems little chance of our ever breaking out of that iron pattern. I further told Jane that our history reflects our stubborn refusal to modify to any significant degree our great reliance upon Framework-1 manipulations, even though I grant that there are many complicated reasons for such long-term mass behavior.
I also felt that my question grew out of Jane’s and my own recent efforts to improve our habitual thinking patterns, to draw from Framework 2 more of those elements that will help us create the daily results we really want. [...]
[...] But not in the framework in which you asked the question nor in the framework in which you proposed the experiment. [...]
(To Bette and Joel.) In other words, your experience and your experience as encountered in class in a reincarnational framework did indeed, and does indeed, and will indeed, in certain terms exist. [...]
[...] The child or infant is highly suggestible to parental belief systems, so that it can early be provided with a conceptual framework that is complementary to its surroundings, to the group or environment. [...]
[...] When his creative abilities found contemporary scientific thought also too narrow, however, and his natural intuitions had led him toward a new framework—one that, again, introduced values having to do with the nature of consciousness, or soul—then the new ideas began to conflict directly with the old buried ones, particularly those that had to do with the conflicts between creative expression, the church, and “forbidden knowledge.” [...]
[...] Now this portion of the self is indeed self-conscious in the highest meaning of the term—aware of the subconscious portion of the personality, aware of the primary conscious framework that you call your ego, and constantly directs the overall activities. [...]
[...] Therefore, communications between survival personalities and physically-oriented personalities are bound to suffer difficulties, and these difficulties are the result of the change of psychological frameworks.
[...] You have given them a foundation and a history and an identity as a framework, but from this framework they will grow and learn and develop and without your creation of them they would not exist. [...]
All existence is vulnerable for vulnerability is the framework and the sensitivity that makes existence possible. [...]
[...] Quite automatically it knows what it is, and the framework of its own identity and existence. [...]
[...] It means that you set challenges to be overcome, set goals to be reached, set up frameworks of experience through which you could develop, understand and fulfill certain abilities.
[...] You may have chosen a particular theme for this existence, a certain framework of conditions, but within these you have the freedom to experiment, create, and alter conditions and events.
[...] It would instead entangle itself within the power of its own energy, and be unable to form any long-lasting patterns or frameworks within which fulfillments and fairly permanent constructions could be formed.
This is the ideal circumstance, for when this is the case then the ego listens to the inner self, and then directs its energy outward in a way that is beneficial for the whole gestalt framework. [...]
[...] We may also, indeed, begin at least a partial study of the framework of the personality as it is related to action, for such a discussion will follow along well with our material on suggestion.
A framework, that seems to be wooden, with thin lines like poles. [...]
(“A framework, that seems to be wooden, with thin lines like poles.” [...]
[...] We believe the framework mentioned by Seth is a reference to the wooden window frames, and that the thin lines like poles refers to the narrow wooden frames holding the glass panes; eight small panes make up each of the five windows.
[...] Now there is a reason for the bridge framework. The bridge framework takes exercise, understanding, and knowledge on both of your parts, therefore there would be no communication of a strong valid nature until your personality is able to maintain it, for the bridge will not be strong enough to hold. [...]
Now: In your dreams the other personality can communicate and without the psychological bridge framework, but only in dream reality. [...]