Results 21 to 40 of 46 for stemmed:bob

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 9, 1984 circulatory temperature fever mucous blotchy

[...] “I’d say my eyes are better than the best they’ve been so far, Bob,” she said — which really surprised me. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 2, 1983 Georgia Wendy Cathy blue Christina

[...] “Ohhhh, Bob....” [...]

TES1 Preface Rick published binders Roberts eight

Now let me list some of those I know personally, and who have helped Jane and her work so much: Tam Mossman, Richard Kendall and Suzanne Delisle, Sue Watkins, Debbie Harris, Laurel Davies, Janet Mills, Lynda Dahl and Stan Ulkowski, Bob Terrio, Norman Friedman, Jeff Marcus, Juan Schoch, Michael Goode. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 2, 1983 stone grunting spot Honey minerals

[...] She made a lot of grunting and heavy breathing noises: “Oh God, Bob....” [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 5, 1983 pillow noises left unconscious ginger

[...] Her right arm began going in rapid circles, head bobbing. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 6, 1983 Joe Christina Bumbalo Susie LuAnn

[...] “Well, here, Bob, you might as well take it,” she said a bit later. [...]

TES8 Session 365 September 18, 1967 dash gee gru Minn shopin

Dear Jane & Bob,

TES9 Session 493 July 14, 1969 accident Gardner hurt Jesuit kids

(“The kid—the two boys or young men, seemed to be headed in the direction of Bob Kinner’s old coffeehouse that we went to ...a farmhouse on the left, and a curve, the road curves to the right.

TPS6 Deleted Session April 24, 1981 Sinful troublesome intensified Speaker church

(“Bob, all I want to do is get better.” [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 714 October 23, 1974 snapshots tone postcards sound Politics

[...] Bob — what I’m getting is something like it would be in real fast, quick beautiful sounds that I can’t duplicate — very quick, very musical — connected with the spin of electrons9 and cellular composition.

[...] I’ve tried to do the same thing, but I suddenly heard my own true tone, which I’m bound to follow … to go beyond the conventionalized postcards … I’m done, Bob.”

TPS6 Deleted Session April 12, 1982 hospital arthritis countersigned mail medical

[...] Just as I was about to give up for this evening, Jane came awake again and said rather firmly, “I’ve passed a certain point, Bob, and now I can do it....” [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 7, 1982 hospital outcome disability won Kardon
TPS2 Deleted Session December 20, 1971 eat weight food disapproves yesterday

These feelings have much to do with the conflicts Ruburt feels with your friends Claire and Bob, for they go to the opposite extreme, where life revolves around nourishment. [...]

UR2 Appendix 21: (For Session 721) counterparts Florence Maumee androgyny Appendix

[...] The individual would say, for example, “I am Joe, and Jane, and Jim, and Bob.”6 There are physical variations of a sexual nature, so that on all levels identity includes the male and female. [...]

6. Perhaps I should have briefly discussed it in Volume 1, but ever since Seth originally gave his “Joe, Jane, Jim, and Bob” material (as I call it) in the 683rd session, I’ve wondered about possible connections between the probabilities described in that session and our own reality: How much of our species’ distorted, intuitive knowledge of those probable realities may appear as myth and oddity in our camouflage universe? [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session November 18, 1974 ape instincts identification pygmy grandfather

(“I wish you hadn’t said that, Bob,” Jane said. [...]

TES3 Session 141 March 17, 1965 perception patterns action Piper minor

[...] She had indeed, on impulse, visited Bob and Mary Piper, friends of ours whom we had not seen for many months. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 19, 1983 Phyllis Pete Fred infirmary Steve

[...] In reply she said, “Bob and I massage and exercise them every day.” [...]

TES7 Session 315 January 30, 1967 John Murphy Philip boss district

(John said Seth’s description of a younger man with a Slavic face and short prickly hair fits Bob Dineen, another salesman also present at the Rochester meeting. [...]

TES8 Session 401 March 27, 1968 painting seascape transparents apple opaques

(Note: somewhat brief sessions were held last Friday evening, March 22, with Bill and Peggy Gallagher, and Claire Crittenden and her friend Bob as witnesses; and on Tuesday evening for Jane’s regular ESP class, March 26, 1968.

TPS5 Deleted Session April 9, 1980 spider artist web esthetic acclaim

[...] “Okay, Bob, I’m making a statement of intentions,” Jane said as soon as she was out of trance. [...]

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