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TES7 Session 327 March 20, 1967 projection waking beneath self papaers

We must use analogies. It can be thought of as the most exterior projection of the inner ego. When you find yourself, so to speak, watching what you think of as the ego, then you are in contact with this portion of the self. It is aware of both conscious and subconscious motivations and realities, and it is also aware of projections into other fields of actuality. I have hinted before of these matters, for when I say that you will use this other portion of the self to examine waking consciousness and probe beneath it, I already presuppose a you that uses this self. In other words, you are already magnifying the limitations of the self and extending them.

Various levels of consciousness are projected from the self in much the same manner. They are united however as interior and subsidiary identities that are a part of your own, and they are sent out by the inner self for various reasons. The thought is a psychological reality, a psychological and psychic identity but not a structured personalized identity. The self may send out fragments of itself in projections. These may or may not be structured personalized identities though they will be dependent for their existence upon the whole self.

Distortions occur at transitionary points, or at points of imbalances. There is a meshing then of data from various levels. A projection obviously need not be conscious. The waking self may be engaged in normal activities while the inner self is someplace else entirely. There are more brief periods of forgetfulness however than people usually realize, and in these periods often projections have occurred.

TES7 Session 331 April 3, 1967 project form Lizzie dead mac

Your physical personalities as you know them are projecting personalities from the whole inner self. But the projecting fragments themselves, you see, do not come and leave unaffected, but grow and mature and develop, really, other portions of the self in continuing extensions. There are no dead-end projections.

One form may indeed serve, and then consciousness may project out of it into a new form that is familiar with other dimensions. [...] You must remember that all of these portions of the self exist at once, and that the whole inner self knows them as a part of its own identity. [...]

The physical personality, a projection from a whole inner self, develops into more than it was, and has experiences that the inner self could not have under any but those particular circumstances.

TES6 Session 274 July 20, 1966 chemical excess projections propelling asparagus

We shall discuss various kinds of projections in detail, for you will become acquainted with them. Unless the structure of personality, or of the self, is clearly understood, projection itself will not seem possible. A self that is conceived of as a physical composition only would never be able to project, nor survive physical death.

Through the years a history of personal projections will serve to prove to you the nonphysical aspect of the self. You may even meet me (smile, eyes open wide) in some future projection. My meetings with you here involve to some extent projections on my part and on Ruburt’s part. As yet he is not consciously aware of these projections. [...]

Now this same chemical reaction must also occur, only more strongly, before a legitimate projection of the self from the physical organism can occur. This is one of the main reasons why such projections happen rarely. [...] This can trigger a projection.

TES6 Session 277 August 3, 1966 projections blunders control environment future

[...] When you know you are in a projection do not be tempted to tamper. [...] You will find that these projections become more vivid. [...] Conscious projections do not occur with any frequency as far as a large percentage of humanity is concerned. Note that I speak only now of projections in which you are self-consciously aware.

All projections involve literally an extension of identity and self. The usual limitations set upon the self by the ego vanish. [...] (Long pause, head down, eyes closed.) Whether or not projections are conscious, they occur in any case, and the personality learns from them. The conscious projection however involves a much higher achievement. [...]

[...] In some dreams individuals see what they imagine to be the image of their own dead self. Instead they have been projecting, and see one of their own projected forms that they have themselves just vacated.

TES9 Session 509 November 24, 1969 Jung ee unconscious ego inner

[...] As I have told you, the self is literally unlimited. Each individual has his part to play in projecting these EE units into physical actuality. Therefore physical matter can be legitimately described as an extension of the self, as much as the physical body is a projection of the inner self. [...]

It is this inner self, out of the massive knowledge and unlimited scope of its consciousness, that forms the physical world, that provides stimuli to keep the ego constantly at the job of awareness. It is the inner self, termed here the inner ego, that organizes, initiates, projects, controls the EE units of which we have been speaking lately, transforming energy into objects, into matter.

Having determined upon physical reality as a dimension in which it will project itself, the inner self therefore first of all takes care to form and maintain the physical basis upon which all else must depend—those physical properties of earth that can be called natural ones.

SS Part Two: Chapter 21: Session 585, May 12, 1971 drama internal religion outward religious

[...] They play the part of the blessed inner self that actually cannot operate within physical reality uncloaked by flesh. This energy, however, is a quite valid projection from the interior self. [...]

There are internal realizations always present within the whole self. [...] This greater dimension cannot be materialized in a three-dimensional system, yet the knowledge of this greater dimension floods outward from the innermost heart of being, and is projected outward, transforming all it touches.

An internal drama is carried on by each individual, a psychic drama which is finally projected outward with great force upon the field of history. [...] The drama itself is a psychological phenomenon in a way, for each physically oriented self feels thrust alone into a strange environment, without knowing its origins or destination or even the reason for its own existence.

TSM Appendix: Session 509, November 24, 1969 Jung unconscious ego ee outer

[...] Each individual has his part to play in projecting these EE units into physical actuality. Therefore, physical matter can be legitimately described as an extension of the self, as much as the physical body is a projection of the inner self.

It is this inner self, out of massive knowledge and the unlimited scope of its consciousness, that forms the physical world and provides stimuli to keep the outer ego constantly at the job of awareness. It is the inner self, here termed the inner ego, that organizes, initiates, projects, and controls the EE (electromagnetic energy) units of which we have been speaking, transforming energy into objects, into matter.

[...] In a healthy personality, the inner self easily projects all experience into EE units, where they are translated into actuality. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 20 projection chemical frog awake excess

I have been speaking of projection from the trance state. Projection from a dream is something else again, and when executed successfully, you have a fine example of the self as it changes the focus of awareness. [...] Spontaneous, unrecalled projections of this kind happen often. [...] Quite simply, such projections allow you practice in dealing with realities that you will meet when you no longer operate in the physical system.

[...] This is dependent upon the kind of projection involved. The molecular structure of the projecting self is of a different nature than that of the physical body. [...] The molecular structure of the traveling self changes.

Projections involve many more aspects of the whole self and are a mark that the personality is progressing in important ways. The inner senses are allowed their greatest freedom in projection states, and the self retains experience that it would not otherwise. [...]

TES6 Session 279 August 15, 1966 card greeting Tunkhannock monumental envelope

There are no limits to the types of projections that can occur, basically speaking, for there are no limitations to the self, and a projection is an extension of the self. Your present existence is of course a projection. [...]

[...] Projections further extend the self and the identity, only this time in realms where the physical self cannot follow. Now this kind of projection, this extension of identity, is the true nature and the creative aspect of aggression. [...]

Projection then is aggression. The self thrusts forward into new dimensions, and this is creative. [...] Each projection, for example, is the death, in one way, of the limited self that stood earlier.

TES6 Session 265 June 6, 1966 Marilyn ceramic bricks Wilburs object

Projection from a dream state is something else again, therefore, and when it is executed successfully then you have a fine example of the self as it changes the focus of its own awareness. [...] Projections occur quite naturally under these conditions. For the development of the whole self however, and for the perfection of such experiences, it is beneficial that such projections be carried out by the conscious wish of the projector. [...]

[...] This is dependent upon the particular kind of projection involved. The molecular structure of the projecting self is of a different nature. [...] The molecular structure of the traveling self changes.

[...] For best results in the beginning it is good to make a projection attempt when you already feel physically drowsy, but pleasantly so. When you have induced the trance state, then begin to examine your own subjective feelings until you find recognition of the inner self.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, May 18, 1971 Gert dandy Ron Richelieu Janice

[...] Now your ego, your exterior self, focuses outward into physical reality. [...] It wants to see inner knowledge projected outward onto the physical reality then, to some extent, it will accept it and so through the eons that you know this inner knowledge, this inner vitality is projected outward onto history and onto historical events as you understand them. [...]

Because you projected this upon her, and at one time it was a very safe place to project such feelings. [...] You were simply afraid of expressing the feelings in any capacity, and projected them, therefore, upon a person who subconsciously you felt would not be able to reciprocate. You very nicely projected them upon a person who was bonded as you were by all kinds of taboos, specifically against any such behavior, where they would be least reciprocated in physical terms, when any such action would automatically involve all kinds of guilt and retaliation, the most difficult position of which you could conceive. You would have projected them upon a priest, but this frightened you even more because the male relationship held for you a feeling of terror. You did not, you see, project them upon a person who could immediately answer them in kind, with no strings attached; but a relationship could be easy, open, and immediate. [...]

[...] They have extraordinary force, and this is the projection from the inner self of this inner light outward onto people and events. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 663, May 14, 1973 criminal power aggression violence prisoners

[...] (See Chapter Six, and the 633rd session in Chapter Eight.) Augustus felt powerless, considering power in terms of aggression and violence, so he isolated that portion of himself from himself and projected it into a “second self.” Only when this second self became operative could he display any power. [...]

As a society you may project it upon the criminal, as a nation upon a foreign country. [...] In whatever area you choose, though, you will feel relatively weak in comparison with the strength that you have projected outward. [...]

[...] This usually means that no time is allowed for necessary inner dialogues of self questioning, and the self-healing that might otherwise occur is brought about through belief in another. [...]

TES7 Session 297 October 26, 1966 Topper journey anticipatory Bernard fear

[...] In projections most of all the self must be mobile. [...]

[...] In projections the inner self is free to travel within its capabilities—underlined, within its capabilities.

The symbolic journey of the spirit, and the finding finally of the self always involves the journey of the self through fear, and its emergence. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 10: June 5, 1984 sex eruptions degrading bestial police

The unconscious is understood to be a garbage heap of undesirable impulses, long ago discarded by civilization, while again much religious theory projects the image of the hidden self that must be kept in bounds by good work, prayer, and penance.

(Long pause at 3:20.) Again, people who have such views of the inner self usually project the same ideas upon nature at large, so that the natural world appears equally mysterious, dangerous, and threatening.

Instead of promoting the idea of man’s inner worth, it has taught people to distrust the inner self and its manifestations. Most churches preach a dogma that stresses concepts of the sinful self, and sees man as a creature contaminated by original sin even before birth.

SS Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 538, June 29, 1970 death evil explore preconceptions sleeping

Pretend for a moment that you are a child, and I am trying to undertake the particular chore of explaining to you what your most developed, adult self will be like — and in my explanation, I say that this adult self is to some extent already a part of you, an outgrowth or projection of what you are. [...] Must I die to become this other self? [...] How can I ever be this adult self when it is not what I am now, without dying as what I am?”

[...] In other words, you are in many ways a fleshy projection of your dreaming self.

[...] Your waking physical self is the dreamer, as far as your dreaming self is concerned: You are the dreamer it sends on its way. Your daily experiences are the dreams that it dreams, so when you look at your dreaming self or consider it, you do so with a highly prejudiced eye, taking it for granted that your “reality” is real, and its reality is illusion.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 661, May 7, 1973 Dineen evil territory ill severest

In such cases the dilemma is projected outside of the self and seen as an exterior condition which can be manipulated. [...] Such problems projected outward can never really be solved as far as the individual is concerned, of course, since their source is not understood.

(Pause.) In all of these areas the problem, whatever its nature or cause, is in one way or another “magically” transferred to another facet of activity, projected away from the self. [...] He then feels rid of the problem itself but is quite ready to attack it in others, and with great self-righteousness and justification.

Yet here the medical profession often takes care to see that every technological advance is brought to bear to force the self to remain within its flesh, when naturally soul and flesh would part. There are normal interlocking mechanisms that prepare the self for death, even chemical interactions that make this easier physically — bursts of acceleration, in your terms, to propel the individual easily out of the body. [...]

TES4 Session 191 September 22, 1965 Blanche pseudoimage landscape waterfall landlord

Dream images are in a most vital manner extensions of the self. They are projected from the self, extending outward indeed like branches from a tree. [...]

[...] There is a similarity here between the extension of my self outward through Ruburt, and the extension necessary for example in an individual’s projection of a pseudoimage.

[...] Just before it began Jane admitted, again, to a slight nervousness at the projected clairvoyant experiments involving Dr. Instream. [...]

TES7 Session 300 November 7, 1966 page article sheet Seminary torn

[...] Projections in fact should give you an excellent idea of the reality of reincarnations. In an excellent projection you forget the self on the bed. [...]

[...] In the middle of a projection you may suddenly remember the self on the bed, and in the middle of a given existence you may suddenly remember a previous self. [...]

[...] Through projections you will become acquainted with the mobility and stability of the inner self, as separate from the physical apparatus.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, August 18, 1970 Sharon stacks vulnerable yourselves Arnold

He was a probable self of your grandfather’s and he kept in touch with you, and you were able to see him because of your own abilities. [...] These were dolls made of wood and into them he projected all of his creative energy, and he made a doll that looked like you, and he called it Susan without ever knowing where he got the name. [...] In out-of-body states, he projected into your reality. [...]

[...] My question is, as I am able to find out what I am guilty about and I find that guilt, do I then project that into another probable self?”)

Now, the inner self knows the answers and often- times the inner self brings you to this error, this action, or this symptom, so that you will look inward. [...]

TES3 Session 96 October 12, 1964 gestalt Trinity unitary primary plane

[...] When he attempted to further formulate his God concept he then projected upon it those mysteries of self.

It may be thought of in an analogy, as a shadow, in that you create it or project it, but without conscious knowledge. [...] But it does not vanish when the ego blots out the inner light from the whole self. [...]

I have tried to explain the distortions which make such questions seem intrinsically valid, but it is only from your own perspective that you think in terms of beginning and end, and only because of your self-adopted limitations that you continue along these lines.

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