Results 21 to 32 of 32 for (stemmed:"choos probablil" OR stemmed:"probabl choos")
The field of probable events exists as a reality. From it the self chooses those actions which shall become a part of physical reality. [...]
Once more, the field of probabilities does not consist of imaginative fancy, nor of nebulous activity. [...] Not only in terms of overall experience, but also as a means of training the ego, and the subconscious, to choose between various activities.
[...] From it you choose those patterns of thought which you will weave into the physical matter of your universe. [...] It should be realized that the probable self also has its dreams.
[...] In some cases this is because a different probable event has been chosen by a self for physical materialization. I have access to the field of probabilities and you do not—egotistically, you do not. [...]
[...] You are aware, for example, of some probable realities. You choose which probable acts you want to actualize in your system. You follow other probable acts through in the dream state. [...]
[...] Probable realities are only probable to you because you are not aware of them.
Somewhere during this time he will go into a deeply protected area of sleep, where he is at the threshold to other layers of reality and probabilities. [...]
There are many probable systems of reality, therefore, in which physical data predominates, but such physical probabilities represent but one small portion. [...]
God, therefore, is first of all a creator, not of one physical universe but of an infinite variety of probable existences, far more vast than those aspects of the physical universe with which your scientists are familiar. [...] He is a part of all probabilities.
[...] If you will try to accept the idea that your own existence is multidimensional, that you dwell within the medium of infinite probabilities, then you may catch a slight glimpse of the reality that is behind the word “god,” and you may understand why it is almost impossible to capture a true understanding of that concept in words.
[...] Today Jane and I very clearly felt those connections — or probabilities, if one chooses — developing. [...]
[...] You did not choose to accept such a probability then, any more than you could have accepted my advice all the way. [...]
(Jane had declared before the session began tonight that she thought Seth would go into our house affairs in connection with probable realities, but that such material wouldn’t go with his book dictation on the families of consciousness. [...]
On all other-than-normally conscious levels, however, you deal very effectively with probabilities. The cells maintain their integrity by choosing one probability above the others. [...]
[...] It weighs probabilities; it reacts to pressures of various kinds.
(Long pause at 10:51.) You become aware of probabilities, as actions sometimes that seem to have no connection with your own, but which are still related to them in that greater scheme of interaction that ordinarily you do not comprehend.
[...] The rich tapestry of probable actions from which you choose your official life becomes just as invisible. [...]
[...] They can permit you to become acquainted with other inward orders of events, and the rich bed of probabilities from which your physical existence emerges.
[...] They will, these dream expeditions, throw great light on the nature of personal daily experience, and they will also provide personal knowledge of the ways in which probabilities operate.
When this does happen it usually occurs as a bleed-through from the subconscious from the dream state, for the subconscious is somewhat acquainted with probabilities, and to some degree experiences these in a problem-solving manner. It views various probabilities with the purposes of the ego in mind, and therefore aids the ego in its decisions as to which probable events it should choose for its own experience.
[...] Take for example probable event X. This so-called probable event or action will be experienced by the various portions of the self in their own way. [...]
[...] The portion of the self, or rather the portions of the self, that experience action in terms of what the ego would term probability, is further divorced from the ego, however, and this probability reality appears to the ego very rarely, and only very occasionally.
The probable events are experienced in such a way that any given action or probable action is followed through in its various and almost infinite varieties.
[...] During that period we held the 737th session [on February 17], but since we weren’t consciously concerned with that particular place then, we neither talked about it nor asked Seth to comment; instead, on his own during the session, Seth discussed the house on Foster Avenue as representing a probability, and a pretty likely one, that we could choose to explore. [...]
(Pause at 10:07.) I understand that it appears that species have vanished, but again you must remember probabilities, and that those species simply “developed” along the patterns of probable earths. [...] There are ramifications quite unspeakable, although in certain states of trance, or with the aid of educated dreaming, you might be able to glimpse the inner complications, the webworks of communications that connect your official earth with other probable ones. You choose your time and focus in physical reality again and again, and the mind holds an inner comprehension of many seemingly mysterious developments involving the species.