Results 41 to 47 of 47 for (stemmed:"choos probabl" OR stemmed:"probabl choos")

UR2 Section 6: Session 736 February 5, 1975 Milumet Zuli Sumari Foster family

[...] During that period we held the 737th session [on February 17], but since we weren’t consciously concerned with that particular place then, we neither talked about it nor asked Seth to comment; instead, on his own during the session, Seth discussed the house on Foster Avenue as representing a probability, and a pretty likely one, that we could choose to explore. [...]

[...] They have excellent precognitive abilities, which of course means that at least unconsciously they understand the motion of probabilities. [...] They then work with all of their minds to bring that probability into physical reality.

[...] They usually choose less industrialized countries, then, with a slower pace of life. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 658, April 23, 1973 hypnosis hypnotist tributaries inductions beliefs

[...] There are an infinite number of such tributaries (probabilities), and through your beliefs you choose from these, adjusting their currents. [...]

[...] Seth mentioned probabilities in connection with Rooney, too.

SS Part One: Chapter 7: Session 531, May 25, 1970 streams blinders process river attention

[...] You process daily experience, project it into what you think of as the future, choose from an infinity of probable events those you will make physical, and begin the mental and psychic processes that will bring them into the world of substance.

[...] You may instead, “pick up” an event in which a probable self is involved, according to your inclination, your psychic suppleness, your curiosity, your desire for knowledge. [...]

(Her fiction, Seth added, was Jane’s “way of probing probabilities and of trying to understand other people. [...]

NotP Chapter 7: Session 779, June 14, 1976 psyche adjacently language biological pain

[...] The sentence that you recognize is only one of many probable variations. You and no other choose which experiences you want to actualize. [...]

[...] The psyche deals with probable events, however, so some events — perhaps some that you dreamed of but did not materialize — are quite real to the psyche. [...]

NoME Part Four: Chapter 10: Session 872, August 8, 1979 reptiles impulses birds intermediate evolution

(Pause at 10:07.) I understand that it appears that species have vanished, but again you must remember probabilities, and that those species simply “developed” along the patterns of probable earths. [...] There are ramifications quite unspeakable, although in certain states of trance, or with the aid of educated dreaming, you might be able to glimpse the inner complications, the webworks of communications that connect your official earth with other probable ones. You choose your time and focus in physical reality again and again, and the mind holds an inner comprehension of many seemingly mysterious developments involving the species.

UR1 Preface by Seth preface Roberts unknown n.y metaphysics

[...] It is a triumph of spiritual and psychological identity, ever choosing from a myriad of probable realities its own clear unassailable focus (very intently). When you don’t realize this, then you project upon life after death all of the old misconceptions. [...]

SDPC Preface Sonja Jack program television camera

[...] Dreams may well represent us at our most creative, for not only do we process the past day’s activities, but we also choose tomorrow’s events from the limitless probable actions that are presented to us while the waking self is still.

Many of Seth’s concepts, on probabilities or on, say, the nature of radio stars, cannot be checked out except by specialists. [...]

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