Results 21 to 40 of 95 for stemmed:"chang belief"

TPS3 Deleted Session July 18, 1977 retreat responsiveness guests novelists popular

Ruburt’s body is undergoing profound beneficial alterations, for his desire and intent seemingly have changed overnight, relatively speaking. [...] These are not so much bridge beliefs as bridge intents.

[...] I became concerned, though, about whether our beliefs had changed enough to make such contacts possible, or welcome to us if they did materialize.

[...] When you change your beliefs and attitudes so that you no longer expect so-called important people to ignore you, they will not. [...]

TPS3 Session 701 (Deleted Portion) June 3, 1974 teeth tooth Teleprompter dentist filmed

(It is the next day as I type this material, and I feel that a rather remarkable change in my beliefs about teeth has already taken place. [...] I plan to reinforce the new suggestions daily for some time with the pendulum and without—but I already feel that a change has taken place.

(Jane is now showing signs of change in her legs, which we are most pleased about. [...] I’ll see if I can reinforce her beliefs in that area.

[...] That represents the one physical area concerning health in which you are not fully relying upon yourself, or new beliefs. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 664, May 21, 1973 catastrophe institutions earthquakes caterpillar ice

[...] The change of thoughts, feelings and beliefs into physical, objectively perceived phenomena is as natural as water changing into ice, for example, or a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. You not only form the structure of your civilizations and social institutions through the transference of beliefs, thoughts and feelings; but in this natural exchange you also help on quite intimate levels in the “psychic manufacture” of the physical environment itself, with all of its great sweeping variety, and yet seasonal stability.

A war is one kind of natural event brought about as feelings and beliefs interact on one level. [...] Your part in these feelings and beliefs will place you in your own “natural” position within such events.

[...] Your beliefs (often as opposed to your desires) cause wars. [...]

TPS2 Session 617 (Deleted Portion) September 25, 1972 negative harbored underlined concentrate thumbnail

You tried to change your beliefs, and worked at it.

That is the nature of an invisible belief. [...] Now Ruburt until recently has had the same sort of belief concerning his body and its abilities. [...]

[...] It has resulted in a greater freedom in our sessions because the two of you together discussed your conscious beliefs about sessions, and Ruburt learned that many of his previous beliefs here were limited.

TPS2 Deleted Session September 17, 1973 salable schedule punch absolutes impulses

Changing beliefs will automatically correct any imbalance in the system, and certain foods for example will no longer “cause” a given condition. In most cases however it is the belief in the system that works, not the elimination of the foods.

The improvements do show that his beliefs are changing, and some of his anger today was simply energy that he has been withholding from himself for fear that it would not be correctly used. [...]

[...] When you use terms like arthritis you are using a belief system where names are given to states of mind, exteriorized. [...] Certain chemical changes do occur in any dis-ease. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, May 26, 1970 god joyful browbeat takers commandments

(After a brief discussion on changing and giving up religious beliefs, Seth explained:)

Now, you do not give up your beliefs. [...] It is too handy to let go and you will not change your concepts. [...]

[...] Your beliefs will affect your future life until you realize it is not true. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 3: Session 616, September 20, 1972 protoplasm amoeba conform Willy cat

You must change the belief. [...] But that is a belief, and a limiting one.

[...] In so doing, you see, you accept your belief about reality as a characteristic of reality itself, and so the belief is transparent or invisible to you. [...]

[...] Because ideas have an electromagnetic reality, beliefs, because of their intensity, radiate strongly. Due to the organizing structure of your own psychological nature, similar beliefs congregate, and you will readily accept those with which you already agree.

TPS2 Deleted Session November 12, 1973 freedom enthusiasm trip concentrating opposite

A third of that energy on either of your parts spent on the realization that the effects are caused by beliefs, and an effort to change the beliefs, will work wonders. [...]

[...] As I told you, the reasons behind the body beliefs have largely vanished. You are left with beliefs about the body. These, denied the core beliefs that gave them birth, would naturally begin to weaken but could linger for some time, generally speaking, unless they were recognized as beliefs.

[...] You would each do it a great service if you would simply leave it alone, stop negative projections upon it, if you cannot manage to send it positive help through being willing to change your beliefs about it.

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 854, May 16, 1979 Fanatics Heroics war uncommon Jehovah

[...] Again: To kill for the sake of peace only makes you better killers, and nothing will change that. [...] I am quite aware that often war seems to be your only practical course, because of the set of beliefs that are, relatively speaking, worldwide. Until you change those beliefs, war will seem to have some practical value — a value which is highly deceptive, and quite false.

[...] “I discovered I don’t want to spend the time being concerned, so I’ve changed my beliefs. [...]

[...] Because of his belief in his powerlessness [the fanatic] feels that any means to an end is justified. Behind all this is the belief that spontaneously the ideal will never be achieved, and that, indeed, on his own man is getting worse and worse in every aspect: How can flawed selves ever hope to spontaneously achieve any good?

TPS3 Deleted Session December 18, 1974 authority economy anonymous secrecy buy

Briefly on the economy: times are changing, literally, now. The old beliefs are not paying off. You are luckily free of many limiting beliefs that could otherwise hamper you now. Beliefs that once seemed to put you at a financial disadvantage now work for you.

Your change of environment will be effected, again, far more easily than you think—because you have already made the inner changes necessary. [...] Meaning that he is tired of the same old beliefs, and ready to move out of them. [...]

[...] His beliefs therefore have been changing. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 13: Session 652, March 28, 1973 unconscious sleep waking evil behavior

Those of you who cannot practically make any alterations in sleeping habits can still obtain some benefits by changing your beliefs in the areas discussed, learning to recall your dreams and resting briefly when you can, and immediately afterward recording those impressions that you retain.

[...] (Pause.) Such a change in your waking and sleeping patterns very nicely helps cut through your habitual ways of looking at the nature of your own personal world, and so alters your conception of reality in general.

Barriers are broken down, and with them certain beliefs that were based upon them. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session October 13, 1975 Howard Venice Bumbalos prerogatives cancer

You see about you others dealing with life’s challenges, following the old beliefs. They must see that those beliefs do not work for themselves. Ruburt is completely recovering because he has completely changed his beliefs. [...]

These were the methods he took then in line with his beliefs about the world and the nature of the self. He long ago decided to take issue with those beliefs, yet in case they were true, he felt he needed protection. [...]

(Long pause.) There is no part of Ruburt’s body that is not changing, as each portion becomes more responsive. The pendulum is still important, because as you, Joseph, were involved in Ruburt’s experience as he developed the symptoms, you are involved now in the healing process, and this means that both of you are changing your allegiance. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session December 3, 1977 newspapers news heroism organizations world

[...] Even with your own changed beliefs, the two of you still see that mirror when you read a newspaper, and do not realize the invisible organizations behind the news. [...]

Now: in basic terms you form your reality, privately and en masse—through your beliefs, of course, and those beliefs cause you to organize your psychic world in certain fashions.

You use such belief organizations to concentrate upon certain data and ignore other, so that consciously and unconsciously you organize inner and outer stimuli so that it makes sense according to your beliefs, and forms therefore a more or less dependable framework in which action and response are possible.

WTH Part One: Chapter 8: May 26, 1984 Menahem dilemma vantage choices punishment

If you realize that your beliefs form your experience, then you do indeed have an excellent chance of changing your beliefs, and hence your experience.

[...] There is no need to feel guilty since you meant very well as you made each choice — only the choices were built upon beliefs that were beliefs and not facts.

(Yesterday I received in the mail a copy of a long article that Sam Menahem, a psychologist in Fort Lee, New Jersey, has written for a summer issue of Reality Change. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 14: Session 653, April 4, 1973 synapses neuronal nerve future events

[...] For if you altered your beliefs and therefore your private sensations of reality, then that world, seemingly the only one, would also change. You do go through transformations of beliefs all the time, and your perception of the world is different. [...] You are quite correct — you are not the person that you were, and your world has changed, and not just symbolically.

The physical constitution of the body follows your beliefs, and so all of its sense data will faithfully mirror the beliefs that direct its activity. In certain terms hypnosis is simply an exercise in the alteration of beliefs, and only too clearly shows that sense experience follows expectations.

[...] Practically speaking, you do indeed form the appearance that reality takes through your conscious beliefs. Those beliefs are used as screening and directing agents, separating certain nonphysical probable events from others, and bringing them into three-dimensional actuality.

NoME Part Four: Chapter 10: Session 873, August 15, 1979 idealist ideals impulses condemning geese

Your thoughts and beliefs and desires form the events that you view on television. If you want to change your world, you must first change your thoughts, expectations, and beliefs. If every reader of this book changed his or her attitudes, even though not one law was rewritten, tomorrow the world would have changed for the better. [...]

(Long pause at 9:48.) Any new law always follows the change in belief. [...]

[...] Your changed beliefs will affect the mental atmosphere of your nation and of the world.

TPS5 Session 834 (Deleted Portion) February 5, 1979 tension muscles release tendons leg

[...] Beliefs, as you know, were the cause of the tension. [...] This was made possible through changes in beliefs—the resolutions (given by Seth on January 1, 1979), and his own intent.

[...] Have him try walking to the couch, as yesterday, to begin with, but these changes definitely mean that the important alterations in the knees are happening.

TPS4 Deleted Session September 19, 1977 impediments Framework financial accelerated merged

You changed your approaches indirectly, and Ruburt was always stronger in the financial regard than you, as far as his beliefs that artistic creations could bring financial rewards. [...]

Such methods will work now because of the changes in beliefs he has made—that is, he is more open. [...]

Frank represents your belief that you must hold on to someone at least medically oriented, if unconventionally so, in Framework 1—a needed crutch, and he has been of some help. He has also however reinforced your conventional beliefs that muscles and joints must behave thus-and-so, that so much time must pass for such processes to take place; he helped you set up a situation that served handily, for you could not leave Framework 1, nor yet really accept wholeheartedly Framework 2.

NotP Chapter 9: Session 792, January 24, 1977 events shared cellular network rose

[...] Desire, love, intent, belief and purpose — these form the experience of your body and all the events it perceives. You cannot change one belief but it alters your body experience. [...]

[...] Here the mass shared environment is encountered as physical reality according to individual belief, love, and intent. [...] Therefore they behave like victims, and their beliefs reinforce such experience.

Certainly for more than the hundredth time I say: “Your beliefs form your reality,” and this means that your beliefs structure the events you know.

TPS4 Deleted Session September 3, 1977 heart liver bodily nap shouted

There have been considerable changes even since our last session, and I hope you have noted them. Feelings and emotion caused tensions under certain conditions that are not necessarily physically apparent, but that change the body. [...] So do beliefs. Ruburt is completely changing emotional and intellectual beliefs of long standing. His poor mobility did not exist alone, but reached back to an archaeology, say, of beliefs that affected his sinuses, jaw pressure, and so forth.

You have changed your own beliefs. [...] The further changes in his position will take place far easier. [...]

[...] More than that, however, your question of course reflects your cultural beliefs and assumptions, and so you do not realize that in some ways such conscious knowledge of the body’s workings might limit rather than expand concepts and experience of the body and the self.

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