Results 1 to 20 of 35 for stemmed:youngster

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 8, 1984 suicide youngsters lowest upward escapist

Again, the desire for value fulfillment, development and purpose is so strong that if those seem denied, life becomes — or seems to become — less precious. In many cases it is the son and daughter of the upper middle-classes, or the well-to-do, who run into such life-endangering dilemmas. Some youngsters are so overly provided for by their families that it seems that there is no way for them to achieve any more than they have.

(Long pause at 4:00. Jane had been interrupted once during her delivery.) If their parents are overly indulgent, then the youngsters may actually feel as if they were adjuncts to their parents, or possessions alone. On the other hand, some upper-middle-class families stress competition to such a degree that it seems to the children that they are only valued for their achievements, rather than being loved for simply being the people they are.

To most people, none of these situations seem particularly drastic, and certainly there are far worse cases of human disillusionment in the world. Yet many such youngsters literally see no future for themselves as adults.

WTH Part One: Chapter 8: May 23, 1984 merry round horses youngster ride

On any given day a youngster may take a ride on a merry-go-round. [...] The same child might see the image of a merry-go-round on the television screen, or be told about another youngster’s visit to a playground, and a subsequent ride on a merry-go-round.

[...] All the lives are actually occurring at the same time, as the hypothetical youngster’s merry-go-round experiences happened all in one day.

WTH Part One: Chapter 7: May 13, 1984 parents illness youngster reward children

Some parents, unfortunately, use the nature of suggestion in the most undesirable way, so that a child is often told that he or she is sickly, or weak or overly sensitive, and not as robust as other youngsters. If that kind of behavior is continued, then the child soon takes such statements as true, and begins to act upon them, until they do indeed become only too real in the youngster’s everyday experience.

I do not mean that ill children should not be treated with kindness, and perhaps a bit of special attention — but the reward should be given for the child’s recovery, and efforts should be made to keep the youngster’s routine as normal as possible. [...]

[...] So if the parents begin such questioning and reassurance when the child is young, then the youngster will learn that while illness may be used to attain a desired result, there are far better, healthier ways of achieving an end result.

WTH Part One: Chapter 7: May 18, 1984 games pill Rakin edgy pregnant

[...] If your child believes that a particular illness is caused by a virus, then suggest a game in which the youngster imagines the virus to be a small bug that he or she triumphantly chases away with a broom, or sweeps out the door. Once a child gets the idea, the youngster will often make up his or her own game, that will prove most beneficial.

[...] Then have the youngster chant, say, three times, “I’ve taken a better and better pill, so I will shortly feel better and better myself.”

(4:05.) In other cases of a child’s illness, have the child play a healing game, in which he or she playfully imagines being completely healthy again, outdoors and playing; or have the youngster imagine a conversation with a friend, describing the illness as past and gone. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 7: May 14, 1984 parents sports children shame bodily

[...] Each child should be educated as early as possible by their parents, so that the youngsters are repeatedly reminded of the body’s natural resources and healing abilities.

TPS3 Deleted Session February 9, 1976 ideal taxes expression mutilate envision

[...] It does, as Ruburt thinks often, support other poor but gifted youngsters, and poor and ungifted youngsters (with amusement). [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 5: April 10, 1984 dejected trinkets play zest queries

Creatures play because the activity is joyful, and spontaneous and beneficial, because it activates all portions of the organism — and again, in play youngsters imitate adult patterns of operation that lead finally to their own mature activity.

TPS5 Deleted Session December 6, 1978 view tooth teeth aspirations comprehensions

[...] As a youngster, you—and also Ruburt—challenged many of “the world’s” beliefs, and refused to accept them as a part of your personalized world views.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: June 27, 1984 food foodstuffs vengeance highflying nondisease

These food ideas are important, since they are passed on from parents to children, and parents often use food as a way of rewarding a child’s good behavior, thus starting the youngster out toward conditions of overweight.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 10: June 7, 1984 older segregation population nutrients diet

[...] It seems to such youngsters that the pinnacle of life is just at hand, to last only briefly, and then to be snatched away. [...]

TES8 Session 334 April 12, 1967 row Pat tape seat Adrian

[...] It impressed several youngsters in a particular manner. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 21: Session 585, May 12, 1971 drama internal religion outward religious

[...] We’ve realized for some time that Jane is sensitive to those subjects, particularly religion; she had strict training in that field as a youngster. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 14, 1983 exuberant dietary Misnick healthy obedient

Parents may become particularly aware of that lost sense of joyfulness as they watch their own youngsters in their natural play. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 5, 1984 funeral breakfast eating chucks uneven

[...] One of them is that she may have associated punishment with physical motion — this idea stemming from her days at the Catholic home, where the youngsters were made to kneel for long periods of time as punishment for various “wrongs.” [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, September 22, 1970 Rachel love remarriage Ned reawakened

[...] Now, the animal went on as a youngster leaves the house and grows up. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 13, 1983 Teresa bumpity Andrew Cathy crying

(After In Search Of ended on TV at 2:30 Jane read the draft of my note for session 896 for Dreams, in which I wanted to know whether she’d ever willed herself sick [as I had] when a youngster, in order to avoid something I wanted to get out of doing. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: May 9, 1984 pendulum gums birthday Marie isolation

[...] She realized that as a youngster she had loved her mother, and tried hard to do things for her, even when Marie had rejected her efforts say, in buying a nightgown of the “wrong” color.

NotP Chapter 5: Session 772, April 19, 1976 sexual male female orientation deities

[...] As a youngster particularly, he rebelled against male-oriented learning and orientation. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session July 31, 1978 Jupenlasz Mansfield Scott pioneering Nearing

[...] He is a symbol of the frontier spirit, and many youngsters through the years have been helped through his efforts. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session July 4, 1981 bondings matrix safety bindings abandonment

[...] This offers the sense of safety and security in which the youngster can then feel free and curious enough to explore its world and the nature of reality. [...]

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