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Ruburt then, would be considered Jane’s third self in approximate terms. In the analogy these future selves would dwell in other dimensions, and usually self one, or Jane, would be relatively unaware of their, existence or knowledge. [...]
[...] There would be nothing wrong in such a framework, providing the various subdivisions worked together well. The Jane personality as a whole in that case would still be integrated, various portions of it simply designated for different kinds of work and ability.
[...] Without this the development into what you call mediumship would not have occurred. [...] Otherwise for example I would only have been able to communicate to Jane in her dreams, or through Ruburt.
Such an arrangement would indeed allow more freedom and creativity than usual. [...]
[...] Had I been around it would have occurred to me, and it would have been a great trick, but I was not. [...]
[...] This universe is not maintained by conscious thought and if all of you together had to consciously decide ahead of time why the universe should exist, it would not exist, for you would not have made up your mind yet. [...]
Many of you would have questioned yourselves for an hour, “Why do I want to go back to bed? [...] And so, at the end of an hour, had you begrudgingly gone to your bed, the inspiration would have long since departed. [...]
[...] Now had the lights been off and candles burning dimly and incense added then, indeed, you would have all had a time. [...]
You cannot deny the normal coming of night by refusing to face it, and closing the outer eyes would only result in those very characteristics of night which the self tried to avoid. Nor would the pleasant characteristics of night be ever known, but night would forever mean terror and chaos, since it would never be given the recognition due it, and never explored.
Your help, Joseph, has been most beneficial to him, and it is difficult naturally for him to manage this sort of data; but if he could not manage it he would not have received it, since we are developing an integration here. And I have protected him from a vulnerability to experiences that would be, or that would present, a danger to the overall balance of the personality.
(Reading some of the recent sessions on dreams earlier today, Jane got the idea that Seth would talk about dreams this evening.
I am somewhat taken back to discover that Ruburt, upon learning to use his abilities, would also attempt to censure the direction of their use.
[...] If you were running a race you would focus upon your own sensations of speed and agility, trying to bring about a perfection of motion. You would consider it obviously impractical to focus instead upon any impediments that might be in the way. You would know better than to mutter over and over to yourself “I will never make it. [...] Even though someone may have thrown a stone in your path in the past, as a runner such things would vanish from your mind as you concentrated on the feelings in your body of motion and agility.
If you thought of some particular motions that would help you and add to your performance, it would of course be obvious self-defeatism if you said ahead of time “No, it probably would not work. [...]
More than this, again, any money thus acquired in the future, as in the past, would go to promote the continuance of the very system that, left alone, would mutilate our book, and continue idiotic cultural and political policies that are opposed to what you stand for.
For there, you envision on the one hand the best possible book, content, production, et cetera; and as if to purposefully torment yourself, you also envision the opposing “gross practical product” that could possibly result—a product that would only mock by contrast the ideal that is also so vividly envisioned.
The concentration would also provide financial fruits. He would not be making money for both of you that would enable you to paint, etc., but losing it, if he allowed himself the freedom to run all over the place, take vacations, etc. [...]
Viewing you as he viewed himself, using the same logic, he was afraid however that basically you felt our work a detriment to your own, and that its success, while pleasing you on the one hand, might prevent you from success as an artist because you would not have the time, and that you would basically resent it. [...]
[...] But in his own way, and no matter how misguided, he was trying to pace himself and his temperament with yours, to play up those mental writing abilities that would help his career, and in which you took such pride—and while doing that, play down qualities that might distract you from your own work, by encouraging physical activities—parties, vacations, travelings, that would further take up your time, when you were already taking time away from your art to help him in psychic work.
[...] I told Jane I thought the book would be very successful.
She would feel quite trapped if you tried to do so, and in a rage, for you would have betrayed her. If you rose to take his place, then she would be driven to do her battle over. [...]
[...] For your mother it would represent nevertheless a betrayal on your part, for she would immediately realize that she had failed in the bitterest of terms, and to her the most ignoble of terms. This applying to her specifically, for she would win you when she was an old woman.
[...] Tonight Jane assumed I would want Seth to talk about my parents, but I told her Seth could discuss anything he wanted to. [...]
[...] The whole personality has to work these characteristics out in physical terms in order to discover through direct experience where they would lead.
(By way of reactions, we thought of improving our behavior in any such future encounters, insistently if necessary, and of preparing for them by informing would-be visitors that they’d have to read a selected list of books beforehand. We would add that the books alone would indicate how different our thinking was from the usual, and that the visitor wouldn’t find us agreeing with much of what they might want to say. Such an approach meant that we’d be hard to deal with, I suppose, but at least all would be forewarned.
[...] Enough people are interested, or the books would not be read, so emotion grows. Many of those people, however, in say businesses or professions, would automatically try to grasp the new ideas with one hand, while protecting themselves from any consequences with the other: “I know these ideas seem crazy, but -” or, in the case of your professor, “I collect my crazies, but those people are authentic.”
[...] He told us often that while he liked a good idea “no matter where it came from,” he wouldn’t use Seth’s name in conversations with others, but would try to work in Seth’s ideas under the guise of others’ works. [...]
[...] It fit in so well with the visit last Friday evening, concerning authority versus our interests, that I asked if Seth would comment on both the visit and that four-year-old session this evening.)
This however would involve many a nightly vigil. A better procedure would be to hypnotize a subject, and you would need a good one, and suggest that under hypnosis he repeat the dreams of the night before. There are many opportunities for an investigation of dreams along these lines, and the results would yield more legitimate information.
[...] Your scientists would learn more about the nature of dreams if they would but train themselves to recall their own dreams, and then study them in relation to their own normal activities and physical events.
(She had worked out a two-column system that seemed rather good to us, but neither of us had realized the very intense effort involved would be detrimental. Since Jane’s idea would involve listing the material in such a fashion twice a week, and thus keep her involved, we decided to drop the idea, at least for the moment.
[...] Actions are indeed being carried on, and actions which would be considered physical if the body was moving, and if the individual were awake. [...]
[...] We made various joking remarks about what would come next in the sessions, but I could see that Jane didn’t really feel humorous. Actually, Seth’s own book contained so many ideas for future sessions that our problem would be what to explore first — and we would have the unaccustomed opportunity to carry out these studies at our leisure.
Christ knew however, clairvoyantly, that these events in one way or another would occur, and the probable dramas that could result. [...] He would be sacrificed to make the old Jewish prophecies come true, and he could not be dissuaded.
I would like, therefore, to introduce you to yourself.
[...] The group responsible wanted it to appear that one particular portion of the Jews had crucified Christ, and never dreamed that the whole Jewish people would be “blamed.”
If you began to think in terms of beautifully produced books, without imagining impediments, then automatically the process would begin. You would be led to make proper suggestions, for example, ahead of time, or the creative process of someone in the art department would suddenly be stimulated to a new idea, or whatever. You would ignore any evidence to the contrary, except that you would recognize a gap to be creatively filled. [...]
[...] If you really learned to trust Framework 2, you would set your goals there, and trust that they would be as creatively manifested as your books or paintings. [...]
It would therefore be highly limiting for me to deliver our material in such a way that I emphasized those matters in which science might agree with my material. [...]
It is as if, now, the mental atmosphere was clearer—and you would find ideas flowing into your mind in those hours also, particularly with that playfully, now, in mind. [...]
(3:27.) A city might be overrun by rats, for example — a fine situation for the rats if not the populace — but the entire picture would include unrest in the populace at large, a severe dissatisfaction with social conditions, feelings of dejection, and all of those conditions together would contribute to the problem. [...] Nor are insects invulnerable to such conditions, in such an hypothesized picture (long pause). Actually, all forms of life in that certain environment would be seeking for a balanced return to a more advantageous condition.
[...] These would kill every flea in the house, supposedly. [...] Would this actually deprive them of a valuable symbiotic relationship? [...]
[...] Such children may not come down with the disease against which they are medically protected, then — but they may indeed therefore become “prey” to other diseases later in life that would not otherwise have occurred.
You may wonder why so many forms of life would be involved in what might seem to be self-destructive behavior, often leading to death — but remember that no consciousness considers death an end or a disaster, but views it instead as a means to the continuation of corporeal and noncorporeal existence.
In traveling through the states of consciousness, these other personalities would try to attain some focus and perceive your environment, trying to make sense of data with which they are largely unacquainted. Since many of them are unaware of your idea of time, they would find it difficult to understand that you perceive events with intervals between, and would not perceive the inner organization that you thrust upon your normal environment. [...]
[...] Peering at it from this angle, so to speak, you would not recognize it as your own home system. [...]
[...] If several happen to fall under one large subject heading, this would simply be a convenient way of handling it.
There was also, even then, in the back of your mind the feeling that personally you could use the sessions for information in which you were highly interested, and you suspected that Ruburt would not share the feeling, or would even unconsciously block it.
(There is some element of truth in the above; but also I feel that Jane would rather I wait until she has the book typed up perhaps halfway before I begin to read it. [...] I had the idea she would rather I didn’t interfere with the gestation of her books—at least this is the way my reading of them seems to have worked out in the past.)
[...] I would add however that for me to be asked occasionally would not be a sign that I was emotionally far away. [...]
[...] A list of the names would be interesting, I thought. [...] He now suggested I ask the question again later, saying the list would run several pages long. [...]
[...] I would like to suggest an experiment and I am suggesting it to you to see your reaction, like I couldn’t. I was really undecided whether to suggest it to Jane or to you, but you see like I’m kind of at an impasse because, like, there are a lot of words and a lot of concepts and philosophies bandied about, but when you make a claim you know such as that in as specific and nonconfusable terms such as that it would be very simple to demonstrate, and what I was wondering is, either now or at some time when Jane would agree to it, for instance, I brought some playing cards with me, ten cards...”)
([Ron:] “Well, I would disagree very much with that. If you are able to do what you know even to a limited extent what you claim that you are able to do, I would be completely dumbfounded. [...]
([Ron:] “Even though for myself, you know, for my own personal point of view it would be something that would be very relevant and particularly in terms of the way I relate into this situation.”)
I did not say you were evil and never would I say such a thing. [...]
[...] They did not know about Seth but were somewhat familiar with our work in ESP, and of course would learn of Seth’s existence when Jane’s ESP book is published. Probably we would have preferred that our friends, two young men and two young ladies, do more background reading before meeting Seth; on the other hand, with the coming publication of Jane’s book we have been somewhat curious as to the reaction of interested friends to Seth. [...]
[...] He answered the ones that would make sense to them offhand, and parried others or simply stated the answers would make no sense to them at the moment. [...]
There are some matters that I said we would discuss, concerning experiments in recording dreams via your recorder, using suggestion to awaken you after a dream sequence. I also told you that we would discuss some implications arising from the fact that Philip was able to hear my voice, and we shall not overlook these matters.
[...] The very motor responses demanded on the part of the body, and the extra arousal tendency, would force you to lose a great deal of valid material. I would much rather that you work less, if necessary, using the recorder in the bedroom, than work more intensively leaving the recorder in another room.
[...] I would be the perceptive mechanism in the other location while he would translate the perceptions and communicate them in physical terms. [In a usual out-of-body state it would be highly difficult for me, alone, to communicate my perceptions until I returned.]
[...] I have no doubt that if Rob had questioned me I would have been able to describe the room. [...]
[...] Had Rob asked questions about the room, or had someone asked again about the young man’s mother’s maiden name [asked earlier] I am certain that Seth could have given the information—that “I” would have gone out after it while he spoke and controlled the mechanism. [...]
(Seth mentioned a boy who sat in a third or fourth seat in a specific row also given—had he said, for example, fifth or sixth this would have been wrong since Pat told us the students only sit four down.
[...] Now at times his own overly-conscientious portions would agree quite heartily with Nebene’s dictates. [...] They would often seem so different from your own actions at a given time that he became highly confused, and distrusted his own reactions.
[...] On some occasions therefore his fears, and defense of you, would prevent excellent material, and at other times his fierce defense of himself would prevent it.
He felt much time wasted, but held off, seeing if an absence from sessions would help his health. [...] Ruburt knew this but would no longer give sessions because he felt forced to.
[...] He was afraid that spontaneity would cause him to color certain transcriptions from the past. [...]
[...] If you had accepted them, you would have ended up as replicas as you transferred into the images. Yet, what creativity and constructiveness you possessed would have softened the faces. You would be recognizable to friends but changes would be noted. The remark would be made that perhaps you didn’t seem the same, and with good reason.”
[...] Both of us wondered what would happen when—and if—we tried again. [...] Obviously we didn’t—yet our reactions were to color our activities for the next several years, and greatly influence the direction in which I would allow my own psychic abilities to operate.
[...] Now, what you would call the subconscious performs this task; not too well, since it was never meant to focus clear attention. [...]
[...] To back down now would result not only in business failure, but in a personal failure that would plague you for the rest of your life.
I will not dare to go into a general discussion on the subject of women, since Ruburt would really boil. I do not know why he would react in such a manner; only out of a mistaken sense of loyalty, I suppose.
[...] His job was not in jeopardy, but John was restless and needed changes; at the same time he felt he was not the stereotype personality his company demanded for district managers, which position would be the next step up for John in the drug company for which he worked. [...]
To back down would be disastrous. [...]
[...] Or he would not have any students left. I mean that literally, since in the beginning particularly you did not believe that any would last for any period of time. [...]
I would have come out more strongly in this regard in the past but Ruburt would not permit it. [...]
[...] Now, if you and Ruburt could agree on the sort of home you would like, and if you dreamed of it and thought about it specifically, you would have it.
[...] Instead if you find yourself thinking consciously about the limitations of your apartment, you would then substitute an image of this home, you would automatically be bettering your condition rather than maintaining it.