Results 1 to 20 of 328 for stemmed:water

TPS5 Jane’s Dream Friday, June 1 soapy bathtub shore sudsy water

All I recall is final scene. No idea how or why, but a large multitude of people including myself have come to the ocean shore. The sky is sudsy, like soapy clouds, mixing with the water. Some people are in a huge bathtub filled with hot soapy water. Another person says something I’ve forgotten to the idea that… the ocean water or sky, … were dangerous or maybe that it was lightening, but I dismiss this, stand in the bathtub and the water is great, hot and soapy. Then a man begins to recite a poem as he walks up and down the shore. The poem isn’t very good but I feel indulgent because his intentions are good....

ECS1 ESP Class Session, December 28, 1967 boy died water teach death

In past he also died by water. [...] They were not frightened of water. They trusted water. [...] Death by water in those days was an honor, death by land a disgrace. They considered water “Mother of all Earth.” [...]

I have no particular love for water so I can’t explain its meaning for him. [...]

TES8 Session 393 February 14 1968 boy died water teach death

In past he also died by water. [...] They were not frightened of water. They trusted water. [...] Death by water in those days was an honor, death by land a disgrace. They considered water “Mother of All Earth”. [...]

I have no particular love for water so I can’t explain its meaning for him. [...]

TES5 Session 216 December 9, 1965 roof painless brother debt needle

[...] The water was a beautiful light blue-green, almost like bathwater, and was extremely pleasant and comfortable. We were in a stream above a high and rapid waterfall, with the surface of the water about us broken by rocks. [...]

[...] I went deep down into the water at the base of the falls. [...] Still under water, I opened my eyes in plenty of time to see it ahead, and avoided hurting myself against its rough surface.

The second dream finds you both in water, headed toward a falls. [...] You are not hurt and you avoid a barrier that is in the water.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 18: Session 666, May 28, 1973 flood Pigs Joseph Cuba Bay

In other terms the flood waters became the waters of time, and of the passage of the phenomenal world.

[...] Since the Bay of Pigs, they had kept a small pantry of stocked food, pure water in old wine jugs, candles, and a transistor radio. [...]

[...] There was always a stock of candles and food and water. [...]

TES7 Session 285 September 12, 1966 Lodico abstracts geometric Colucci assumptions

(“A group of people, and connection with a boat perhaps, or water.” The boat and water part of this data refers to our Water Street address on the letter used as object; on past occasions Seth has expressed an interpretation of the Water Street address in this way.

[...] Perhaps with a water scene on it, or from a location by water.” [...] The water data arises because if the doctor does send me a card, it will be addressed to Water Street.

[...] Perhaps with a water scene on it, or from a location by water.

TES2 Session 69 July 8, 1964 apparition constructions water temperature cool

In fact, cotton soaked in this water, and applied upon the eyelids before psychological time experiments would be the most beneficial. Bathing in the water, as you will of course, will help you both. At some times the temperature of the water will be as low as 58 degrees Fahrenheit.

[...] The water, applied with cotton, will aid Ruburt’s eyes and help his eyesight.

(“Do you mean water from the faucet?”)

TES1 Session of January 4, 1964 cobbler Sarah Albert village bullets

(They didn’t have water to drink. [...] But they didn’t think it was healthy to drink water. [...] But they didn’t drink the water. [...] They made soups out of the water but never thought of drinking it. [...] They’d have had to dig down too far for water otherwise.

(But they boiled the water when they made soups and kept it cleaner that way. [...] So they were a lot healthier than other communities that actually had more water. These other places were sicker because the water was polluted. [...]

[...] The water was warm in the winter. [...]

TES8 Session 339 May 3, 1967 coastline garage dunes Chula Vista

[...] They are not far from water. There are not many structures between them and the water. [...]

[...] It seems clear of structures to the water. [...] The garage structure is now to my right, and behind it there are other structures leading down toward the water. [...]

TES3 Session 112 December 2, 1964 tree field reflections stationary mental

[...] The camouflage distortion is like the effect that water reflections have upon the image that falls across the water.

In your field, when the tree is reflected in the water, the tree itself is stationary. In our basic universe the tree, while remaining stationary, would nevertheless fall crashing into the water.

A tree reflected in the water is still the same tree, and unchanged as the mental act is unchanged. [...]

TES2 Session 65 June 28, 1964 land acre purchase house intimacy

[...] The house itself is good, for it is high and near water. You should be near water. [...] You should not buy a house, even with much land, that is not near water, for it will not content you and you will give it up. Water, that is a body of water, has value for the development of inner abilities.

[...] The house at which you looked is good, again, because it is on high ground, and because it is above and near water, and is without seepage. [...]

[...] Again, high ground is beneficial, and a hilltop arrangement such as this, with its proximity to water, is quite unusual.

TES7 Results of the Gallagher Test Session 294 October 17, 1966 statue verandah San commemoration indentation

(Peg and Bill note that if you substitute water tower for fountain, then everything else is correct, except that the date means nothing to them. Because of the water connection between water tower and fountain, this may be perfectly legitimate. 1461 means nothing, but we [Gallaghers] visited a water tower, circular, surrounded by flowers, we had to climb what is called the Queen’s staircase [steps] to get there. [...]

8:15, again by water, but this time in a more Spanish sort of environment. [...]

TMA Session Eleven September 15, 1980 resurrection Christ biblical ascension tomb

(One of the interruptions concerned the overflow of water from a cellar bathroom. Last night I’d discovered that a portion of the cellar floor — including the old “bomb shelter” where I keep our fan mail stored — was covered by a quarter inch of water —just enough to soak into the 2 by 4’s I have the cardboard boxes placed upon [to avoid water!]. If the wooden supports soak up enough water they can bleed into the very porous boxes. [...] The plumber cleaned out the house’s sewer line this afternoon, and I spent much time mopping up six full buckets of dirty water.

TPS3 Session 728 (Deleted Portion) January 8, 1975 authority unhappy economic hump bolstering

[...] He watered it, and it straightened up. So you must water him with your beliefs in health, and so he must water himself—and there is no impediment. [...]

TES6 Session 241 March 14, 1966 grave holly Ezra Gottesman leaf

[...] Suppose I am trying to give him the impression of a glass of water. It is fairly easy to insert the idea of water, but this may lead him personally to think of the Gulf of Mexico, or the ocean off of Marathon, or even of the Atlantic at York Beach. I will use his associations until I am certain that he has the concept of the word water, but precisely where he is about to say the ocean for example, and after having made use of his associations to get him to this point, I must suddenly make him say a glass of water.

[...] Is water somehow involved with Ezra’s grave? Is Seth clairvoyantly aware of water in, or near, the grave? [...]

[...] And perhaps water.

TPS7 Deleted Session June 5, 1982 finger darker powder calindula Hal

[...] Dissolve the powder in one-fourth of a glass of water and take a teaspoonful at 12-hour intervals. [...]

[...] We also soaked the finger briefly in warm water. [...]

[...] (Long pause.) Massage and warm water is of benefit—but of greatest benefit of course is the trust in the body’s processes, for then many healing procedures can continue, while fear of course slows down their effects. [...]

TES7 Session 319 February 13, 1967 canvas linen Tom glued Shop

(“A view of water.” [...] In Elmira the Art Shop is located on West Water Street, which parallels the Chemung River through the heart of the city. [...]

[...] From this room a large plate glass window looks down on West Water Street, and Tom is in the habit of watching the busy activities on the main street below. [...] Jane always waves to him whenever she walks down Water Street, which is at least three times a week.

[...] A view of water.

TES9 Session 454 December 7, 1968 Tam Eve control Irish figure

[...] All feelings are on the waters, you are above. Then imagine yourself walking on the water, listening with your inner ear and using inner eyes. [...]

[...] (A reference to projections.) You shouldn’t do these however until you have tried the water exercise at least 30 or 35 times.

(Seth has never suggested this water exercise to anyone else. [...]

TES3 Session 98 October 19, 1964 nodule arthritic wrist irritation injury

[...] In it he said that although he was not sure, he thought Jane’s schoolgirl friend, Marie Tubbs, now living in Florida, may have been in childbirth at the time of Jane’s dream, with a possibility that the water bag had broken during birth. The unifying symbol of the dream had been a tub, and water.

[...] She did say that in July she had been on a cruise to Bermuda, in which she, her husband and friends had been on or near the water for about ten days. And at the time of Jane’s dream, Marie said, hurricane Cleo had been descending upon them at Boynton Beach, and “we had plenty of water around then during the storm. [...]

[...] It was from this dream that Ruburt picked up the information connecting her friend with water.

TPS6 Deleted Session January 27, 1982 cottage Paul Neill explore willingness

[...] There are elements in it quite evocative of man camped about any lake, of his relationship with nature and with water, and with his sometimes seemingly contradictory desire to be apart from his fellows while still united somehow with a larger fellowship. It would give you the chance to explore different aspects of nature, quite simply, some different species of plants or animals, but one in which water itself is the ever-pervading main element. [...]

[...] A place of relative privacy, and yet one in which you would not be unknown or isolated, one in which in fact the 458 West Water Street connections would continue to operate, with Paul of course as mediator. [...]

In a fashion this would indeed represent a very desirable arrangement over a period of years, one that Ruburt could take advantage of, one that could serve you by also presenting you with a different framework through which to view your painting and visual world, one in which the idea of water as motion was always present. [...]

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