Results 981 to 1000 of 1884 for stemmed:was
(Jane’s voice was somewhat stronger and more forceful than usual, and quite serious.)
(At break reincarnation was naturally discussed, with Lillian voicing some doubts on this score. [...]
([Rob:] “What was his name?”)
[...] Before, his condition was the one area in which he was not creative, as far as his flexibility was concerned.
Three years ago there was no Cézanne or James books. There was no evidence of them—no stacks of paper, no contract. [...]
[...] The pattern was actually broken by the simple remark that you made earlier, that led Ruburt to think of the stool for dishes.
[...] Judy emptied Jane’s Foley, or catheter bag, Dorothy took her blood pressure and pulse, and Carla her temperature — 98.2. I did some more mail until Jane said she was ready for a session. [...] Jane’s Seth voice was a bit stronger than usual.)
[...] I was typing the session at 10:00 when she called with Carla’s help.
(Jane told me she’d had to have a new catheter inserted at 3:30 a.m. That part went okay, though she was quite uncomfortable by the time I got to 330 — generally uncomfortable, that is. [...]
(4:35 p.m. Jane’s delivery had been good, and I told her the session was excellent. [...]
[...] I dreamed he was taken very ill with heart trouble — that all he wanted to do was lay on his back in bed — I think in a trailer environment. His wife Margaret was there, and myself. [...]
[...] At 11:55 a.m., as I was waiting for a call from our lawyer, John Bumbalo, Joe’s son, called. [...] I was of course amazed, since the parents weren’t due back from Florida ‘till May.
(Jane’s Seth voice was a bit stronger than usual, more forceful, and with the usual pauses.)
(This session came through two days before I was to join a meeting of doctors, nurses, and other personnel at 11 AM, Tuesday, to see about arrangements for Jane to return home. I don’t know just when she’ll make it, but when this session was held she already knew that a return to the house was planned. [...]
[...] “I just tried to say what was there....”
[...] The distinction between man-animal and animal-man was not as clear as it is in your time. In some ways consciousness was more mobile, less centered, and more experimental. [...]
[...] It was, however, biologically locked into earthly existence, and so meant to understand its natural heritage. [...] Its survival was so linked to the rest of nature that it would of necessity always have to return to that base. [...]
[...] She was quite willing to continue the session, but I was tiring; we decided not to go on.)
[...] Jane’s rate of delivery this evening was rather slow.)
(Jane was fairly well out of it by 10 PM, although she still felt some effects. [...] Once again the voice was high and formal, but I thought not so distinct, not so distant. There was more of Jane’s regular voice in it, a touch of sleepiness.)
[...] However, she said she was not and hadn’t been, sleepy. [...] She was not frightened, and knew I would help her.
It was instrumental, with many other entities, in the early formation of energy into physical form. [...]
[...] Jane sat for a long time motionless in her rocker, eyes closed, as I waited to see whether she was taking a pause or a break. [...]
[...] She told me she felt cushioned and supported, and my estimate was that she was undergoing an increase in circulation, along other things, and that it was all to the good. [...] Her decision was very fortunate. [...] Jane was somewhat “out of it”, or better, by session time.)
[...] What was undone in several hours this evening took a year and a half to set up. Of course, it was precisely points involving motion that were impaired. [...]
One point: I said that your universe was safe. I never said that it was perfect.
[...] (One-minute pause, eyes closed.) Because you did succeed, our relationship was inserted into the past. [...] (Long pause.) The idea of counterparts was meant to lead you beyond time-oriented reincarnational ideas.
(Last August Jane received a letter from Nelson Hayes, who was one of her professors at Skidmore. Actually, it was a note from him to Prentice-Hall, asking for review copies of the Seth books, and that his note be forwarded to Jane. [...] This was before Seth began the Frameworks 1 and 2 material, I believe. [...]
[...] In the past you have been in the habit of putting off “distractions” until this or that book was finished until you were sure that you could cope with freedom. If Ruburt were better completely tomorrow, would he suddenly want to disrupt the whole applecart before “Unknown” was finished, and go to Florida?
His intent in Framework 2 was so clear that his creative spontaneity was retained to a large degree despite the blankets he threw upon it. [...]
[...] He felt he needed financial freedom in order to work, but in those terms work was equated with the Protestant work ethics, where spontaneity was frowned upon. [...]
[...] The end result however on both of your parts was the inhibition of emotional expression in your relationship, precisely in those most important areas where it was most needed.
Much of what you discussed today was discussed by me a good deal of time ago. [...]
[...] Because of his particular nature, these agreements on your part to avoid such issues, and the resulting lack of positive encounters, was more damaging to Ruburt.
Ruburt was correct then in those statements he made last evening, having to do with the balance of routine and spontaneity, for his nature does need both. [...]
(Jane seemed to feel somewhat better today, and she described the way she was now attempting to look at the world in general and her own situation in particular. I told her her attitude was a great improvement. [...]
(Once again, today her Seth voice was stronger than usual, with pauses.)
[...] Jane hadn’t seen that it was so late, she said.
[...] Therefore God was seen to be on the side of those who competed most strenuously, so that to be poor or sick was almost seen as a sign of God’s disfavor. [...]
(The day was warm — 50 degrees.
The whole idea was developed in the most mechanistic of terms, stressing competition among all aspects of life, pitting one life form against another, and using physical strength and dexterity, swiftness and efficiency, as the prime conditions for the survival of any individual or species.
[...] Not that she thought Seth was there to be seen, but she did sense something out of the ordinary. She knew the session was about to begin, and we hoped to learn something about this presence. The effort was cut short however by the arrival of company.
[...] It will also include in the opening chapter several occasions when I tried to reach Ruburt in the dream state, and the ways in which I was able to insert several ideas into his dreaming consciousness, and the ways in which the conscious mind utilized and distorted the information.
(She was aware, she said, of a pulsation within while dictating. It was definite but not very strong. [...] At break, now, she checked to see if this was the effect she had sensed, but it did not seem to be, although traffic does pass our house rather heavily at times.
(Once again the session was held in our back room, and Jane spoke sitting down and with her eyes closed. [...] Her voice was rather quiet, her delivery contained pauses as usual.)
[...] It was directed toward us and was to this effect: “Through action, see how I’m a part of you both now, and how foolish it is of you to worry about identities, when all identities are so bound together.”
(A note: After the session Jane told me that she knew what Seth was going to tell me when I had finished the painting under discussion. I asked Jane just how she knew this; was Seth telling me one thing, and Jane another; did Jane divine the information from Seth as he spoke through her, or what? [...] But as Seth told me about the painting Jane knew what he was to tell me.)
(As instructed, I gave myself suggestions for dream-projection recall, though I was tired. In the morning I was vexed to realize I had a memory of an experience involving Seth, but it was such that I couldn’t recall enough consciously to make notes.)
(Before the session tonight Jane and I discussed the excellent manner in which Seth was able to relate to the various people who have witnessed sessions. [...]
[...] As to your remarks of a few moments past: I always knew what I was up to in class.
[...] In other words, the uncommunicative male, who was afraid of open sentiment. The dream was in response to our last session, in part, and of your own musings as a result. [...]
[...] Jane was surprised at the quick end to the session, and I was willing to continue longer. [...]
[...] I guess the realization that the basic mistrust of one’s own nature could have such dire results was what triggered our conscious realization that we could do something about the whole business of symptoms, etc. Jane began to show results as we discussed the subject; after lunch, she was so loose, including her knees, that she wondered whether she could get to the john—which she did, by the way. [...]
(All of this sounds very simple in the telling, of course, but was opaque to us until we’d gone this far with the pendulum work, evidently. [...] The difference now, I told Jane, was that we were paying attention to those ideas.
(Today, even though she was so uncomfortable, Jane was still standing taller than she has done for a long time.)
(This rather humorous material from Seth was in reference to a talk Jane and I had, at my instigation, several days ago, when I idly speculated about asking Scott Meredith to personally represent us. I think I got off on that tack because I was concerned about getting money that Prentice had withheld against returns. [...]
The older man was the one you saw. The apples did provide the painting connection with the girl, and the dream was very simple—a distorted view into tomorrow’s mirror. [...]
(Recently Jane was told that a complete set of class tapes, with transcripts was being offered by someone on the West Coast for around $255.00 for 55 of them—$5.00 or thereabouts a tape. [...]
[...] I was glad to do it—and note that Jane’s class sessions usually are in marked contrast to those we hold for ourselves, for books or whatever in the future. [...]
(Jane’s voice was somewhat stronger and more forceful than usual, and quite serious.)
(At break reincarnation was naturally discussed, with Lydia voicing some doubts on this score. [...]
(This morning before the alarm rang, Jane found herself having an experience in which she was standing amid gray-white smoke. She knew she was not dreaming, and was possibly in a drowsy state again. [...]
(Jane’s pace tonight was much slower than the previous two sessions. [...] Her voice was average.)
The previous overviolent response was caused by a difficulty, among other things, in handling chemical changes, both in the atmosphere and in the physical body. The difficulty, however, was caused by a psychological tension, and an inability to utilize added energies.