
Results 1301 to 1320 of 1884 for stemmed:was

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: April 25, 1984 flea rats diseases inoculations autobiography

[...] Before he did Seth Speaks, she was scared Seth couldn’t write a book. [...] Jane had felt that I was disappointed by the publication of her novel, The Rebellers — and correctly so. [...]

[...] But she said she was often careful about what she said to me, so that she wasn’t always dumping on me when I came to the hospital. [...] There was more.)

(No session was held. [...]

(Jane was blue and uncomfortable this morning: “What a way to live,” she said. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 23, 1977 confidence anxiety Carroll ingrained behavior

[...] During his nap, further important release took place, but it was accompanied by uncomfortable sensations with his eyes. The resulting release of muscular tension was definitely obvious to him, and reflected not only in the neck or head area, but also in the important knee areas, and traveling to the ankles.

[...] However, since the session was short. [...]

Ruburt was quite instantly aware of his own reaction, and the several hours it took him to regain some sense of confidence. [...]

[...] The head motion to the right was improved, the shoulder areas further released, the jaws also—and those releases pulled out, so to speak, to the hip areas. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 4, 1984 devotedness panic moaning sniffles ham

(I got to 330 at 12:05, just as Jane was taking her Darvoset. [...]

[...] She again could not tell me what their source was, although we were pretty sure the same things were involved — mostly her mother. [...]

(I too was upset and half angry. [...]

(Carla helped Jane call me at 9:05 p.m., just as I was finishing this session. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, May 5, 1970 Gert Florence Arnold Doug Brad

[...] Now you could not for he is resting and he deserves it—but it was your fear that prevented your receiving the proof of the immortality of his personality. There was nothing to fear. He was trying to tell you that he was free and to do it by a characteristic gesture that you would understand. [...]

(Gert was asking about conversing with Seth, truth, etc.)

[...] There is not one small vestige within your physical body at this moment that was within it eight years ago. [...]

(Gert [was] talking about teaching the Creed.)

TPS7 Deleted Session November 8, 1982 Roe bedsores Peggy nurse Kardon

(On her regular Friday-afternoon visit, Peggy and Jane and I waited for Roe, who was scheduled to visit—but Roe, mysteriously, never showed up. [...] In some strange way it was as if the whole episode, with its obviously negative implications, never had even been mentioned. [...]

[...] I was keeping the blessings of Framework 2 in mind. [...]

[...] I also stressed how important it was for us not to be bothered by, or even respond to, any negative suggestions unwittingly given by the nurse, Peggy. [...]

[...] It was much better than I’d dared hope. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, January 26, 1971 Joel sacred Sue Molly potentials

(To Molly.) I was telling you that it will take awhile to admit that what we are saying in class is a fact that applies to your life, and that it will take you awhile to become acquainted with your own probable reality for you have a very strong existence in a particular probable reality, and you are aware of it to some extent in some of your dreams but you often forget these. [...] Now that was behind my statement. [...] I said it was not apparent that you were giving strong energies to your husband and that the relationship, to that extent, could appear deceptive. [...]

[...] Now our friend Ruburt put up a fine battle but it was sad to see for it was not necessary and neither is yours. [...]

[...] Ruburt was speaking of commitment, the commitment there is as complete. [...]

I merely said I was taking a break. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 914, May 7, 1980 retarded technology species values council

[...] My first thought was to recast his subjunctive mood in the next paragraph entirely in the present tense. My second thought was to leave the paragraph as it is—but to add the two bracketed inserts for greater clarity. [...]

[...] But that intent was sabotaged because the philosophy behind it denied the validity of the very subjective values that give man his reason for living. Because those values were forgotten, life was threatened.

[...] Actually, she was twice irritated. [...]

[...] I saw the last few minutes of the program: At a large open-air site, a medium, evidently speaking for “a great council” sitting on one of the outer planets like Saturn or Uranus, was delivering a ringing, generalized message to us earthlings. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session March 4, 1981 hypothetical accomplishments portrait writer composite

(10:05 PM Jane was out of trance at once. and I could tell that she was pleased that she’d held the session. I told her it was excellent—that we ought to paste it on our foreheads and memorize it, along with last Monday’s session.)

[...] I also was curious as to what he’d say about my speculation that the symptoms themselves might actually be one of her main challenges in this life.

[...] Mass Events was supposed to come out on March 13, but this date is evidently in error, since we’ve just learned we won’t see front-matter proofs until next week. [...]

[...] You looked out at the world through the eyes of a painter—but it was more than a painter’s world you saw (a great line, as Jane said). [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 818, February 6, 1978 realms motes dust Weathermen storm

(No session was held last Wednesday night because Jane and I were so busy checking the copyedited manuscript for James. [...] It was raging stronger than ever as we sat for the session at 9:15; drifts were piled several feet high against the northern side of the house, and against our new screened-in back porch facing the west. [...]

[...] But [this was] then carried over so that you wanted to keep your Roman (reincarnational) world and this [present] one separate and not merge them through association — as you did — so that it was difficult to know this when you did your sketches. [...]

(11:15 P.M. “Boy, I really felt different while that was going on,” Jane said as soon as she was out of trance. [...]

On a very few occasions over the past years, before a session Ruburt has felt a distance between us, or that our material was not quite ready. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session January 5, 1979 moral conscientious typeface judgment pedantic

[...] After lunch I had her call Ethel Waters at Prentice-Hall to tell her everything was okay, simply to get rid of the worries about the book. [...]

[...] Many others had obviously thought the typefaces chosen for Volume 2 were okay, I said, so what was I doing, worrying about something like that, wanting to tell others how to do their jobs? [...]

[...] By the time she called me to sit for it, it was 8:35—and her mood had changed. [...]

When I said it was not rational (in the 367th session), I spoke relatively speaking. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 12: June 19, 1984 Norma Joe segments schizophrenic chocolate

(The hospital was hardly a quiet place, what with fire trucks and police cars pulling up beneath our window with sirens screeching and wailing, and with people in the hall outside 330 pushing carts that rattled and sounded like a bushel of pots and pans jouncing around — all of this as Jane was ready to begin the session. [...]

[...] Her temp was up again — 99.4 — and no one knew why. There was much vehicle noise below our window. [...]

[...] They asked what my favorite cake was while telling me theirs — and I said chocolate with chocolate icing.

Her trend of memory will go back to the last time that she was in charge of consciousness, and she will have — or may not have — any idea of the existence of Norma A at all. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 19, 1983 lunch shoulders straighten hydro foot

(The day was warm—50 degrees—and rainy and cloudy. [...]

(However, her new lower teeth were bothering her a great deal; her mouth was so sore she couldn’t eat part of her lunch. [...]

[...] Lunch was finished much later than usual. [...]

[...] He was able to hold the small green plastic bowl with much more confidence this morning—to hold it evenly (Jane didn’t tell me about that, either). [...]

SDPC Epilogue — A Personal Evaluation interior apport flavor provided alertness

Since this book was not devoted exclusively to projections, I did not include those embarked upon from waking or trance states, though some of these provided excellent “evidence.” In them, however, my own consciousness was still physically oriented since I “went out” to check the reliability of my perceptions against physical reality.

[...] I relied largely on my own simply because I was intimately familiar with the subjective feelings involved in each case and did not want to depend upon reports that were necessarily secondhand.

The nature of this book also meant that the Seth material was chosen exactly because it related to subjective experiences such as dreams and consciousness. [...]

TES3 Session 91 September 23, 1964 club landlord gallery unscheduled autumn

[...] Her pacing was also faster, her eyes dark as usual.)

Earlier he was not yet ready, for various reasons.

[...] It will also be recalled that in several different sessions Bill was counseled by Seth to live alone, lest he suffer a recurrence of his lung trouble.)

[...] Jane was dissociated as usual. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 2, 1977 Superman Kent Clark anxiety congested

[...] Seth’s material this evening was making me wonder if my notes were going to be detrimental in that work. But I was also simply curious about whether “Unknown” Reality was going to do as well as the other Seth books.

[...] That was an acceptable way of using your abilities, but your adolescent mentality was the usual adult mentality, and so you grew out of the framework.

(1. More on my stomach, which though it may have eased off in its discomfort a little, still was too bothersome.

[...] But even from the beginning you knew it was a transitory part of your development.

TES7 Gene Asks About Past Lives Gene illusion game Shiva relevant

[...] I used the word “utopia" earlier and this was meant to be a utopia. The land was not jungle, a barren area, a dry river, members recruited from an army. [...]

[...] If you realized thoroughly that your physical world was an illusion, you would not be experiencing sense data.

[...] Seth admits he is part of the game and was, in a sense, created by Gene. [...]

[...] That was the comment to Siddhartha.”)

TES8 Session 353 July 17, 1967 cupboard slept Peter Wisconsin laundromat

Now, he thought as a child that every night was literally a death, and every dawn literally a rebirth. He was terrified that his mother had died during the night when he was very young, and could not help him. [...] For in those hours he saw himself crippled as she was, and a stone about your neck.

There was too the need to be alert and awake to protect himself. [...]

Basically however you see he has lived through the night; the feared death was powerless against him. [...]

UR1 Preface by Seth preface Roberts unknown n.y metaphysics

[...] (To make the record complete, it should be noted that Jane’s first book on psychic phenomena was How to Develop Your ESP Power. It was published in hardcover and paperback editions in 1966 and 1974, respectively, by Frederick Fell Publishers, Inc., New York, N.Y. 10016. Then in 1976 it was issued in paperback by Pocket Books, New York, N.Y., 10020, under a new title: The Coming of Seth.)

(The circumstances surrounding Jane’s delivery of Seth’s Preface, while she was in trance, are given in the 685th session for February 25, 1974, in Section 1. After a break midway through the session, Seth began the material below at 10:57 P.M. He always indicates each word, phrase, or sentence to be underlined. [...]

[...] She was led to develop her own, therefore, and this book is an extension of certain ideas already mentioned in Adventures in Consciousness.3 To write that book, Jane Roberts drew on deep resources of energy.

Man thought once, historically speaking, that there was but one world. [...]

TES9 Session 429 August 14, 1968 entity sepia analogy intensities nontime

Suffice it to say, I was not annoyed. [...]

[...] This was not because the discussion had upset her, but because it had fired her up. [...]

[...] You would not understand what was going on, nor see the inner logic within.

[...] My original question, which Seth has been discussing ever since, was: “What does the new personality, the larger Seth, think of our time system? [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 3: Session 617, September 25, 1972 core beliefs invisible reinforce illness

[...] They flew low, I thought, their formation unbalanced — one tail of their inverted V was much longer than the other; inside the V, as though being protected, flew a small group that was not in formation.

[...] In the meantime there was stress, but it was creative.

[...] I took the flight as another sign of nature’s amazing variety and vitality — a strong reminder of values I was afraid we humans often denigrated.

(Jane’s delivery as Seth was fast from the beginning of the session.)

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