Results 1201 to 1220 of 1884 for stemmed:was
[...] Jane was out of trance quickly. She remarked that she was certain that as Seth she could see better without glasses than she could see without glasses as Jane. [...]
[...] Nor was I very swift in thinking of questions.)
[...] Jane was well dissociated; she thought that perhaps ten minutes had passed, where actually 20 minutes had gone by.
(A note: I must write that not only was I surprised that Seth opened the session with an analysis of the dream, but that I was even more surprised with the generous connotations he ascribed to it: I may love my fellow man, but often times feel that that feeling is compromised by events in our world, even though I fully acknowledge my own part in helping create that world in the most intimate detail. [...]
[...] The individual would be called ill for thinking the world was against him, but the organization’s similar beliefs would be more unthinkingly accepted because of its sheer size and power in the society.
(I was surprised when Seth began this evening’s session with material on the dream—but also pleased. [...]
[...] Behind all of his carryings-on there was a strong quality of compassion that he found most difficult to express.
Man became aware of his state of grace when he lived within the dimensions of his consciousness as it was turned toward his new world of freedom. When he did not violate, he was aware of his own grace. [...]
[...] Jane was out of trance quickly. Surprisingly, she had been bothered by the music from below, muted as it was; she has very acute hearing. [...]
[...] Jane didn’t have “the slightest glimmering of what that was all about.” Since she was so curious, I read the last few paragraphs to her. [...]
[...] Seth’s manner was quiet to begin with this evening.)
Today my wife was once again very much at ease for most of a day—so much so, in fact, that she slept several times. [...] Now she was nervous, for she felt that Seth was ready to dictate his Preface for Dreams.
(9:56 P.M. “I could feel him around when I was doing the supper dishes,” Jane said as soon as she was out of trance. [...] Was it good?”
[...] I have already given the title, and at another level of consciousness Jane Roberts was able (12 days ago, for example) to perceive some glimpses of some of the subject matter that will be included here. [...]
[...] You will always have to wonder about a kind of mechanical birth of the universe—and it will indeed seem as if your own world was made up of the spare parts that somehow fell together in just such a fashion so that life later emerged.
By this time it was somewhat later in the day. [...] There was a letter written the morning before (on Friday) by the same friends that had [...] From the way the letter was written, it seemed as if the friends—call them Peter and Polly—had already started on their journey that (Saturday) morning, and would stop in Elmira on their return much later toward evening. There was no time to answer the letter, of course.
Ruburt was well prepared for the call by then, and for the visit. [...] More is involved than the question: Did he perceive his information directly from the minds of his friends, or from the letter itself, which had already been mailed, of course, and was on its way to Ruburt at the time?
Now: Again, master events are those that most significantly affect your system of reality, even though the original action was not physical but took place in the inner dimension. [...]
[...] Ruburt found himself wishing that the friends lived closer, and he was suddenly filled with a desire to see them. [...]
[...] This was the first time I’ve had such an experience. The voice was coming from the area of the room next door or just beyond, but also from above; like out of the sky or something. [...] I tried to understand what was said. [...] It seemed that Seth was really laying it on somebody. At first I thought he was angry, but then I realized I was interpreting the power of the voice that way. This wasn’t part of a dream, but I awakened almost at once as I tried to make out the words. [...] The sound was like a supervoice; maybe like Nature speaking, or something, not the way a person would speak.”)
[...] In these terms the real environment will be that which was generally perceived by the natural inhabitants of the system.
[...] His material was for Jane, and grew out of the paper she wrote this afternoon on Eastern religious thought [see Appendix 15]. [...]
[...] She was a male at that time, however, and you were a female and a priestess. So was your friend (Bert C.). As a male in that life she had an expanding effect upon your personality, but you were very given to ritual and a belief in magic acts, and to the idea that existence in itself was evil and wrong. [...]
(Gnosticism was a selected system of religion and philosophy, uniting features of Platonism, orientalism, Christianity, and dualism. [...] In all of them its central doctrine held that knowledge — gnosis — was the means of salvation from the tyranny of matter, more than philosophy or faith.
[...] This was followed by a discussion of the data Seth introduced in last week’s class session, concerning the pulsating nature of atoms and molecules — and this in turn led to the consideration of possible origins for the so-called flying saucer phenomena.)
[...] You are terrified of the idea that evil is more powerful than good, that one stray violent thought of yours was more important and powerful than the vitality of good. [...]
In its way the nighttime visitation was even more mysterious, for that time I looked up at a starlit but moonless sky that didn’t have a cloud in sight — and heard this multitudinous sound moving across it. The night was chilly. Jane was sleeping. All of the qualities of the birds’ flight were heightened for me by its very invisibility, for while I actually saw no geese at all, that sound was everywhere. [...]
[...] (See the Introductory Notes.) I don’t know that I was that daring, but I was persistent despite the hesitations and misgivings. [...]
(In the 82nd session, which was held on the evening of August 27, 1964, Seth said: “When man realizes that he, himself, creates his personal and universal environment in concrete terms, then he can begin to create a private and universal environment much superior to the [present] one, that is the result of haphazard and unenlightened constructions.
[...] When I get that feeling of psychological multiplicity, I realize that the goal I had in mind was at least somewhat realized.
[...] She quenched doubts that she was not good enough to succeed, or that it was too difficult to get ahead in show business. [...]
[...] True or false, we wonder: There never was any danger that the bubble of radioactive hydrogen gas in the core of the disabled reactor would explode; there never was any danger of a meltdown of the core’s uranium fuel; an act of sabotage against the reactor’s primary cooling system set in motion the whole chain of unfortunate events, with their national and worldwide repercussions….
(Jane held the session later than usual this evening because at 9:00 we began watching the first half hour of a made-for-television movie that was aired on one of the major networks. [...]
One evening, in this very [living] room, a small group was assembled not too long ago. [...]
(The last session we presented in Mass Events, the 841st, was held on March 14. [...] Going over these two sets of material was routine; nothing had to be returned, and in each case Jane called Tam Mossman at Prentice-Hall to give her approval and to make a few suggestions for changes. [...]
(Actually, the session might better be called a Jane/Seth session, in that Jane’s own consciousness was often uppermost, riding upon Seth’s underlying and steadying influence. [...] As we sat at the kitchen table discussing her work, Jane felt that she could go into a trance state that was her own for a change, instead of being in “just” a Seth trance. [...]
(Wednesday’s session, the 579th, was held for a husband and wife who have an acute problem involving one of their children. [...] We learned later that Seth’s material was very helpful.
[...] This was the end of the material on Seth’s book. The balance of the session was taken up with personal material. [...]
[...] The session was held in my studio once again.
[...] Jane’s pace was alternately fast and slow.)
[...] Jane said she felt Seth wanted this material to be very clear to us, and so was proceeding step by step. He was, she said, having a hard time presenting it. [...] Since we had dispensed with taking messages through the board in the main, this session was the slowest-paced one to date. [...]
[...] If you were, or if man A was blind, he would not see the tree in question. [...] If you remember, I mentioned earlier that your outer sense of touch was extremely immediate, in a way that sight was not, and I also gave you immediacy as one of the qualities of the inner senses.
(Jane said that once again she had stage fright, a feeling of apprehension and wonder, just before the session was due to begin. The thought that she would soon begin talking on some question of philosophy, etc., “when you don’t have an idea in your head,” was still amazing to her. [...]
(Jane had no voice phenomena this session, nor any changes in her hands; the same rings she was so troubled by last session bothered her not at all this time. [...]
[...] Some of the data was very clear, she said, but she spoke so rapidly I did not take notes. Most of it was precognitive, involving Detroit to some extent and a group of men there; although the data was quite clear to Jane, John could offer little help re interpretation.)
(John Bradley was a witness to the session, and part of the material deals with John’s relationship with his employer, Searle. [...]
(“Can you tell us when this was?”)
The psychic development was hardly as alien to him as he supposed. The workings of the personality led to the science fiction direction, and could have short circuited him, ending far before the inner goal was even glimpsed. [...]
[...] I am more solidly here in our sessions now (smile, eyes open) than I was permitted to be in the past. [...]
An individual who has survived physical death can if he wishes recreate any portion of his own past as it was. [...]
[...] She knows nothing about math, and said the personality was pushing her “like mad” to try to get her to do it right. [...] Jane said that each number in the front row was in the middle of an endless row, from left to right. [...]
[...] As usual the voice was high and thin, very clear but distant, and with many pauses at times. [...]
(At 9:18 Jane told me she was starting to get the “pyramid feeling.” [...]
[...] She then tied this in with an unpleasant episode in the past where there was trouble with another sister-in-law, and this brother-in-law, and thought that the money would now make this sister-in-law sit up and wonder about her own actions in the past.)
(Refers to another sister-in-law of Peg’s, who was ill; no connection in particular though.)