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(Also November 9, Monday, 7 PM: In doze, asked silently if I was being warned about a death. If so whose? If not, what was the message? Few seconds later I saw a brown hand mirror held out. I saw it edge on. I got scared, wouldn’t look, I guess afraid I’d see my own face. As it vanished it occurred to me that the face wouldn’t have to be mine. Upset. Checked with the pendulum. It said warning was of my mother’s death, in December. And that the psychological time experiences, today and Friday, were connected with the warning from Helen McIlwain. Linda was not involved. Don’t know how trustworthy the pendulum is.)
The sensation occurred mere seconds before the outward rush, but provided just enough of a dim warning to the ego. The ego could not prevent the outward rush. It did not react in time. The warning was not therefore sufficient from the ego’s standpoint. It yelped and pulled the escaping inner self back by its imaginary coattails.
Quietly but firmly, without antagonizing the ego further, Ruburt quieted it down by the suggestion of safety and slow motion; as you suspected the slow motion suggestion and/or coupled with the cautionary warning, was interpreted rather expertly, that is slyly, by the subconscious, which then waited a good interval of several hours before trying again.
(November 9, Monday, 11:30 AM: Lightness etc., good state. Had upsetting dream last night. Asked about it mentally during session. Can’t remember whether the following vision happened before or after request, but think after. Saw two nurses, or a doctor and nurse, in white. Heard conversation. Forget some, but got the words, “Well, she’s coming out of shock.” They were looking down at bed or table, which also seemed to be my own observation point of them. Very quick duration. No feeling of danger on my part during experience. Since last night’s dream involved, I think, a warning of a woman’s death, then the affair seems to tie in. But am cautious in attempting to interpret such data.
The illness did represent, however, a needed warning, materialized into physical reality as illness. A warning that after all there had been a recent tendency on your part, though slight, to slide into negative thinking. [...]
(Also about my illness: Seth doesn’t like to give warnings of future events, particularly when they may be only strong possibilities, yet avoidable. [...]
[...] But indeed we have here quite a practical application, and I intend to go into other earlier symptoms that should have, and did not, give you warning.
[...] I am extremely cautious as far as giving warnings, since suggestion could play a part in bringing about the event which looms, merely as an unfortunate possibility, but not definitely as an actuality.
Such warnings were either given in the dream state of the earthmen, for the reasons given, or often in some secluded place, for often the visitors would be attacked. [...] Often warnings of disaster were not followed. Some warnings were misunderstood, then, as punishment by the gods for (in quotes) “moral misdoing.”
[...] Civilizations were often warned in advance of natural disasters that were apparent to the visitors with their greater viewpoint.
[...] Then sometimes without warning the frightened, inactive portion of the personality will take over the normal abilities of consciousness — acting depressed, taciturn, and communicating very poorly with others.
Then, however, perhaps with no warning, he may suddenly refuse to make love with his wife, become hostile with his children, stop off for a few drinks after work, before supper, or even begin seeing a prostitute, or begin an affair — often with a woman he considers beneath his own station.
[...] Seth’s information on the oil warning light is also apparently correct, for when the garage checked the oil level it was quite low. I usually make a point of watching this closely, and it is interesting to speculate as to how I failed to see the warning light go on, since it is situated on the dash in front of me. I had the oil checked immediately after I became aware that the warning light was on. [...]
[...] And I would warn you, though I am aware of the power of suggestion you see, and would be under such circumstances extremely careful less the warning itself act as a negative suggestion.
If it appeared necessary however I would warn you, and give instructions as to how it could be best avoided. [...]
When we hesitate, hold back, falter, when we hold back energy in the hopes of saving it, when we allow fear rather than trust to guide our activities, when the quality of our lives becomes less than we know it should be—then warnings flash. [...] This has happened in many people’s lives—and so recently the same kind of warning recently appeared in my own life.
Now there were invading forces from the north and you moved ahead of them, warning the people; and sometimes because of your clairvoyant abilities you could tell just where the invading forces would be in a particular area. And so finally you warned the people, and so the people moved ahead of the forces.
(Long pause.) People have been taught that their bodies are a kind of battleground, and that they must be in a constant state of readiness lest they be attacked or invaded by alien germs or viruses or diseases that can strike without warning.