5 results for stemmed:vortex

TES9 Session 442 October 14, 1968 circle triangle vortex spirals Freudenberger

There are several points I would like to make concerning psychological identity. For the sake of analogy only now, imagine your present self at the center of a circle of endless spirals. You are yourself, and yet one of the spirals that form the circle. You are a vortex for the circle. You do not have to contact it nor its other spirals, in that you already belong to it.

Now the same is true of other portions of your entity, if you consider any other given portion as being the vortex of its own circle. In any psychic investigations or endeavors you will often gain assistance and support from those others who make up the circle of which you are a part.

(9:49. Jane easily emerged from a deep trance, she said. She said she didn’t feel like delivering any more emotional material at the moment. She had internal images or visions of the circles and vortexes as Seth spoke, but she could not now put these into words. They also changed as Seth continued discussing the analogies involved.

TES9 Session 450 November 20, 1968 Pius Carl encyclopedia creaked guy

The vortex disturbs the speed of light, or moves up through...

[...] Then the center is the vortex,” and Jane made a pointing gesture into the middle of the image she had been drawing in the air, eyes closed.)

In the heart of the vortex, integers fall apart. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 17 Nicoll Sue bitter probable Carl

[...] As I did this, suddenly a concise clear stream of words came through my head: “Great as these things are, there is a totality of experience and sensation that includes them all, a vortex that contains and transforms these infinite parts.”

Great as these things are, there is a totality of experience and sensation that includes them all, a vortex that contains and transforms these infinite parts. [...]

[...] The act of crossing will be reflected in a million other worlds, but these reflections will be themselves alive and the act of perceiving itself will create still another vortex of actualization.

SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 581, April 14, 1971 particles ee faster m.h units

[...] The inner vortex of some such particles has a much greater velocity than the orbiting portions. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 920, October 6, 1980 magical Iran schizophrenia approach debased

[...] I speculated that the overall revolutionary and fundamentalistic consciousness of Iran is like a creative vortex, surrounded by other great national consciousnesses that are strongly resisting its policies for their own creative religious and political reasons. [...]