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TES4 Session 153 May 10, 1965 tension landscape action creation ego

(Among others, see the following sessions: 136 to 139 in Volume 3.)

(See the 136th and 137th sessions, among others in Volume 3.)

DEaVF1 Chapter 1: Session 882, September 26, 1979 evolution creationism universe evolutionists creationists

[...] Her little essay is given as Note 2. Then see Note 3 for my own comments about evolution as I discussed that subject in Volume 2 of “Unknown” Reality.)

I had finished Appendix 12 for Volume 2 of “Unknown” Reality by August 1977. [...]

NoME Part One: Chapter 2: Session 815, December 17, 1977 television actors programs Framework screen

(As of now: I’m practically through with the appendixes for Volume 2 of “Unknown” Reality — which means I still have a number of notes to write for the book’s sessions per se, as well as much work to do for the Introductory Notes and the Epilogue. [...] Sue has also agreed that next year she’ll start helping me type my notes and appendix material for Volume 2 of “Unknown.”

TES4 Session 197 October 11, 1965 electromagnetic test Peggy identity dog

(Again, see sessions 120-127, in Volume 3, for material on the electromagnetic field and related subjects.)

(See the 125th session in Volume 3, among others.)

DEaVF2 Poems by Jane Roberts, with Commentary by Robert F. Butts poem lord commentary humbly nuzzled

[...] In one way they’re like casual jottings that she left half finished and unseen in her journals, until I found them when I began searching for fresh material for the frontmatter of this Volume 2 of Dreams. [...]

UR2 Appendix 16: (For Session 711) sidewalks city theater traps beloved

[...] There, I hope, you will work at developing skills, in terms of the dream-art scientist (for instance; see Session 700 in Volume 1 of ‘Unknown’ Reality), and learn other professions than the ones you now know.”

TES5 Session 233 February 14, 1966 Linda six wedding groom marriage

[...] see Volume 1.)

(For an idea of the complexity implied here,in Volume 3 see the 88th session, in which Seth goes into the structure of the subconscious to some degree.)

[...] See Session 169 in Volume 4.)

TES8 Session 356 July 27, 1967 Stephen Ferd Pete Australian Osburn

(Jane’s voice fairly good.) We shall not try to shatter the windows, with the volume (deeper) of our voice. [...]

(Jane’s voice, while fairly strong, didn’t approach the volume and power she has displayed upon occasion.)

TES4 Session 191 September 22, 1965 Blanche pseudoimage landscape waterfall landlord

[...] The rate at which it is expended controls the volume of the voice. [...]

[...] See my Introduction, plus various sessions, in Volume 1.

DEaVF2 Chapter 12: Session 941, February 8, 1982 nuclear Iran tmi reactor Russia

[...] After that will come the job of typing the finished manuscript for this massive two-volume work; I do not know when I’ll have it ready for our publisher. [...]

In Volume 1 of Dreams, see the first session in the Preface. [...]

[...] In Chapter 1 of Dreams, in Volume 1, see Session 884 for October 3, 1979.

[...] I have yet to begin the work of copying, however, although I hope to start it soon now that I can see an end to my involvement with Dreams. In Chapter 2 of Dreams, in Volume 1, see Note 1 for Session 887, which Jane delivered in December 1979.

TES6 Session 247 April 2, 1966 Marian tumor shrink ovarian Spaziani

[...] See Volume 5.

TES9 Jane’s Notes Tuesday October 22, 1968 giant pyramid peering massive shrinking

[...] Objects were actually sensed as shapes and forms of volume and weight (?) not sure of weight. [...]

TES3 Session 101 October 28, 1964 fifth dimensional dimensions midplane resistances

[...] See Volume 1, page 8. This first session material was given to us through Frank Watts, however. [...] See the 85th session, Volume 2, page 336, for Seth’s statement concerning the Frank Watts material.)

DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 884, October 3, 1979 particles meson protons smaller eccentric

1. In Volume 1 of “Unknown” Reality, I wrote in Note 7 for Session 681 that atoms are “processes” rather than things. [...]

[...] See Session 682 for Volume 1 of “Unknown” Reality.

DEaVF2 Chapter 11: Session 936, November 17, 1981 conserving Iran Iraq Moslem nostalgia

Right after that Sue Watkins called from her home in upstate New York to tell us that she’d just received from Prentice-Hall her first printed copy of Volume 2 of Conversations With Seth. [...]

[...] I’ve presented this cluster of material in the frontmatter for Volume 1 of Dreams. [...]

Jane and I thought it most interesting that within 29 days [in October] various events—the arrival of Volume 2 of Conversations, Jane’s coming through with her “attend” material and poetry, the visit of her former students, and even her contentions with Magical Approach—had helped her rejuvenate her sense of physical ease and well-being on at least three separate occasions. [...]

7. In Chapter 2 of Dreams, in Volume 1, see Note 1 for Session 885, which we held on October 24, 1979. [...]

TES6 Session 245 March 28, 1966 vaccine Wyoming polio Lucy family

(See page 18 in this volume, and page 275 in Volume 5.

[...] See Volume 1.

UR2 Section 6: Session 732 January 22, 1975 counterparts Peter family Henry Ben

7. In Volume 1 of “Unknown” Reality, see the Sumari material and references in Appendix 9, and notes 2 and 3. In Volume 2, Seth discussed the Sumari language at 11:18 in the 723rd session; also see notes 9 and 11.

[...] As she’s done before (in Volume 1, see the opening notes for Session 692, with Note 2), Sue produced some excellent writing on matters psychic — this time on possible variations within the counterpart relationship. [...]

UR1 Appendix 9: (For Session 690) Sumari sexuality song passivity female

[...] (And, I can write later, Seth expands his family-of-consciousness material considerably in Session 732, Section 6, Volume 2 of “Unknown” Reality.)

UR2 Appendix 25: (For Session 732) counterparts Norma Herriman Peter Granger

[...] See the material on the double dreams of Sue Watkins, Lee R. Gandee, and myself in Session 692, with its Note 2, for Volume 1 of “Unknown” Reality.

TSM Chapter Four voice counteraction Rob parapsychologist hoarseness

“Looking at Jane and knowing her natural feminine voice so well, I had to think twice to realize that this other new voice was issuing from her in such volume, and with no strain at all. [...]

[...] Rob told me about the heavy masculine voice with its astonishing volume, and all around me I felt this high energy and great humor as if an invisible Seth were sitting there, smiling, ready to start a friendly chat.

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