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DEaVF2 Chapter 11: Session 937, November 19, 1981 Floyd raccoon chimney genetic coon

[...] In Note 1 for that session I described a most vivid dream experience—one in which, Seth told me in the session itself, I had viewed the many-faceted light of my own being and of the universe. [...]

[...] Right now I’m really blue, my eyes operating poorly; tears warmly close; yet enjoying the dark sky and street as rain threatens… the view of the mountains afforded by the windows; the rock music on the radio; the odd remaining odor of door varnish—deeply loving all of it yet swept through with something like nostalgia. [...]

TES3 Session 111 November 30, 1964 universe threefold correlations systems distortive

[...] They represent however almost reflections of the same action, and are viewed from different dimensional points.

[...] The habit, when it becomes vigorous, of trying to view your system from the outside will serve you greatly.

TPS6 Deleted Session January 28, 1981 custody hostages negotiations intellect Iranian

[...] The Iranian’s response to the Americans’ reason involves new outbursts of emotionalism and behavior that appear utterly irrational to the American view. [...]

[...] They unite and stimulate his creative abilities so that he does what comes naturally, easily and vitally to him, searching out his own view of reality—but in certain areas the intellect and the emotions begin to separate in their visions of the picture of the world. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 22, 1971 pot Buddy Ron destiny unoperable

[...] You perceive us that way in a distorted view. [...]

[...] I can view what you think of as that pot in many different ways for example. [...]

NotP Chapter 5: Session 772, April 19, 1976 sexual male female orientation deities

[...] Using those actually as guidelines, you have so far viewed your world and formed your cultures. [...]

When you view the animal kingdom, you also do so through your specialized sexual beliefs, studying the behavior of the male and female, looking for patterns of aggressiveness, territorial jealousy, passivity, mothering instincts, or whatever. [...]

NotP Chapter 11: Session 797, March 14, 1977 impregnated universe invisible visible species

(The page proofs for Jane’s The World View of Paul Cézanne arrived in the mail from her publisher this morning, and she’s been busy correcting them most of the day since — checking the type for errors in spelling, punctuation, omission, and so forth.)

(I’m sure that Jane tires of hearing me periodically rehash views that the species has engaged in at least three major wars in a little more than half a century, plus a number of “smaller” ones. [...]

UR2 Appendix 22: (For Session 724) Roman soldier tower Jerusalem Peter

[...] For as you view a painting and it has a frame, so do you view the centuries and put separate frames around them….

(In view of these two separate instances, involving Peter and Mary, I wonder: Aside from whatever intrinsic validity they may have, does each of us telepathically pick up on the experiences of others and weave such information into personal psychological dramas? [...]

[...] I’ll close this appendix with two more queries that psychically are much more personal and very intriguing: Had Peter Smith viewed the same events on that tower in Jerusalem from the vantage point of the soldier who killed my soldier? [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 726 December 16, 1974 island spirit volcano desert sand

[...] I will give up my volcano for a while, and try to make an honest evaluation, if you will in turn come to my land and promise to view it without prejudice. [...]

[...] Each counterpart views reality from its own viewpoint, and there is never any invasion.

(To me:) You viewed aspects — counterparts — of your father’s reality. [...]

TPS6 Copy of inspirational type material received Saturday, February 6 Mona Lisa canvas solving problems

The larger view is that art by being itself, is bigger than life, while springing from it; that Seth and my books go beyond that simply by being themselves. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session May 28, 1979 faster Scout permission consoled ground

Now: at one point or another, your private reality becomes to some extent a public one, to one degree or another, as it is viewed by and participated in by others.

[...] Your dreams and Sue’s allow you, ever so subtly, to change your own views of Ruburt’s behavior. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 21, 1981 false fireplace Sinful true category

You have a true or false world in that regard, and a relatively very flat psychological view of identity. [...]

(9:34.) The same kind of recognizable standards that are normally applied to the true-or-false category do not work for such knowledge, since that knowledge is basically, automatically large enough to contain the entire true-or-false realm itself—that is, revelatory information puts true and false designations side by side, and ends up with a system large enough to contain both, in which each are seen as valid constructs that are only part of a larger view of psychological events. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 1, 1978 Jastrow Carter Hebb cosmetics Sadat

Ruburt once received a few interesting pages from a world view, in which the author spoke, in archaic terms, of being a person who was a “life-taster,” sent by God to taste the quality of man’s experience, so that God might know what new ingredients might be added.

[...] Most discouraging, I tell myself, to see that in our society at this time that’s the overwhelming, prevailing view—with no one of stature asking any embarrassing questions. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 899, February 6, 1980 awakened earth insects creatures affiliations

[...] He looks at physical reality for the rest of physical reality: He is earth coming alive to view itself through conscious eyes—but that consciousness is graced to be because it is so intimately a part of earth’s framework.

TPS5 Deleted Session August 29, 1979 Enquirer Mitzi abilities sperm nosing

[...] You were looking for a larger framework of existence itself, from which to view the reality with which you were familiar. [...]

(10:25.) A note: the two of you—for you are both involved since 1964—have not only initiated a new framework from which others, as well as yourselves, can view the nature of reality more clearly, but you also had to start from scratch, so to speak, to get the material, learn to trust it, and then to apply it to your own lives—even while “the facts were not all in yet.” [...]

TES4 Session 154 May 12, 1965 automobile perceived sound system sniffed

[...] It is not a question of the car having certain properties, being real to one perceptive view and therefore necessarily unreal to another. [...]

These various conceptions of the automobile would also apply of course to the perception of any physical beings within the car; that is, their reality would also be perceived differently, according to the perspective systems which viewed them.

SS Part Two: Chapter 18: Session 573, March 10, 1971 Patty alpha symbols inertia aggressive

[...] These gaps are recognized by others, therefore, and viewed as dark spaces. [...]

[...] These blank spots of inertia, therefore, are creative to some extent, in that these other symbols may swim into view within them.

NotP Chapter 3: Session 762, December 15, 1975 Cézanne skill psyche triggered inclinations

[...] Ruburt tuned in to Cézanne’s “world view.” [...]

If you are gifted, and want to be a musician, for example, then you may literally learn while you are asleep, tuning in to the world views of other musicians, both alive and dead in your terms. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 19: Session 577, March 31, 1971 list adjacent Middleton shortest unacquainted

Any one of these various layers of consciousness can be used as the normal acting consciousness, reality being viewed from that specific standpoint.

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 931, July 15, 1981 sinful overlays journal church bonding

[...] Her view of basic reality is her view, and even I must still grope at times to understand her chosen role. [...] Jane used to say to me: “I told myself that if I let myself do that, then I’ll do this in return,” One can say that that kind of equation hardly represents a mystical view, yet I know that in her case it does. [...]

[...] Not that all of our friends hadn’t known of Jane’s physical symptoms for some time, but that Jane, with her innocence and determination—and yes, her mystical view of temporal reality2—had for the most part refused to put herself on display, as she termed it: She felt that she should offer something better to herself and to others, even with all of the intensely creative work she’d done for herself and for others over the last 17 years.

The day after that session for March 11 was held we received a jolt: Eleanor Friede, Jane’s editor at Delacorte Press, informed us that Jane’s book, Emir’s Education in the Proper Use of Magical Powers, was being remaindered—taken off the market because in the publisher’s view it wasn’t selling enough copies. [...]

[...] And that trust always reflects, I’m sure, Seth’s own larger view of reality, as I just quoted him from Session 915. [...]

TES3 Session 99 October 21, 1964 cellar vessel Tubbs furnace collaborate

The similarity here may not be easy for you to perceive, because of the diverse emotions with which you view childhood and old age. [...]

[...] If our dream interpretations appear complicated, it is because dreams are complicated, and we are viewing them from the entire group of levels in which they have meaning. [...]

You should know by now that my homey little suggestions have worked out, rather amazingly to your view, for your benefit.

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