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WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 23, 1984 temple Steve rub numerous warmth

[...] The many people, and connecting rooms, represented the new structure of vaster beliefs that are all interconnected while you are still, however, concentrating upon the private creative self, and from that viewpoint viewing the world — hence your private corner in which you painted, as from that corner of private creativity you viewed the large interacting structure of new beliefs.

TPS7 Deleted Session January 9, 1983 delays Rembrandt quicker snail foreknowledge

(A Note added later: Sessions between the one above and the one below contain no Seth Material, but are instead sessions in which Jane received book-length and world-view material on the artist Rembrandt. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 13: Session 650, March 22, 1973 senility hemisphere diagram wealthy picturesque

Reality, then, is viewed through this system of beliefs. [...]

[...] If the first system of beliefs sees money and goods as a sign of God’s blessing, the second group views material possessions as evidence of spiritual decay.

If life is seen as good in this system of belief, then youth is viewed as the crowning glory, from which summit there is no further journey except descent. [...]

TMA Introduction by Jane Roberts magical Rob camera trancetime whirred

[...] Instead it’s as if I’m practicing some precise psychological art, one that is ancient and poorly understood in our culture; or as if I’m learning a psychological science that helps me map the contours of consciousness itself … after all this time, I’m finally examining the trance view of reality and comparing it to the official views of science and religion. [...]

[...] The sight of the table struck my fancy, plus my view of the front doorway, with the green foliage showing through the open threshold. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session May 8, 1978 scorn tapes Meredith authorities grassroot

Your work, in any case, is the interpretation of reality through your own experience, providing a new and creative view of man and the universe. You want that view for yourselves. [...]

[...] The apples did provide the painting connection with the girl, and the dream was very simple—a distorted view into tomorrow’s mirror. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 738 February 19, 1975 hill Foster house Avenue privacy

[...] It does not have secrecy, and while you have a view you cannot hide in it. [...]

[...] I suggest — and only suggest — that that be your choice, because it is the most daring of the ventures for you, and because the hill will give you a view in many more ways than one.

[...] The hillside is not yours, yet it is your view, and it has strong evocative connections with your creative lives. [...]

NotP Chapter 6: Session 776, May 17, 1976 language molecular sounds amplification identification

[...] In your terms, over a period of time he pulled his awareness in, so to speak; he no longer identified as he did before, and began to view objects through the object of his own body. He no longer merged his awareness, so that he learned to look at a tree as one object, where before he would have joined with it, and perhaps viewed his own standing body from the tree’s vantage point. [...]

[...] Images in the mind, as they are understood, emerged in their present form only when man had, again, lost a portion of his love and identification, and forgotten how to identify with an image from its insides, and so began to view it from outside.

DEaVF2 Chapter 8: Session 917, May 21, 1980 imagination eccentricity disorders insane stockpile

[...] His view of reality is eccentric from most viewpoints. He adds a flavor to the world that would be missing otherwise, and through his very eccentricity, to some extent he shows other people that their rigid views of reality may indeed have chinks in them here and there.

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 855, May 21, 1979 vocabulary scientific vowels professor syllables

(Pause.) It is not just that your view of reality is relative to your position within the universe, but that the universe itself is different according to your position within it, and that spiritual or psychological rules apply. [...]

[...] To some extent the attempt on the part of science to consider such material may possibly bring about those qualities of true scientific intuition that will help science bridge the gap between such divergent views as its own and ours.

TES3 Session 145 April 12, 1965 hate evil ego roles assimilate

[...] Ego, originally a part of this consciousness of self, splits off as previously explained, and attempts to dissociate itself from action, indeed to view action as a result of itself; that is, to view action as a result and not a cause.

[...] But you are familiar only with the results of action as they appear within the physical field, as long as you insist upon viewing your physical universe with the eyes of the ego-self; for the ego-self attempts to cut itself off from that action of which it is a part, and in so attempting it loses contact with this larger reality.

TES9 Letter to Roger J. Sullivan from Rob and Jane Butts February 3, 1969 roger rundown sent sullivan butts

In view of what you say about the material we sent you, we see why a paragraph-by-paragraph rundown isn’t necessary; this is perfectly all right, and we thank you for your effort in going over the material, and the time you spent answering. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session July 5, 1978 distractions Hoyle crashes Ed beset

The ramifications of Framework 2’s activity of course require great reorientation on your part, and necessitate a changed view of daily events. In that view, it will be seen that all events work toward your purposes—when you realize that they do. [...]

TES7 Session 317 February 6, 1967 Healy Blanche Price Ann Miss

[...] On the other hand she viewed Ruburt as the daughter she would never have, while Ruburt viewed her as the mother she wished for.

[...] He should keep this view. [...]

TPS6 Jane’s Notes February 17, 1981 auctions messages public volatile responsible

In a fashion, you consider the public arena of TV and tours in the same way that Joseph views the world of art galleries, shows, and auctions. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, December 28, 1971 Sumari Lawrence Mu Chet ancient

[...] You can choose any perspective that you want from which to view the reality that you know. You can choose, therefore, to view the reality that you know from a self, in your terms, that you have been. [...]

[...] It gives you a certain viewpoint and a certain framework from which to view reality, but it is not the only viewpoint that you have available to you, and it is not the only framework from which your reality springs. [...]

TES6 Session 251 April 15, 1966 Diebler apparition exhibitionism unscheduled Ann

(As he stated in the 68th and 170th sessions, Seth said that should he materialize in full view in the middle of the room it would not be considered as evidence by those who did not wish to believe it possible; they would ascribe it to mass hallucination, etc. [...]

[...] I lean toward the latter view, yet do not want to be too strict; according to Seth spontaneous expression is very important. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 9: Session 860, June 13, 1979 laws ideals criminals avenues impulses

[...] “I felt as if I were being privileged to view a beginning of the world … or of my edge of it.

[...] I felt as if I were viewing that part of myself that I’m always pursuing, the part that is as clear-eyed as a child, fleet, at one with its own knowing. [...]

TMA Session Fourteen September 29, 1980 modern effortlessness psychological deranged explosive

[...] (Long pause.) Modern psychology was an attempt to make man conform to the new scientific world view.

[...] You did not realize that you were being presented, not merely with an alternate view of reality, but with the closest approximation you could get of what reality was, and how it worked, and what it meant.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 13: Session 653, April 4, 1973 Monroe massive inside eagle Speakers

[...] When this happens to me, this state that we think of as subjective life turns real and objective, and is then viewed in the same way that our normal physical life is.

[...] Not three-dimensionally, but in another way more vividly, I … saw … sensed … massive figures standing around the edge of that physical view; and around the edges of the world. [...]

[...] In that context, dreams or daydreams are not viewed as constructive or productive.

NotP Chapter 2: Session 758, October 6, 1975 frequencies program criteria awake monitor

More often, however, there are instead only blurred glimpses and tantalizing views of a more expansive kind of experience. [...]

[...] There are ways to bring the picture into focus: There are ways to tune into those other quite-natural frequencies, so that they present you with a more expansive view both of the world as you define it, and of its greater aspects. [...]

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