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(For the last five weeks Jane has been intrigued by ideas about Seth’s next book, which, she said, would concern “the therapy of value fulfillment.” Seth has also used the phrase in connection with a next work.4 Now it appears that he’s settled upon a formal title for his book — one that Jane has received from him several times lately: Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment.)
[...] These dreams have been operating as a series, as Jane has pointed out, which increases the value of a person’s dreams in unexpected ways. [...]
[...] You cannot rate the subjective growth of a personality, lines of comprehension, or the value of ideas given to the world. [...]
[...] She said later that when I evidently didn’t get anything out of them consciously, that this made her question the value of similar things she tries to do for others.
You must forget current market values. [...] I am not telling you to forget your own finances, but the contractor’s idea of the physical worth of the Foster house has only an adjacent connection with its values to you. [...]
[...] And you cannot put a money value on what you would get out of that house.
Objects have suggestive value. For example, I would like one of your badminton rackets, and a birdie, around in sight, for its suggestive value. [...]
Any attempts on Ruburt’s part to help more in the kitchen or wherever, will for example now take time, in that you could perform the same chore far quicker —so you will run up against your old beliefs about the value and use of time.
Much will become clear as the book progresses, but your joint working with beliefs is of great value.
[...] Science’s flawed self still carries the same import, however, the idea being that while science does not deal with values, so its says, it misleads itself considerably in making such statements, for it projects the worst kind of values both upon mankind and the rest of nature—so even if you are not tainted from religion’s old beliefs, it is difficult to escape such ideas. [...]
[...] It was of great value in the fact that the Sinful Self was able, finally, to express itself that clearly—and I do not believe that the document is as yet completed. [...]
It might be of value to have Ruburt mentally ask the Sinful Self for a few comments on how its beliefs about the female sex were connected with its concepts of sin, and if those attitudes are changing. [...]
You see your cat suffers no ill effects from such play, although on another value level it would be termed destructive. [...] Value fulfillment is not measured according to size, and in such cases it is the value fulfillment, not of the captive so much as the potential savior.
Limitations set upon the self are damaging to the race as a whole, and impede value fulfillment. [...]
Seth uses the term “value fulfillment,” as in the title of this book, to imply life’s greater values and characteristics—that is, we are alive not only to continue, to insure life’s existence, but to add to the very quality of life itself.
In Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment Seth outlines the great cosmic and private energies that in our terms once brought into existence the reality of the universe and the birth of those private, cohesive realities in which our own individual daily lives are couched.
“Value fulfillment?” I thought. [...]
Ideas of good and evil, gods and devils, salvation and damnation, are merely symbols of deeper religious values; cosmic values if you will, that cannot be translated into physical terms.
[...] These values, intuitions, or insights are given each to each according to his understanding, and so the stories told about them will often vary.
[...] That is although in one way the birds that were killed were meeting a natural end, the reason behind this end was wrong in terms of emotional value and he sensed this. It goes without saying that a bird’s death is inevitable, but a cat killing a bird does not have to juggle the same sort of values with which man is concerned.
To kill for nothing more serious than convenience or to kill for the sake of killing involves rather dire consequences on your plane, and the emotion or emotional value behind such killing is often as important as what is killed. [...] This involves value judgments of a very important type and I will not go into them tonight. [...]
To kill for convenience … or for the sake of killing involves rather dire consequences, and the emotional value behind such killing is often as important as what is killed. [...] This involves value judgments of a very important type, and I will not go into them tonight.
I wrote four more poems of varying merit about that one event and behind the whole affair was defiant recognition of the value of any consciousness, whatever its form. [...]
[...] If a dream object or event does so straddle what you call not only time but space, and if as I say dream objects and creations maintain some independence from the dreamer, then you must see that although the dreamer creates his dreams for his own purposes, selecting only those symbols which have meaning to him, he nevertheless projects them outward in a value fulfillment and psychic expansion.
[...] Once manifested, the individuality of energy then comes under the law of value fulfillment.
Energy can be transformed from one state to another, but once it achieves a personalized gestalt the individuality which it has formed must follow certain laws of value fulfillment, and this involves distinctions which we have not yet covered in our sessions.