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We are speaking of inner values; not inner self values but subconscious values.
[...] They move through the value climate of psychological reality as freely as atoms move through your time.
Value fulfillment corresponds to your time in that area.
[...] The subjective experience of these personalities, the psychological existence of these personalities (long pause), is composed of (pause, frown) dimensions of value fulfillment, as considering your time, hours are composed of moments.
You remember that value fulfillment is also one of our laws of the inner universe, and in this particular instance, the atoms and molecules have the opportunity for value fulfillment along many lines, according to the form that their cooperation and combination may take.
From their cooperation they achieve a value fulfillment along certain lines. [...]
As the various cells maintain their individuality, as they gain in terms of value fulfillment by cooperation and still retain their uniqueness, so also do the various personalities retain their individuality and uniqueness while still cooperating to form the psychic structure of the entity, which in one context also forms them; and with this little problem I will let you take your break. [...]
[...] Basically, the spacious present as you know does have durability, because of the existence of value fulfillment.
[...] Fear is caused by lack of understanding, by a lack of value fulfillment. [...] Love is fulfilled, or fulfilling, value fulfillment. [...]
—that which you call evil represents a falling short of value fulfillment in a particular, or in any particular, case. [...]
[...] For I tell you, at the risk of being misunderstood grossly, that there is only one reality, and value fulfillment, which you may, if you like, equate with goodness.
[...] Much work that we have done however in terms of the Philip (John Bradley’s entity area is Philip) readings, will be of great value, and serve to add to the authenticity, in other people’s eyes, of your adventure.
[...] Do you see the value and similarity of the approaches?
[...] Psychological time, if you contemplate it, will set you free, so that you feel value fulfillment and durability within the time that you know. [...]
[...] The negative thought that you have only afternoons (underline only), also tends to limit the value of the time that you do have, and restrict it.
[...] I am saying that the existence of each individual is (underlined) important to the value fulfillment of the species. And moreover, I am stating that the value fulfillment of the individual and the species go hand in hand.
[...] Why are some people, then, born with conditions that are certainly experienced as genetically defective, granting even the overall value of such variances on the part of the species? [...]
(Long pause at 9:13.) I am also stating that the species is itself aware of those conditions that lead to its own value fulfillment, and that of its members. [...]
Each person seeks value fulfillment, and that means that they choose various lives in such a fashion that all of their abilities and capacities can be best developed, and in such a way that their world is also enriched. [...]
[...] So far I have given you but one, which is value fulfillment. [...] The species of mankind, and all other species in your universe on your particular horizontal plane, follow this law [value fulfillment] under the auspices of evolution (my emphasis).5 In other camouflage realities, this law is carried through in different manners, but it is never ignored.
(The “value climate of psychological reality” first mentioned in the [44th] session just quoted, is also dealt with through analogy in the 45th session. Portions of that material are given as Appendix 8 in Volume 1; in that session also Seth stated that “value expansion becomes reincarnation, and evolution and growth.” [...]
[...] In atomic physics, for example, no special meaning or place is given to any particular moment, and fundamentally the past and future all but merge in the interactions of elementary particles — thus at least approaching Seth’s simultaneous time.10 At that level there’s change, or value fulfillment, but no evolution. To Jane’s and my way of thinking, if there’s value fulfillment there’s consciousness, expressed through CU’s, or units of consciousness.
[...] The mind does not take up space, and yet the mind is the value that gives power to the brain. [...]
Those sequences follow the pursuits of value fulfillment so smoothly that they can be reactivated whenever the conditions are fortunate—for even the animals are not concerned with simple survival alone, nor the plants, but with what I can only call (long pause) emotional qualities: qualities that seek a full appreciation and creative extension of those conditions of consciousness that stamp each species as itself and yet join it with all others.
[...] The pleasure principle can probably be likened most to the latent appreciation of beauty that is everywhere apparent if you look for it: the ecstasy of each form of life for the wonders of its own existence, in which love’s values go beyond themselves, and yet a condition in which each species or life form “realizes” that its own fulfillment adds immeasurably to the existence of all other forms.
[...] Beneath this is the feeling that his life is of no value, that he is in fact worthless, weaker than his peers, and he detests himself enough so that he might take his own life. The threats then convince him of his value. [...]
[...] There are explorations of emotional content, for example, very difficult to explain, in which intensities of emotion are explored for their own sake, as one might experiment with the values of red or black—not caring what the form of the painting was.
(I’d say that we can follow Seth’s analogy about the emotional intensities, above, okay, and also that we try not to be blind to values in life that might not be readily apparent in ordinary terms. [...]
As far as what you consider the race of man to be, unsuspected value fulfillments and progress will follow after this mass recognition. [...]
[...] Value fulfillment would not be achieved in some important directions if man ceased killing because he knew death did not exist. [...]
Your lifetime, you see, is basically not important in terms of years, but in terms of intensity and value fulfillment.
Individually and globewide, value fulfillment is in a fashion the purpose of all events. (Long pause.) Value fulfillment, again, is the impetus that drives the wheels of nature, so to speak. [...]
In the next chapter I hope to show you the importance of value fulfillment in your own life, and give you clues that will allow you to take better advantage of your own subjective and objective opportunities for such development.
[...] The color however, its value of intensity, served to further refine and define — for example, either by reinforcing the message already given by the objective value of the lines, angles, and curves, and by the invisible word messages already explained; or by modifying these in any given number of ways. [...]
[...] Curves, angles, lines all represented, beside their obvious objective function in a drawing, a highly complicated series of variations in pitch, tone and value; or if you prefer, invisible words.
[...] Again, you cannot be afraid of the opinions of the world unless you value its opinions above your own. [...]
Each of you felt, however, that there was great value in being anonymous, yet you put yourselves in a position where you could not be. [...]
[...] When the opinions of others are no longer so valued, there is no need for such protection, such playing dead.
If it is possible the two of you should have a garden of fresh vegetables—not only for the obvious values, but because of the implied contact with the growing earth, regardless of how small the garden might be. [...]
[...] Your own ideas of values can help you achieve good health or bring about disease, can bring into your experience success or failure, happiness or sadness. Yet each of you will interpret that last remark in line with your own value system. [...]
While such help may be welcomed, the kind of value I offer is of a different nature. [...]
Your own value system then is built up of your beliefs about reality, and those beliefs form your experience. [...]