Results 441 to 460 of 562 for (stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)

UR1 Section 1: Session 681 February 11, 1974 unpredictability predictable probable atoms massive

[...] In your reality, the behavior of your consciousness and of your molecules are highly connected. Your type of consciousness presupposes a molecular consciousness, and your kind of consciousness is inherent in molecular consciousness — inherent within your system, but not basically predictable. [...]

(10:00.) Such endless creativity can seem so dazzling that the individual would appear lost within it,2 yet consciousness forms its own organizations and psychic interactions at all levels. Any consciousness automatically tries to express itself in all probable directions, and does so. [...]

[...] (A one-minute pause.) Give us a moment … (A one-minute pause.) Consciousness, to be fully free, had to be endowed with unpredictability. [...] This basic unpredictability then follows through on all levels of consciousness and being. [...]

In your terms, consciousness is able to hold its own sense of identity by accepting one probability, one physical life, for example, and maintaining its identity through a lifetime. [...] The consciousness also learns to handle alternate moments as it “matures.” [...]

TPS2 Session 604 January 12, 1972 Sumarians Sumerian carving Baalbek instrument

As you know, consciousness comes first, and then forms the physical materializations of it. Those consciousnesses who picked physical materialization choose to operate under certain conditions that then appear as the natural characteristics of a species to you.

[...] This simply means that your consciousness has certain bents of its own, interests and abilities and specializations. The word Sumari characterizes a certain kind of consciousness simply for means of identification in your terms.

I told you once that there are clumps of consciousness. This does not mean that consciousness is not individual and separate, but that it also has a great ability to congregate, to reach out in affiliation, to share knowledge and experience, and to combine itself in everchanging patterns while still retaining its basic identity and integrity.

The ideas of space and time emerge only when consciousness adopts camouflage, only when it becomes wedded, in other words, with a physical-type existence. Time and space are both creations of consciousness, in other words, and vehicles of its expression.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, May 5, 1970 Gert Florence Arnold Doug Brad

[...] You worry and all of you worry at one time or another about that which you do not know consciously. Yet you do not know consciously how you breathe and if you did you would be dead, because you could not consciously handle the millions of manipulations that must take place in order to assure one breath. [...] These are the energies that allow you to sit as you do upright in the chair when you do not consciously know how your muscles hold you up; and when you begin to speak you do not know consciously with what word your sentence will end; nor do you consciously know how you speak nor indeed from where the thought comes. [...]

The atoms and molecules within your bodies and the consciousness within them have dwelt as flowers in the field. [...] The air that you now breathe in this moment has come from cosmic dust down through the universe to this room. [...] You will learn the sacredness of consciousness. [...]

[...] Any true evolution of your species as such is dependent on evolution of consciousness and spirituality. If your world is overpopulated, you can reduce yourselves to a state of consciousness that existed, in your terms, eons ago from which you would then again have to learn to emerge. [...]

[...] You must learn how to use the consciousness that is yourself. [...]

TPS5 Session 844 (Deleted) April 1, 1979 Harrisburg nuclear dog dream drama

Even if you don’t consciously remember your dreams, you do get the message. [...]

[...] It only occurs, however, under certain conditions, when the individual involved is at a certain state of awareness, in which he is ready to consciously accept such information as originating in dreams, and when the dreams are recognized by him as being an acceptable way of receiving information.

[...] It stands in man’s dreams as belonging to God: the power of the universe (intently). [...]

There was a tie-in, and it’s that the Christ drama happened as a result of man’s dream, at least, of achieving brotherhood—a quiet, secure sense of consciousness, and a morality that would sustain him in the physical world.

TES3 Session 93 September 30, 1964 tub Larry leaked pajamas theatre

Our friend Ruburt prides himself that his conscious self, before the sessions began, started a book called The Physical Universe as Idea Construction. [...]

The conscious self does not perceive, or the so-called conscious self does not perceive, the equally valid dream constructions. You will discover that the whole self is composed of many so-called conscious selves. But neither of those conscious selves are aware of the existence of the others.

The dreaming self, dear friends, is not aware of the conscious self. [...] The directions can be likened to conscious selves. Any individual on the physical level who has achieved great things has done so because his so-called conscious self was intuitively (and underline the word intuitively) aware of the selves of which he could not be consciously aware.

[...] While the self is whole, it is however compartmentalized for efficiency’s sake, but beneath consciousness the doors are open. Again, the conscious self is most necessary. However it cannot be stressed too strongly that consciousness is merely a state of focus, and not a self.

TPS6 Deleted Session April 28, 1982 Wrigley thyroid Mr chair commending

(“I feel gaps in my consciousness,” Jane said, worried. [...]

The upsetting alterations of consciousness occur mainly when Ruburt’s energies are being utilized elsewhere. [...]

[...] The emotions are like musical notes: the more of them you can play the richer your composition (with emphasis)—and your understanding, even when it is not fully conscious, has helped release the range of those emotional characteristics. [...]

[...] “With our ideas, however, there are no props available, just waiting to be used, no organizations that personify or represent the core of our beliefs—only the individual more or less stubbornly interacting with a private universe, trying to establish this new beachhead.”

NotP Introduction by Jane Roberts psyche Cézanne sexuality bisexuality view

[...] My continuing experiences, however, show me that Seth’s personality is stamped upon the sessions and his writings, and perhaps also upon my own consciousness, in unique ways.

[...] That trance consciousness, by whatever name, knew what it was doing. [...]

[...] And yet I feel that only a portion of his consciousness is here during sessions — the part expressed through me — so that whatever the nature of Seth’s native experience, his performance in our world only hints of a psychological complexity quite beyond our present understanding.

According to Seth, our own desires, focuses, and intents dictate what inner information we draw from the endless fields available; for he sees all knowledge existing at once, not as dry data or records, but enlivened by the consciousness that perceives it. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 23, 1981 Sinful Catholic pathological grace Venice

[...] Ruburt is working at all angles of the problem at other levels of consciousness now, and the Sinful Self is beginning to feel a new sense of give-and-take. [...] It is an excellent idea to go over these sessions one at a time and keep the material in the forefront of consciousness for a while. [...]

[...] And he has pursued that course vigorously even when he did not consciously see the continuity of such a project at any given time. [...]

[...] Its motivation is to feel at one with a state of grace, at one with its place in the universe. [...]

ECS1 Session 494, ESP Class Session, July 15, 1969 Bega Theodore Ned portrait Brad

[...] The most minute cell within your brain has been made from the patterns of consciousness which we have given you. We gave you the pattern upon which you formed your entire physical universe and the comprehension that exists within each cell, the knowledge that each cell has, the desire for organization was given by us. [...]

[...] You experience what you expect to experience at a subconscious and a conscious level. [...] As our friend here went beyond the point (referring to Theodore), looked at the portraits and consciously—for you did not make an original, intuitive, judgment—but consciously looked at these portraits in terms of nationality, age and all the requirements that you thought of. [...]

Know that within your physical atoms now the origins of all consciousness still sings and that all the human characteristics by which you know yourselves, still exist within the eye of all our consciousness, never diminished, but always present. [...]

[...] We want you to realize that there is consciousness without form, that there is consciousness with will and vitality that comes to you from beyond even those places that your Seth knows. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, April 20, 1971 Florence ii secret Ron observe

[...] Your own consciousness also travels faster than the speed of light, and big portions of you does understand, to some degree, the nature of our reality. [...] And yet, since we seeded the universe in which you have your present existence then do we observe, and do we watch, and do we have concern. [...]

[...] If you are speaking specifically of the dolphin, some of their species are consciously aware of it and others are not. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session January 8, 1979 Marian customers Wolinsky posture defeating

You have been taught that so many of your attitudes are unconscious, that this prevents you often from consciously putting together a picture of your conscious beliefs. [...]

[...] If Ruburt’s main goals in work, for example, had directly involved and mainly concerned immediate contact with others, through university work or whatever, his mobility would not have been tampered with.

TPS2 Session 600 (Deleted Portion) December 13, 1971 cordella Alphabets language shambalina impressionism

[...] The sounds themselves activate portions of the brain not usually used in any conscious manner. [...]

[...] As they surface they show the universe in a new light by the very nature of their relationships. [...]

The living vitality of a cordella rises out of the universe’s need to express and understand itself, to form in ever-changing patterns and take itself by surprise. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 8, 1971 Davey Joel Oslo sway opium

Imagine, if you must, that you have backdoors through which this energy emerges, fresh from the fountains of the universe. Now imagine this universe, imagine this energy connecting; focused, vital and strong. [...]

Now regardless of what you may think, consciously, the hypnosis experiments did, indeed, upset you, and part of you regarded them as coercion and this you highly resented so that you sent a part of yourself where the other part of yourself did not want to go. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, January 26, 1971 Joel sacred Sue Molly potentials

Problems involving the nature of consciousness, the nature of reality and problems regarding the responsibility of consciousness to All That Is. [...]

[...] No system of consciousness is ever closed, only you pretend that they are closed. [...]

[...] It does not occur to you, however, that there are literally countless, countless probable egos within yourself, numberless abilities that could come to the foremost of your consciousness to be latched upon and used. [...]

Now the trees that you see outside the window you see simply as trees because you perceive them only through the physical viewpoint, and yet even these trees have potential abilities and potential combinations of consciousness that you do not perceive and that exists in other probable realities. [...]

TES8 Session 406 April 22 1968 cozily trance halt lethargy manifestation

In larger terms, the word reality and those characteristics that I will give you as attributed to it, will be seen as part and parcel of a unified psychic consciousness, from which all other consciousness emerges. These emerging consciousnesses form new moment points, create new value fulfillment experiences that constantly allow the overall reality to be created even as it creates.

(Shortly before the session I showed Jane copies I had made of material Seth gave very early in 1964—just after the sessions began; the nine Inner Senses, taking up nine typed pages, and the eleven Basic Laws of the Inner Universe, taking up seven typed pages.

[...] (Pause.) We will also be developing the God concept in terms of my choosing (amused), the pyramid-consciousness gestalts of which I have spoken in the past. [...]

[...] By now she was consciously aware that something definitely unusual had been taking place, and the second touch conflicted here.

TSM Chapter Eleven Sally Jon Ann Jim Lindens

“Uh huh,” I said, and the details of that last episode rushed into consciousness once more. [...]

[...] You [Jim] were also involved with him in two past lives in the same relationship, and as priests you both were interested in the inner workings of the universe.”

[...] (The thing is, when I consciously think in such a limited fashion, my intuitive inner self rises up and shows me that much more is involved than the ego. [...]

[...] This doesn’t mean that we consciously make a choice in the way we’re used to; we don’t sit down and say, “Well, I think I’ll get a broken leg this afternoon at three in front of Rand’s drugstore.” [...]

TES7 Session 305 November 30, 1966 Infinity god systems illusions diversity

[...] New universes such as your own constantly come into existence. [...]

[...] These personalities are able to deepen value fulfillment amazingly through an expansion of consciousness that allows them to focus into many areas within the systems and planes simultaneously.

[...] They would be conscious, for example, of themselves as, say, an entity, and simultaneously they would be aware of separate existences as individuals in various systems. [...]

TES8 Forward by Rob Butts Rick Laurel Volume Elmira Early

[...] (I’ll bet that he still does, 16 of our time-bound years after Jane’s death!) Jane’s method was her very individualistic way of developing her great, yet consciously unsuspected powers.

In 10 of the sessions between the numbers 314 and 325 in Volume 7 we see how, with Jane’s need and consent, Seth was reaching into deeper, more penetrating material involving her conscious and unconscious lives. [...]

[...] Part of the Collection, as I call it, is already available at the Yale University Library, but how many have the time to visit there? [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session May 22, 1978 inspiration deaden Frank distractions Instream

When Ruburt becomes consciously aware of those results, then he is inspired. [...]

[...] He is quite unaware, consciously, of doing any work for these sessions. [...]

I believe he is teaching, or taught, in a midwestern university. [...]

TES8 Session 407 April 24, 1968 soaking lilting gentle development barriers

The laws of the universe, of the inner universe, for example, are not laws in some book. [...]

Each simple law of the inner universe that I have given you is in actuality a small and inadequate statement in single-dimensional terms. [...]

[...] Then she had the feeling that this was our channel to cosmic consciousness, or whatever we chose to call it, handed down to us by this personality. [...]

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