Results 241 to 260 of 562 for (stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)
You on your plane for example do not even have conscious memory of your own dream fragments. For that matter you can hardly remember one idea from one week to another on a conscious deliberate basis. It is simply impossible for the ego as you know it to maintain conscious dominance at this time. [...]
Perhaps I may be able to make mental enzymes clearer afterwards since they have a basic part to play in the universe, at least as I know it so far. [...]
[...] I have said that our imaginary wires that seem to permeate our model universe are alive, and now if you will bear with me I will say that they are mental enzymes or solidified feelings, always of course in motion and yet permanent enough to form a more or less consistent framework. [...]
[...] I am not certain if you refer to the subconscious memory of personality, the conscious memory of personality, or of the memory of an entity. [...]
(At a slower pace:) He is consciously entering into another room of the psyche, and also entering into the reality that corresponds to it. [...] As a rule you use one particular level of awareness, and this correlates all of your conscious activities. I told you that the physical body itself was able to pick up other neurological messages beside those to which you usually react.8 Now let me add that when a certain proficiency is reached in alterations of consciousness, this allows you to become practically familiar with some of these other neurological messages. [...]
[...] It is concerned with the entity’s working knowledge of the basic vitality of the universe … Without this sixth sense and its constant use by the inner self, you could not construct the physical camouflage universe. You can compare this sense with instinct, although it is concerned with the innate knowledge of the entire universe.”
Ruburt has allowed a portion of his this-life consciousness to go off on a tangent, so to speak, on another path into another system of actuality (i.e., into his psychic library). His life there is as valid as his existence in your world. [...] He is just beginning, so as yet he is only occasionally conscious of that other experience. [...]
Now as Ruburt delivers this material, the same thing happens in a different way to him, so that in some respects he has been snapping back and forth between dimensions, practicing with the elasticity of his consciousness; and in this book more than in previous ones his consciousness has been sent out further, so to speak. [...]
[...] You know its effects, you breathe it constantly, but consciously you do not realize what you are doing. [...] It is fuel to your physical body and the idea of it comes very close to this fuel of the inner senses, which is not a camouflage effect and which is our vitality unsolidified, or the little wires which make up our imaginary universe. [...]
The basic rules of the universe as I have said appear differently on different planes. [...] There are basis rules in the universe. [...]
Your scientists are correct in supposing that the universe is composed of the same elements that can be found on your plane. [...]
[...] Since very often the vitality or stuff of the universe seems as innocuous as air might seem to you, then look for what you do not see. [...]
(In the 82nd session, which was held on the evening of August 27, 1964, Seth said: “When man realizes that he, himself, creates his personal and universal environment in concrete terms, then he can begin to create a private and universal environment much superior to the [present] one, that is the result of haphazard and unenlightened constructions.
[...] A new blending of inner and outer consciousnesses — a new, more meaningful coalition of intellectual and intuitive abilities — will be the latest step in the process of “consciousness knowing itself,” as Seth has described it.
But if Seth-Jane are at all right, then consciousness is more than encompassing enough to embrace all that we are, and everything that each of us can even remotely conceive of doing or being. Try as we might, we’ll not exhaust or annihilate consciousness: Whatever we accomplish as people will still leave room for — indeed, demand — further ramifications and development. [...]
As far as we can see, Seth’s reincarnational, counterpart, and probable selves, and his families of consciousness, suggest the varied, complicated structure of human personality — and hint of the invisible psychological thickness that fills out the physical event of the self in time.
[...] As in the Introductory Notes, I want to stress Jane’s role as the creative artist, disseminating her personal view of a larger inner reality, and her intuitive and conscious comprehension of at least some aspects of that reality; for such understanding can easily elude our Western-oriented, materialistic, technological outlook.
[...] Yet, at the same time, she could say to me: “I hope to go further into consciousness than anyone else ever has.” 1
[...] Yet we could relate to it at once; in this instance especially Seth’s insights “fit” Jane’s conscious knowledge and extended it in most interesting ways.
[...] He felt strongly his connection with the universe as a whole and with nature as he understood it. [...]
The interior universe had its influence even as far as pets were concerned! [...] In this session, he also spoke about the consciousness of trees in such a way that I was never able to look at the trees outside of my window with the same old detachment. [...]
As to Jane’s feeling about the tree having a certain consciousness, of course this is the case. [...] In some ways, its living forces and consciousness are kept to a minimum. [...]
[...] Without the conscious mind of man it nevertheless retains this inner consciousness of all its parts, above and below the ground, and manipulates them constantly.
Animals and Trees in the Interior Universe
Excerpts from Sessions 17 and 18
[...] The immediately conscious selves however do progress in their realization. [...] The various immediately-conscious portions of personality evolve and change as they recognize these truths. [...]
Life and consciousness, without the means to express them, are not meaningless, for life and consciousness have their own purposes; and of these purposes I am not prepared now to tell you.
You know that a star may light a dark universe, a dark landscape, and help a wayfarer on his way. [...]
[...] A portion of that kind of personality structure knows well that while its main focus of consciousness has gone into other dimensions, it will nevertheless be perceived by others at any given point.
[...] I believe that those particular aspects of scientific consciousness and religious consciousness will be with us for a very long time, for in our chosen earthly reality a larger consciousness—and, ultimately, All That Is—has opted for much long-range exploration of those two closely related portions of itself. [...]
From Session 837 for February 28, 1979: “There is no such things as a cat consciousness, basically speaking, or a bird consciousness. In those terms, there are instead simply consciousnesses that choose to take certain focuses.”
[...] Iran can “infect” other nations or peoples with an ancient religious force, or consciousness, if allowed to do so. [...] And really, I thought, it could have hardly been an accident on consciousness’s part that as the events at tiny Jonestown receded from world attention, the revolution in Iran began to dramatically increase. [...]
[...] TMI has become the unfortunate symbol of our unprepared experimentation with a nature that contains all sorts of surprises for us; especially when, as Seth maintains, each of those “surprises,” once created, becomes conscious in its own way. [...] In the frontmatter, see the first of the four quotations from Seth; the one taken from a private session given just two months ago: “All energy contains consciousness (underlined). … A recognition of that simple statement would indeed change your world. [...]
I wanted to give you this material because it is basic for any comprehension of mental acts as they occur in the dream universe and the universe of matter. [...]
[...] There is also however a deep dissatisfaction with the universe as it is interpreted, and a disinclination to add to it in its own terms. [...]
[...] In our basic universe the tree, while remaining stationary, would nevertheless fall crashing into the water.
If you recall, when we spoke of the development of conscious individualized energy within your field, we spoke of units collecting material about themselves, and at various points becoming more or less closed systems, accumulating within themselves a more or less stable reserve.
They are the smallest imaginable “packages” of consciousness that you can imagine, and despite any ideas to the contrary, basically consciousness has nothing to do with size. If that were the case, it would take more than a world-sized globe to contain the consciousness of simply one cell.
Dictation (with elaborate humor). Now: Remember that these units of consciousness of which I have been speaking are not neutral, mathematical, or mechanistic.
So your physical life is the result of a spectacular spontaneous order—the order of the body spontaneously formed by the units of consciousness. [...]
[...] Otherwise, you could become locked into a rigid conscious stance, one in which both the imagination and the intellect could advance no further. [...]
(And she’s quite conscious of the fact that her massive sensations are one of the ways by which, as she has written, she tries to “view our three-dimensional existence and this universe from outside this framework” or to travel beyond the conventionalized psychic postcards.
(“I know there’s a universe between my chair here [in the living room] and the kitchen floor,” Jane said as she got up, “but I can walk it okay. [...] You know your own meaning in the universe, even if you can’t verbalize it….”
(Jane, in an obvious state of altered or enhanced consciousness, not only outlined all of Politics today, but wrote four manuscript pages that will either go into its Introduction or Chapter 1. All of the material poured out of her in a most remarkable, unimpeded way — “… as though it was already finished somewhere else, just waiting for me to get it down. [...]
(9:44.) He will learn to be consciously well-intentioned. [...] He will consciously seek his own good – not at the expense of others, for he will realize that he cannot achieve any good in that manner. [...]
Now the universe is well-intended. [...]
A cat knows how to kill a mouse, and the consciousness of the mouse knows when to leave. [...]
[...] Acts which fit in with the good-intended universe, in which basically each life and detail, seeking its good, also works for the good of all others, bring forth what you call good acts—simple enough acts which are not well-intentioned in that light, toward the self or others “do not work right.” [...]
[...] Seth did so while discussing his CU’s, or units of consciousness, for instance. Albert Einstein, in his special theory of relativity, demonstrated that nothing else in the universe can quite reach — let alone surpass — the speed of light. [...]
Those people were aware just beneath consciousness of the possibilities of such an event long before the disaster occurred, and could until the last moment choose to avoid the encounter. [...] The body is prepared, though consciously it seems you are ignorant.
[...] At least for a while, consciousness would accommodate them very well. The final irony of all may develop, however: Jane added that the suicide rate would rise considerably after the many implications associated with extended lifetimes began to penetrate human consciousness. [...]
[...] There is, however, an inner environment that connects all consciousnesses that dwell upon your planet, in whatever form. [...]
I know what happened, and yet consciously I’ll never grasp all of the psychic ramifications involved. [...] Jane’s and my dear friend, Debbie Harris, began making copies of all of the Seth sessions, plus the transcripts of Jane’s ESP classes, for the “collection” of Jane’s and my work in the archives of Yale University Library. [...]
[...] She helped me proofread Seth, Dreams, and Projection of Consciousness for Stillpoint Publishing. [...]
I’m still not finished with the duplication of Jane’s and my papers for Yale University Library. [...]
If you would have some idea of what the probable universe is like, then examine your own dreams, looking for those events which do not have any strong resemblance to the physical events of waking existence. Look for dream individuals with whom you are not acquainted in normally conscious life. [...]
I have told you that the ego is self-conscious action that attempts to set itself apart from action and to consider action as an object. Now this altered ego retains its highly specialized self-consciousness, and yet it can now experience itself as an identity within and as a part of action.
This is a cornerstone for consciousness and for personality. [...] Without it, no further development of consciousness can occur. [...]
[...] It is a probable system where consciousness decided to use the cat form as the most satisfactory and in which the cat walked upright, used tools and so forth.
Nothing in the universe is ever lost, or mislaid, or wasted, so the energy of your own thoughts, while they are still your own thoughts, helps to form the natural attributes of physical realities that you do not perceive. (Pause.) So is your own world formed by units of consciousness. Its natural elements are the glistening remnants of other units of consciousness that you do not perceive. [...]
[...] I’d made a note of it, and asked that Seth comment if we had a session yesterday: “Units of consciousness also form other kinds of matter that you do not perceive.” [...]
(Pause.) Units of consciousness do help form different kinds of physical realities—as indeed Ruburt has himself hinted in some of his poetry. [...]
[...] For we are all portions of an event that is taking place within the universe, and the universe is acquainted with all of its parts. When one part of the universe speaks, then all parts speak. When one portion of the universe dies, all portions die — but in your terms, to get into the kind of life you know again, you must exit from space and time so that you can re-enter it.
[...] She called the chapter “Personal Evaluations — Who or What is Seth?” In it she made a number of excellent points concerning her relationship with Seth and Seth Two; for example: “If physical life evolves [in ordinary terms], why not consciousness itself?” The questions we had at the time can be found throughout the chapter. Indeed, we still have many of them — or, I should note, we’re still intrigued by the latest versions of those “old” questions, for like consciousness itself they’re endless in their ramifications. [...]
(In July 1971 Jane began a book to be called Adventures in Consciousness, based on the experiences of her students in ESP class. [...] Class was now providing a wealth of material on reincarnation, various states of consciousness, and out-of-body travel. [...]
(The material itself of course, came from another state of consciousness, and this Jane called her “aspects channel.” [...] And Jane put it all together; the class experiments she’d started out with in 1971, and all of the later material, became Adventures in Consciousness: An Introduction to Aspect Psychology. [...]
[...] But everything in the universe exists at one time, simultaneously, and the first words ever spoken still ring throughout the universe; and in your terms, the last words ever spoken have been said time and time again, for there is no ending and no beginning. [...]
You are ready to expand your own consciousness. [...]
For some time you have all been searching, and I hope to show you how to ask the proper questions; for in the questions you will find the answers, and in the answers you shall be yourselves; and knowing yourselves fulfill your purpose and expand the limitations of your own consciousness until you can search out the past and the present and see yourselves as you are, and know that you are more than you think you are, and fulfill those abilities which you have partially developed in past lives. [...]
Within you there is indeed innate knowledge of all the selves that you have been, and all the selves that you shall be, and this knowledge sustains you even when you do not know consciously that it exists. [...]
[...] It is not apart from your so-called physical universe, for the dream universe, through its connection with the inner self, also helps to construct physical matter—and this is no trifling matter.
Consciously our individual may not know what he has done. Consciously he may not even know the problems which beset him, but which he has worked out on a subconscious level. [...]
For the benefit of our visitor, let me say that action is the vitality of the universe from which all realties spring. [...]
[...] Lorraine told us later that she was not consciously aware of the existence of the sessions before John told her about them. [...]