Results 1 to 20 of 27 for stemmed:turmoil

ECS2 ESP Class Session, August 11, 1970 dazzle roses Kyle crushing turmoil

Now, I will let you all take a break. One word here and it is something that I have said rather recently in another class. Peace can be excitement but turmoil can, now, be dull. Do not equate turmoil with excitement and peace with turmoil for these are also conventional habits of thought that do not necessarily apply. Traveling can be external, but you can travel around the world and go nowhere and you can sit in your chair and travel beyond the universe, so do not be taken in by conventional habits of thought regardless of which conventions the patterns follow. Be yourself whoever you are, whether alike or different from your fellows. Do you follow me?

SS Appendix: Session 558, November 5, 1970 Baal Ron Speaker Bael b.c

You traveled through Asia Minor in a time of great turmoil, and wherever you went you spoke — which means you gave utterance to the ethics. [...]

[...] There was turmoil within the group, disagreement. [...]

TES7 April 10, 1967 Notes Regarding Session Friday, September 23, 1966 Barb bristly child illegitimate buck

(Toward the end of the session, I was in an emotional turmoil, still in trance and for this Barb told me at the time she had no explanation. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session August 30, 1978 civilizations Poett official treachery horizontal

[...] It is a time of turmoil—but it is a time of turmoil partially because consciousness has been willing to extend itself in that particular fashion. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 8, 1978 taxes complacency contemptuous Edgecomb alike

[...] A time of conflict, and emotional turmoil. [...]

[...] But this time of emotional turmoil takes their minds off the fact that their children are grown, and adds a new challenge—one that convinces them that life is still exciting, that you must be on your toes. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: June 27, 1984 food foodstuffs vengeance highflying nondisease

This keeps the body in a state of constant turmoil. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 580, April 12, 1971 unending inhumanity suffering portray misdirection

The artist who paints such a scene may do so for several reasons: because he hopes through portraying such inhumanity to awaken people to its consequences, to make them quail and change their ways; because he is himself in such a state of disease and turmoil that he directs his abilities in that particular manner; or because he is fascinated with the problem of destruction and creativity, and of using creativity to portray destruction.

TES2 Session 56 May 25, 1964 Callahan weather discharge female nonidentity

If he were more concerned with the quality of daily material and less with outer success and recognition, he would not be in such a mental turmoil and emotional turmoil over material that is being submitted to publishers. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, April [1?], 1969 Christ jolly murder tulips Easter

[...] Watching the turmoil on television today, just one spark could have set off an explosion that would rock this country, just one Negro had been pushed around too much by a white policeman. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 2, 1984 Carla crying Marie murderer nurses

There is, therefore, in those regards, no cause for self-punishment or penance (crying), or turmoil. [...]

TES9 Session 436 September 16, 1968 Callista Buff accident Nina Eve

[...] (Pause.) The woman, the older woman, is in a state of inner emotional turmoil, that should be resolved by the end of May.

TPS3 Deleted Session December 3, 1973 money beliefs concentrate financial complexion

This brought forth a turmoil in beliefs, and a creative one that is only now being used and assimilated. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session January 28, 1974 writer personhood success artist inhibit

(I hardly expected this, since my own inner world is often in turmoil.)

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 656, April 16, 1973 loneliness robbers age convictions unhealthy

[...] The past contains for each of you some moments of joy, strength, creativity and splendor, as well as episodes of unhappiness, despair perhaps, turmoil and cruelty. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 7: May 18, 1984 games pill Rakin edgy pregnant

[...] Adults who hold such views unwittingly often let their children in for a life of turmoil and depression.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 7: Session 632, January 15, 1973 cells memory twenty reborn body

[...] But constant unpleasant thoughts put the body into a state of turmoil that is “unrealistic,” and, in turn, force it to reactivate such old patterns.

UR1 Section 3: Session 701 June 3, 1974 Einstein physicist diagrams theories destroying

[...] Two months ago a prominent East Coast newspaper carried a long article about the “turmoil” and “confusion” in which modern physics finds itself because of recent discoveries on atomic and subatomic levels. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 6: Session 628, November 15, 1972 Augustus Two contradictory powerlessness beliefs

[...] Before Augustus’s opposing beliefs lined themselves up into separate camps, so to speak, the body was in continual turmoil; contradictory messages were constantly sent to the muscular system and the heart. [...]

UR2 Epilogue by Robert F. Butts geese Unknown migrations flight epilogue

[...] To us, much of the turmoil in the world results from our steadfast refusal to accept a major portion of our natural heritage. [...]

TES2 Session 83 August 31, 1964 libido Freud Jung cooperation advocating

[...] Jung, with his eyes clouded by the turmoil set up by Freud, glimpsed some further regions, but poorly.

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