Results 21 to 40 of 291 for stemmed:truth

ECS4 ESP Class Session, December 21, 1971 revelations scrambled labels Florence Sumari

[...] Is this language a truth? [...]

[...] Therefore, you will leave behind many of the truths that are now familiar to you, the words that you take for granted. [...]

[...] But a trickery that is in its own way as truthful as revelations that you are. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, December 10, 1968 identity mirror layers dimensional provocative

[...] Although each of you realizes privately the truth, and the truth is not easy to put into words, no one can do more than approximate it. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session July 17, 1972 Nebene Josef details suspicious purified

He saw in his time how so-called mysticism and even dedication, without discipline, could divert energy, distort truths and pervert causes. [...]

The dilemma was, here now, between truth—a literal translation of ancient records—or a creative approach which could lead to falsification, so he was highly suspicious of the creativity in himself. [...]

[...] He was appalled that your ability, while disciplined, lacked the intent and purpose, the search for truth and meaning, he felt being adulterated. [...]

TES1 Session 2 December 4, 1963 Watts Denmark Sweden Triev Frank


Yes truthes.

TPS2 Deleted Session August 30, 1972 Ottoman Christendom Richard Empire Nebene

In the first of those two lives, both of you to some extent tried to enforce your ideas of truth through force, physically. [...] You were involved with your ideas of truth in an entirely different context, as was much of Europe at that time, and some of the world now.

[...] The realization of Nebene would automatically lead you to question, to bring to your conscious attention characteristics that otherwise you may not have recognized; blocks to your creativity, and yet strong drives toward the nature of truth, from which your creativity also springs.

For Nebene’s being was deeply involved with the search for truth. [...]

TPS2 Session 602 January 5, 1972 cordellas sound language sh onomatopoeia

[...] To alter them through carelessness seemed almost a sacrilege, a betrayal of truth. In that regard you saw yourself as the guardian of truth. [...]

This time in a strange way the circle returns and yet opens, for you find yourself searching out anew the truths that you once copied with such great faithfulness. [...]

You also understand the nature of “truth” (in quotes) better than you did, and are beginning to allow it its mobility and ever-changing grace in your paintings and in our work.

NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 846, April 4, 1979 Jonestown cult fallout reactor Island

Religion and science both loudly proclaim their search for truth, although they are seemingly involved in completely opposing systems. They both treat their beliefs as truths (underlined), with which no one should tamper. [...]

[...] They claim to have the way toward truth. Their “truth” is to be found by studying the objective world, the world of objects, including animals and stars, galaxies and mice — but by viewing these objects as if they are themselves without intrinsic value, as if their existences have no meaning (intently).

TES1 Session 1 December 2, 1963 Watts Yes Towson Frank Gratis

(“Will we be able to tell others the truth?”)

When you learn truths.

(“How do we learn these truths?”)

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 895, January 14, 1980 David suffering illness science genetics

[...] The world’s view was a religious one, specified by the church, and its word was truth and fact at the same time.

[...] Suffering sent by God was considered a fact of life, then, and a religious truth as well.

[...] In man’s history there have been all kinds of incantations, meant to mollify the evil spirits that man believed were real in fact and in religious truth.

TPS4 Deleted Session April 19, 1978 critical powerlessness bodybuilding determined solve

The material in Personal Reality, however, contains psychological and psychic truths. Those truths have indeed, and as of now, helped millions of people. [...]

[...] Both of you found it quite necessary to take a strong conscious, critical look at the material from the beginning, for your trainings told you, in the terms that you understood them, that the “subconscious” could be very misleading, though creative, and that therefore you must critically examine any intuitive productions that profess themselves to stand as truths rather than as creative fictions in your world.

TPS6 Jane’s Dream/Notes April 12, 1981 adulteress disclaimer ok liar wicked

[...] There was stuff I’ve also forgotten though that made me waken at once, furious; some connection between the two books, also whole bunches of feelings rise to my mind about the disclaimer being like a sign or statement that I’m a liar or that my work isn’t truthful or like, hell, the letter A for adulteress they used to pin on wicked women.... [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 638, February 7, 1973 doses lsd illumination enforced assault

[...] Like many young men all through the ages he was on his individual journey, looking for truth, overturning all stones in an effort to find those methods that would help him discover — in capitals — THE WAY.

[...] The doctor offered greater freedom and the hope that perhaps chemically the doors to truth, within his own soul at least, could be opened. [...]

He saw the sick, unhappy and neurotic brought to this new temple of truth in which chemicals take the place, say, of communion of bread. [...]

TES9 Session 457 January 13, 1969 revelationary fiction mission hypocrisy committed

[...] Even the early environment, so abhorred by the ego, were chosen in order to deepen the desire for truth and to force the personality to face the issues of life and death, evil and goodness, full face. [...]

[...] The hypocrisy of the organizations blinded you to the inner truth of the symbols.

[...] The search for answers, and this passionate yearning toward truth, has driven Ruburt’s personality, and he became ill only when he was afraid to continue the search, because it led him into byways that he had not planned upon; or rather, upon which the ego had not planned.

TPS3 Jane’s Notes from Session on June 25, 1977 Reflexology knees towels three policy

1. Read Point of Power in Reality and apply that truth to Ruburt’s condition.

TES9 Session 449 November 18, 1968 integers Roger zero math minus

[...] It is besieged by truth to the 3rd power, truth being one, hand in hand with 7. Three C (E?), 3C, over 9 to the 7th power, will temporarily equate with 9 over 137, might give you truth.

All of this is premature, for the equation itself bears little basic reality to truth. [...]

[...] Grouped generally under the values of the simple 7, plus and minus the magnitude of the 7 as it goes through the zero, brings you a multidimensional concept that equates with truth.

SS Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 546, August 19, 1970 suicide choosing heaven evil impediments

This is the experiment that has not been tried, and these are the truths that you must learn after physical death. Some, after death, understanding these truths, choose to return to physical existence and explain them. [...]

[...] Christianity was but a distortion of this main truth — that is, organized Christianity as you know it. [...]

There are systems of probability not connected with your own system at all, much more advanced than any you presently imagine, and in these, the truths of which I have been speaking are well known. [...]

TES7 Session 303 Elmira, New York November 26, 1966 Gene seminar Baba chasm deception

[...] He (referring to Baba) is not who he says he is; nevertheless he speaks the truth. [...]

[...] (Too fast to follow.) It is dangerous to have highly distorted truth. [...]

[...] The truth is simple, is it not? [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session January 11, 1972 chant Valerie reclaim Sumari anymore

[...] But consciously a group of people upon this earth managed to remember old truths. [...]

Where, from without, can truths come to you? [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 23, 1971 Alpha acquiescence molecules atoms Unhinge

There is no mass truth. There is only individually recognized and acknowledged and experienced truth. Ruburt once said in a poem that truth was not a great bread to be broken among many. [...]

[...] The particular vision of truth that can be received by you can be perceived by no other. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session November 26, 1975 heroic Latin Teresa Deus title

In one way or another, the more powerful truths or facts of this “higher” dimension were interpreted and set down. [...]

These are ancient truths, they are behind each religion.

[...] To the adult this seems like the sheerest of nonsense; yet the child’s connections with the heroic dimension still remind him of that truth.

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