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WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 30, 1984 Oh dentist die lunch worsening

Ruburt’s feeling is true: he is not ready to die yet — he will not die yet. There is a difference between feeling a certain way, and knowing the feeling is true — that is, it is true you feel, perhaps, that A is B, but you can be completely wrong in your interpretation. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 2, 1971 wisdom props phlegm intellect Joel

True wisdom, true wisdom, true wisdom does not need thought and true wisdom does not need intellect. [...] In the meantime it is an excellent tool but the true wisdom within you, once again, allows your body to spontaneously breathe as you listen to me, refreshes yourselves as you listen to me, collects from realities that you do not perceive, infinite potentials of energy that fill your being as you listen to me. [...]

UR1 Section 3: Session 701 June 3, 1974 Einstein physicist diagrams theories destroying

The true [mental] physicist2 will be a bold explorer — not picking at the universe with small tools, but allowing his consciousness to flow into the many open doors that can be found with no instrument, but with the mind.

[...] The true physicist is one who would dare turn around inside his own consciousness.

[...] A true physicist would learn to reach that level of consciousness at will. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 4: Session 523, April 13, 1970 environment script semicolon pall subjugations

(9:35.) Like a true absent-minded professor, the conscious self forgets all this, however, so when tragedy appears in the script, difficulty or challenges, the conscious self looks for someone or something to blame. Before this book is done I hope to show you precisely how you create each minute of your experience so that you can begin to exert your true creative responsibility on a conscious level — or nearly so.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, December 10, 1968 identity mirror layers dimensional provocative

It is true there are no limitations to the self, and in one respect you can say that the self reaches out and encompasses the environment. [...]

If you think of yourselves honestly and deeply when you are alone, then you must realize that what you are you can not see in a mirror, and the self that you see in a mirror is but a dim reflection of your true reality. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 13: June 20, 1984 Donald superbeing hero chocolate personage

(Very true, I think. [...] I think it’s especially true with this book. [...]

Remind yourself that for all you might have read, or heard, or deduced earlier, it is certainly not inevitable that all unfortunate situations take the darkest of tones, and that indeed the opposite is true; for if such were the case, the world and all of life would have literally been destroyed through disasters and calamities.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, January 12, 1971 Joel Daniel violent Ned wring

[...] But again, it behooves you to deny your true feelings in order to be spiritual, which is not true spirituality and you say again, God bless you, may you go in peace, and this time the psychic safety valve has had too much. [...]

[...] But you forget consciousness is the reality and the only true vehicle, and no part of your consciousness is imprisoned within you and it materializes in one aspect or another. [...]

[...] Now, you form the physical reality that you know, individually and en masse, and to change the world that you know you must change your thoughts and to change them you must become consciously aware of what you tell yourself is true every moment of the day for that is your reality, and that is what you project outward. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: March 10, 1984 Jeff resiliency Karder magic unimpeded

[...] It is true that your thoughts and emotions and beliefs form the reality that you experience — but it is also true that this creative construction is, in a manner of speaking, magically formed. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 11, 1984 Sasquatch Ph.D Steiner leg Carol

[...] Debbie is a true friend indeed.

[...] From our viewpoint I suppose it seems like more is left unsaid than said — but this may always be true in such cases. [...]

Your situations can be called extreme — but true extremes are far less fortunate. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 7: Session 630, December 11, 1972 flesh soul clay Sierra living

While it is true that the body is the living materialization of idea, it is also true that these ideas form an active, responsive, alive body. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session September 13, 1979 poet tradition creativity specific conflict

[...] The true artist in those terms was always primarily—in your terms again—a psychic or a mystic. [...]

(Pause.) The book will necessarily of course include much material on the true nature of creativity and its uses and misuses by civilizations. [...]

I want you both, then, to understand that in the greater light of creativity, understanding its true meaning, you have taken the right course, and therefore drop from your minds any lingering ideas of conflict and doubt. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 922, October 13, 1980 Helper knower protection dams artistry

[...] It is true that reading and writing have certain advantages over such procedures, but it is also true that knowledge possessed in that old fashion became a part of a man, and a society, in a much more personal, meaningful manner. [...] It is true that, practically speaking, a man’s mind, or a woman’s, could not hold all of the information available now in your world—but much of that information does not deal with basic knowledge about the universe or man’s place within it. [...]

[...] In a fashion, again, Helper represents the true capacity of the mind’s functioning, the kind of instant comprehension that is behind both the intuitions and the intellect’s activities. [...]

[...] In your terms, reading and writing are great advantages, but it is also true that in the past the mind was also used to record information, and transmit it with an artistry that you do not now use.

TES2 Session 81 August 26, 1964 myth coughing car Crucifixion intelligent

The God concept, however, is true and not true. [...]

Again, then, even the hard facts are true and not true. [...]

This is true. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, January 26, 1971 Joel sacred Sue Molly potentials

Do not push for the change, it unfolds out of its nature and to force change is to distort the true nature. Now you have enough sense to know not to go overboard on the one hand, and not to inhibit your abilities on the other, and your own personality and your own true feeling must dictate where that point is and no one else can tell you. [...]

([Sue:] “The remark I made about probabilities, is it true about the personalities?”)

(To Sue.) And what you are doing is diving into psychological realities, those are the only true realities. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 18, 1984 Shawn mood quicken Peggy Peterson

[...] The more healthy connections are being made in that regard, and it is true that Ruburt’s body often feels exceedingly warm. [...]

[...] His right hand also continues to improve, and he is doing a good job of reminding himself that it is safe for all of his limbs to straighten out in a normal manner — to stretch and flex and express their true capacity for motion and action.

TPS6 Deleted Session June 8, 1981 Cec Curt cheesecake Ellspeth Saturday

[...] It is beneath the usual cause-and-effect area that the true “causes and effects” lie. [...]

These are all quite mundane events, of course, yet they show over a period of a few days glimpses of the inner order of activity, similarities and coincidences that actually lie at the heart of events, and serve as their true organization. [...]

[...] “When they see what they regard as a true danger to their homeland, they do something about it, no matter what others may think.” [...]

TES8 Session 340 May 10, 1967 headache Greek despondency chorus dragons

[...] This is true for all individuals. [...] This holds true regardless of the nature of that inner psychological state. [...]

True self-knowledge is indispensable for health or vitality, and this means in every instance. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 13: June 23, 1984 superbeing schizophrenic personage dogmas genius

[...] In some strange fashion followers believe such stories to be true because they are not true. [...]

NotP Chapter 8: Session 786, August 16, 1976 contours intrusions bombarded events raindrops

This is true of a life. It is true of a dream. [...]

In a manner of speaking, dream reality is closer to the true nature of events than your experience with physical events leads you to suppose.

Some of this is most difficult to explain, yet it is true to say that no event has a beginning or ending.

WTH Part One: Chapter 3: March 15, 1984 Trapeze defying stunts Margaret regulated

[...] It is also true, however, that such people may enjoy excellent health for years, not counting perhaps an assortment of broken bones and bruises — only to fall suddenly prone to some illness if they try to give up their activities.

[...] It is true that these individuals do choose for themselves a carefully planned and regulated style of life, in which the threat of death is encountered personally and regularly; each day becomes an odyssey, in which death and life are purposefully weighed. [...]

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