5 results for stemmed:trio
(“Three. This could be 3 PM, I do not know, but a trio or three.” As far as we know 3 PM doesn’t figure in the envelope data, but a trio, meaning Bill, Don and me, does. Another trio featured during last Friday evening would be Jane, Peggy and Marilyn. Both trios worked at tipping the table several separate times, for many minutes at a time.
The impression of a maze (or amaze?). A Friday. A vertical format. (Jane now lowered the envelope to her lap.) Three. This could be 3 PM, I do not know, but a trio or three. (Pause.) And a connection with time mentioned. A scale of sorts.
(Obviously, one could search out many threes in the course of an evening, although we think the trio connection listed above is a strong emotional and valid one.
(We thought an apt connection with scale would be the “balancing” of the table on its two south legs as the male and female trios sat before it. As stated, the first two times Bill, Don and I sat at the table we deliberately made the table tip; the last time however, with Jane added to the group, the table really tipped through subconscious pressure.
(Student Bill Herriman is a professional pilot who flies a considerable distance to Elmira for class; his counterpart in class, Carl Jones, lives in Elmira each summer while giving instructions in sailplane flying, the third member of the counterpart trio, Bill Granger, is not a member of class, lives in Elmira, has always had a deep interest in aircraft, and is now learning to pilot sailplanes. [...]