Results 1 to 20 of 42 for stemmed:tray
(4:44. I turned her on her side. The move went easily, yet she had trouble getting comfortable on her left shoulder. She’d also been having a lot of gas, and was concerned about this no matter what she told herself. I finished massaging and dehypnotizing her hands and feet and limbs with Oil of Olay at 5:08. The supper tray hadn’t come yet. I tried to nap, but got up at 5:15 to press the call button for a nurse to track down the tray. No one came. I gave up trying to nap at 5:28 and went into the hall looking for someone to help us get the tray. Found Sharon Poley and the little girl who usually delivers the tray. She went down to get it.
(I turned Jane as soon as I got to 330. The day was warm—55 degrees—and very bright. She hadn’t had any aspirin or Darvoset since before going to hydro, and was now quite willing to get some aspirin as soon as the lunch tray arrived with some milk.
(5:30. I turned Jane on her back. She was uncomfortable and wanted aspirin. Tray at 5:40. By 6:55 Jane had eaten a good supper and we’d had a visit from Rhonda—a nurse from rehab; she’d had surgery. What was going on, I asked? Here Jean Reome was out with a bad back, Shirley was out with a bad arm, Susie was going to be operated on for a defective kneecap, and Georgia had to have a tumor removed and a hysterectomy....
(The lunch tray was late—1:40 PM—and then it wasn’t what we’d ordered. [...]
(Dawn also said she’d check on the supper tray for us. [...]
(After getting up from my nap at 5:35 I procured the missing items from the supper tray by going to the kitchen for station A-3: milk, butter, bread and jelly. [...]
(The supper tray sat on the bed table, so after getting my pad and pen ready I leaned on top of the tray and wrote that way:)
(4:50–5:15 — Turn, massage, tray.