Results 641 to 660 of 1864 for stemmed:time

TPS4 Deleted Session August 16, 1978 conspired knowledge search promise unneeded

[...] The sessions themselves are like a vehicle that comes from beyond your time, yet you sit secure in your time—well strapped in, so to speak.

Now: I travel a long way in vital terms for our meetings, and those encounters have been going on for some time now.

[...] They are, however, the results of old hangovers, when he is reacting to conventional, quite limited knowledge filled with distortion, about the nature of the psyche, the nature of time—knowledge further polluted by methods of problem-solving that simply add to problems.

NoME Part One: Chapter 1: Session 801, April 18, 1977 epidemics inoculation Mass Volume finished

[...] You know ahead of time the nature of the period into which you will be born. You [Jane and Rob, or Ruburt and Joseph] were both born with certain abilities, and you knew ahead of time that you would have to enlarge the framework of conventional concepts if you were to have room to use those abilities. [...]

[...] [I’d also wanted to see what she and Seth would come up with on demand.] But this time Seth fooled me and started Mass Events only a couple of weeks after finishing Psyche. [...] At this time there’s no way we’re going to see it all published.

[...] What were Jane and I each doing all that time? [...] I do this for my own sake as well as the reader’s, since I like to know exactly where I am in time, and what I mean and feel when writing even a short note for one of the Seth books.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 644, February 28, 1973 emotions beliefs refute revengeful hateful

To refute your reality in time, therefore, results in your being stuck in time and obsessed by it. Accepting your integrity in time allows the body to function until its natural end, in good condition, free from those distorted, invisible concepts about age. [...]

[...] Yet you firmly ignore any changes in your appearance from the time you were, say, thirty — and in so doing lose sight of your validity as a creature in space and time.

[...] Some advance material was given to him for his own use ahead of time, so to speak.

TES4 Session 159 June 2, 1965 cure sufferer illness program unsolved

[...] She said she felt like opening her eyes a couple of times, or rather that Seth did. Her voice was rather dry and hoarse at times but was not strained, and became no worse during the session. [...]

[...] She blinked several times without closing her eyes for any length of time, then she was out of her trance.

(Jane has been back on a regular schedule of psychological time now for a while, on the restricted twenty-minute schedule set by Seth. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 11, 1981 Tam Prentice editors competent taxes

[...] She’s been doing very well with the new chair in the bathroom, and is now going to the john three times a day. [When I remarked that I’d like to see her up her trips to four times a day, she at once became defensive, so I cooled it.] I followed her advice and sprayed the linoleum-covered chair seat with furniture polish to make it more slippery, so that she can more easily slide sideways from the chair onto the couch or john. [...]

Ruburt’s subject matter, however, was not routine, particularly back in those times. [...] He felt that in the beginning Tam stood up for him at Prentice several times. [...]

[...] Overall Ruburt felt quite competent, however, even in battling away at his advances two-thousand dollars at a time. He valued the relative permanency of the association, judging it in his mind against other situations in which time might otherwise be necessary to find a different publisher for each book, or an agent with whom Ruburt might feel rapport. [...]

TES9 Session 457 January 13, 1969 revelationary fiction mission hypocrisy committed

[...] This was the first time I had seen this take place, although it has happened a few times before, usually in ESP class. [...]

[...] It did not see that then previous questions that it had set, that it had asked, led inevitably to intuitive answers and to psychic experience, and for some time it refused to see this, in quotes “quite logical” consistency. [...]

[...] He could have read his old poetry over 50 times in the past two years, without realizing what he has finally realized now.

TES9 Session 482 May 19, 1969 prayer dresser drawer John furniture

[...] She had experiences involving caskets, death, etc...but said these episodes were separated in time, at least one of the times being quite long ago. [...]

[...] Time as you think of it has little meaning for her. You could compare the different time concepts in this way:

[...] Since little time is involved, twenty minutes, this should be continued.

WTH Part One: Chapter 3: March 19, 1984 esteem beloved universe Newman misfits

(She was still blue at session time, but her Seth voice was stronger than usual.)

[...] Each person’s existence sends its own ripples throughout time. [...]

[...] The knowledge can let it relax, let go, so that it feels its life couched and safe, and knows itself to be indeed a beloved child of the universe, both ancient and young at once, with an identity far beyond the annals of time.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 643, February 26, 1973 Andrea inferior beliefs aggression opposing

[...] During the time involved, her feelings faithfully mirrored her conscious beliefs. [...] In speaking to her the second time Ruburt gave Andrea excellent advice, explaining the way in which such feelings can be handled to advantage. [...]

[...] The next time Andrea feels inadequate, for example, she is to actively experience that feeling, realizing that even though she feels inferior this does not mean that she is inferior. She is to say, “I feel inferior,” and at the same time to understand that the feeling is not a statement of fact but of emotion. [...]

She had carried those beliefs of course throughout that period of time, and they were expressed unconsciously through her body — through gestures, expressions, tones of voice. [...]

TMA Introduction by Jane Roberts magical Rob camera trancetime whirred

[...] In the meantime I’d read over the 17 chapters of my unfinished novel, Oversoul Seven and the Museum of Time, and looked over groups of notes for possible books, but nothing hit the spot. I asked for some ideas from my “natural spontaneous self,” and on August 5, 1980, I dreamed that a moving van with me in it was itself being moved by a larger vehicle ahead of some planned time. [...]

[...] … My trancetime is more concentrated than regular time. [...] Instead it’s as if I’m practicing some precise psychological art, one that is ancient and poorly understood in our culture; or as if I’m learning a psychological science that helps me map the contours of consciousness itself … after all this time, I’m finally examining the trance view of reality and comparing it to the official views of science and religion. [...]

[...] Actually, the sessions usually last anywhere from one to three hours, so I suppose that many people spend a good deal more time than that playing golf or tennis.

TPS2 Session 602 January 5, 1972 cordellas sound language sh onomatopoeia

[...] Jane’s pace was good, her eyes open most of the time, her voice quiet.)

[...] Any time you want to record a session and have it typed up, then I will deal with recordable material.

[...] Jane tried several times to get something on it, without success, then abruptly on January 3 it began to open up to her. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 5: Session 623, October 25, 1972 sound assessment Speakers glasses inner

[...] It is available at all times, and it is also his by right, and mine by right. [...] It is simply manifested in many ways at many times. [...]

(As with Sumari, we expect that references to the Speakers will be included in this book from time to time. [...]

[...] It is not necessary that you hold in steady consciousness data that does not directly apply to what you consider your physical reality at any given “time.”

TPS7 Deleted Session November 18, 1983 ants teeth Brazil Wade fire

[...] I also saw correlations between the spread of the fire ants and the spread of the “killer bees” —also up into this country from Brazil—at the same time. [...] I was ready for it at any time, I told Jane. [...]

[...] I told Jane his decision to visit might save us a lot of time later. [...]

(Wade, incidentally, told Jane without being asked that she looked much better than she had the last time he saw her—before last April, when she came into the hospital. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 672, June 25, 1973 Agnes Nineteen flood solid Chapter

1. Seth has some material analogous to this in the 582nd session in Chapter Twenty of Seth Speaks: “What you perceive of time is a portion of other events intruding into your own system, often interpreted as movement in space….” That session, as well as the 581st, also contains some applicable data on Seth’s electromagnetic energy (EE) units, their various speeds, and our interpretations of them as events, dream events, movement-through-time, and so forth.

[...] It would be impossible for you to handle the vast amount of material available, in the context of time as you presently experience it. [...]

Latently, your consciousness is capable of performing these feats, but the work cannot be done with the part of your consciousness that is strongly attached to the space-time relationship. [...]

TES6 Session 257 May 9, 1966 five playground anemia Elmo draft

For each time when they come to her aid she says to herself, “If they did not love me they would not help me.” At the same time however this help is held up to the father, for it is the mother who asks for the assistance, and the assistance is always in some way held up against the father. [...]

[...] For much of the time she held a hand to her face, her head down. [...]

[...] You simply invented a continual time system as a vehicle of perception for the ego, and it operates at that level only.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, May 18, 1971 Gert dandy Ron Richelieu Janice

[...] However, they became what they seem to be for these chosen people have also accepted this role, and the exterior drama will be worked out in such a way that it makes sense within the time period in which it seems to take place. In this same framework, as the exterior drama begins to fade and as it has left meaning, in your terms, only now as time seems to pass, then once again the interior drama arises, but this time with a new story, with a different god and with new prophets; and as the old weakens so the new interior drama begins once more to arouse man from within his dreams, and again they choose and someone appears, or two or three, and a new drama is projected into external reality. [...]

[...] You are quite able to follow any discussion in this room and it is about time that you realized it and used those intellectual abilities that are your own, and it is about time that you stopped telling yourself that you do not understand that which you well understand. [...]

[...] And that was as far as I was willing to go at that time. And it is as far as both of us are willing to go at this time. [...]

TSM Chapter Eleven Sally Jon Ann Jim Lindens

At one point Seth smiled broadly and said, “Now, I have lived and died many times, and you can sense my vitality. [...] You helped him ‘save his soul’ at one time [in a past life] and he was returning the favor. At one time he was tempted to use his abilities to gain power, and to use the priesthood for gain. [...]

[...] By the same token, there is no reason to suppose the reincarnational material was any less correct, though we can’t check it because of the long time periods involved. (Some reincarnational data is much more recent and can be checked to some extent if the people involved have the time and want to make the effort. [...]

[...] The dream state becomes an extremely vivid time, for such experiences assure the personality of its larger nature. It knows it is more than the self that it has for a time chosen to be.”

TES1 Session 18 January 22, 1964 tree bark Burrell Miami Mr

[...] Her eyes darkened considerably; at times they appeared to contain no highlights.

[...] Her voice was normal most of the time; she had a few periods of loudness.

At times the ego can hold you in a tight vice, which the dissociation breaks. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 708 September 30, 1974 sleepwalkers hibernation flesh code secondary

[...] The body that you have now is not the one that you had 10 years ago; its physical composition has died completely many times since your birth, but, again, your consciousness bridges those gaps (with gestures). They could be accepted instead, in which case it would seem to you that you were, say, a reincarnated self at age 7 (intently), or 14 or 21. [...] The stuff of your body literally falls into the earth many times, as you think it does only at the “end of your life.”

[...] This means that even biologically the species is equipped to deal with different sequences of time, while still manipulating within one particular time scheme. [...]

[...] Attempt to follow the sequence of your activities from the time you awakened until you went to sleep. [...] Try to recall your feelings at all of those times. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session November 26, 1972 Richard Eleanor Dick Andrews imperfections

[...] There will be more at a later time, and I appreciate my debut in time.

The session contained information about vital aspects of Ruburt’s personality, but given in your terms at a particular period of time. [...]

His mother, Father Ryan, Walter, some college friends, Mozet, Hays, all of those persons in one way or another implied strongly at times that he was either a saint or a devil, a creator or a destroyer. [...]

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