Results 541 to 560 of 1864 for stemmed:time

NotP Chapter 8: Session 786, August 16, 1976 contours intrusions bombarded events raindrops

[...] By its nature, however, that precise specialization and tuning of consciousness in to space and time largely precludes other less-specialized encounters with realities. Dreams often present you with what seems to be an ambiguity, an opaqueness, since they lack the immediate impact of psychological activity with space and time. [...] The lack of normal time and space intersections means that you cannot share your dreams with others in the way that you can share waking events. [...]

[...] Over the summer we’d scheduled meetings with professionals in various fields who are interested in our work, and these had taken time and concentration. [...]

There are alterations taken into your calculations, so astronauts know ahead of time that they can expect to encounter weightlessness, for example. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session June 28, 1978 extremist Emir Eleanor screenwriter Townsend

[...] There will be no problem with the walking, and in a short time these complete processes will be at a point where he will consistently want to do more walking on a day-by-day basis. Thus far, his impulses have been correct, and forcing the walking at certain times would not be advantageous.

[...] The backward motion referred to time, and how much time you felt existed between the book’s dictation and the delivery of Volume 2.

[...] Hardly a “coincidence” that it all begins to develop at relatively the same time.)

TES9 Session 493 July 14, 1969 accident Gardner hurt Jesuit kids

[...] He should say this several times to himself, slowly and meaningfully, morning, noon and evening during the time given. [...]

(Since session time was near, Jane asked aloud that Seth interpret the subjective data she had been receiving. [...]

(The whole time she gave impressions on her own, Jane sat quietly in her rocker, hands folded in her lap, eyes closed, voice quiet. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session October 11, 1978 Poett poverty imagination demeaning motives

(9:53.) All of my comments for Ruburt apply to the specific situation at the time they are given—an important point. [...] Immediately, without trying, at different times his imagination came up with different pictures to implement the desire—the table, the cupboard.

Today he almost walked three times. Imaginatively, he did walk three times. [...]

[...] But people who write you, for example, saying “I want to make good money, but all my jobs are innocuous, or I have none,” are not facing the fact that for the time being, at least, they want poverty. [...]

TES2 Session 84 September 2, 1964 boat rowboat sympathy constructions wharf

I suggest again that you reread some of our earlier material when you find time, and that you resume your psychological time experiments in some kind of schedule.

I believe that you will find during such times that you achieve higher plateaus of success at these times, and the natural aspects of the season’s change will themselves trigger such inner activity, if only you allow it.

(While trying psychological time for Wed. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 21: Session 675, July 4, 1973 affirmation firecrackers spacious bread brain

An individual can tune into spacious-mind operation two or three times in a lifetime without realizing it, and have experiences that he finds difficult to interpret later. The affirmation involved is one of transcendence, in which for a time a person affirms his reality in flesh and at the same time states his independence from it (smile) — and realizes that both of these conditions exist simultaneously. [...]

On a neurological basis there are unreleased, latent triggers that can be set off, and when they are, your practical experience with time as you know it will be altered. [...] As Ruburt once suggested, your [modern] system of communications has already expanded the data available to a private conscious mind in a given amount of time, and this on a purely physical level.

Jet travel scrambles your idea and experience of time, and in so doing alters your concepts of it. But within the mechanisms of the body there are unused and unrecognized triggers that will allow you, as a species, to consciously handle greater perceptions of time just as you now handle greater perceptions of space.

TES2 Session 78 August 10, 1964 immersion system props outer closed

[...] 8/10, Jane and I rested from trying psychological time and have nothing to report.

[...] She began dictating on time, in a normal voice. [...]

[...] I will not at this time discuss the deeper issue of one infinite and open system, although this is reality which has indeed theoretically no limitations. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session March 11, 1981 church Normandy grandfather heresy nightmare

[...] She’s reread all of the experiences several times so far, and has made a few additional notes about the March 8 event in particular.

(She was very quiet as session time approached, but wasn’t too comfortable in her chair. [...]

In medieval times to be excommunicated was no trivial incident, but an event harkening severance that touched the soul, the body, and all political, religious and economic conditions by which the two were tied together. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session January 21, 1978 disapproval labels storm identification loyal

This is quite enough for this evening, since I expect you to take an almost equal amount of time not only to read this session together, but to explore at the same time the ways in which your own self-labels may have added to your own self- disapproval. [...]

[...] I can stand taller most of the time.” [...]

(My own chest difficulties are much improved, although at the same time I’m not doing any additional hard physical labor. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session September 3, 1973 Nebene characteristics troublesome restrictive habitual

Practically, at this stage of the game some system of time is a good policy, even while within it full freedom of thought, and day-dreaming, must be allowed. [...] When the time is come, there will be no conflicts with physical activity, for example, and/or work, for he will have put his priority where he wants it freely, consciously deciding to do so. [...]

[...] They did at one time operate in a perfectionist kind of demand that Ruburt be perfect physically. [...]

[...] This afternoon, and at various times, he has been able to isolate certain series of thoughts and feelings, and identify them as restrictive. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 15, 1981 Sinful superself dilemma breakthrough fulfillment

(She’s been sleeping in the mornings because I haven’t called her at 6:15 when I get up, but starting tomorrow she plans to get up with me so we have enough time through the day to do more things. Jane still hasn’t been going to the john more than three times a day, nor have we yet tried point 4 on my list: taking one step a day with the aid of the typing table. [...]

(After supper today Jane said that for the first time in some little while she went to the john without a feeling of panic. [...]

(I was so absorbed typing that Jane had to call me three times for the session. [...]

TES7 Session 320 February 20, 1967 compulsive pamper token denial sweaters

[...] The compulsive behavior was also intermixed with religious connotations, the crucifix and rosary being part of the objects used at times. The desire to move furniture at times represents an attempt to break highly ritualized behavior on his part, and is constructive. [...]

Now all of this should be taken with other material that I have given you, for all these reasons clicked together at the time. [...] But because he felt at this time unworthy, for the reasons given, then he must punish himself for its success, artistically speaking. [...]

[...] At this time the plan is excellent, to offset the tight discipline that Ruburt attempted to force upon all other elements of the personality. [...]

TPS4 Session 828 (Deleted Portion) March 15, 1978 undreamed anniversary clarified automatically he

[...] I want him to continue helping with “Unknown”—but also to follow the suggestions I gave a while ago, and devote some time each day to free, creative, playful thought. During that time he automatically refreshes his body, by placing himself in a state of consciousness that is at least capable of opening up all kinds of help, inspiration, and undreamed-of considerations.

[...] For now, let me say that in his writing and psychic activity he has learned to largely forget the levels of consciousness that are limited to cause-and-effect and time continuity.

ECS1 Session 494, ESP Class Session, July 15, 1969 Bega Theodore Ned portrait Brad

And this part that you see and that appears in this room and can show joy, and show its existence and reality; that can call to you beyond space and time; that shows such energy; that shows you what energy can blow through such a small and slight frame—that self is a small part of my reality. For some time yet, you will need its familiarity. [...]

[...] When you immerse yourselves completely in physical reality, then you have no time for the inner voice. [...]

[...] You must realize that within this room, and within any room, at any time there are other personalities that you do not perceive. [...]

SDPC Introduction Valerie metaphor grief hospital death

[...] But for convenience’s sake, in Seth, Dreams … I bring together certain events in chronological time; I feel that its having been written some time ago makes this book the ideal place for me to discuss Jane’s death, to unite the “past,” the “present,” and the “future’; I regard it as being next in line after Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, which Prentice-Hall, Inc. [...] I made no leaps in time to write about her physical death, for to me that sad event lay too far in the future — over two and a half years — from the time she finished dictating Dreams, “Evolution,” … in February 1982.

So if I insist that I’ve communicated with Jane at times, then I’m obligated to consider statements from others claiming the same thing. [...] (“Yes, I’m convinced that you have reached Jane, just as I have.”) I’m not contradicting myself when I note that perhaps — and I’ve suspected for a long time that ultimately this is correct — it is true that on some far levels of consciousness and communication that we do not (or even cannot) understand at this “time,” each person who is so inclined to do so has at least touched a Jane who responded clearly enough. [...]

[...] She works part time in the field of education. [...] In fact, at times I found the similarities between the contents of those messages and my ideas of Jane’s own ambience to be striking.

UR2 Introductory Notes by Robert F. Butts Volume Unknown reader ideal sections

I used that information of Seth’s many times while working with “Unknown” Reality. Even so, I learned that on such a long-term project it’s easy to lose that acute sense of what one really wants to do and show — but I also learned how to constantly renew my focus. This presented me with what seemed like an endless series of challenges, yet I discovered again and again that I enjoyed them: Each time I sat down to work, whether on the most routine short note or the most complicated appendix, I searched for that particular, personal sense of intense concentration on the matter at hand. And each time I achieved it I experienced once more that complete inner and outer, mental and physical, involvement in which time was often significantly negated. [...]

[...] Finally, the disparity between the time Seth-Jane had spent producing Volume 1 alone (around 45 hours), and my own commitment in ordinary time, became so great in my mind as to be almost overwhelming.

It seemed that each time I searched through all of those unpublished sessions (covering well over a decade) for just the right supplementary material, I found something new. More often than not, this made me redo my own notes in unanticipated ways — always a creative challenge that was most enjoyable, and yet, paradoxically, one that at times was very frustrating. [...]

TSM Chapter Twenty supraconscious clumps medium perception independent

We would exist in this other dimension of time whether we knew it or not, of course, just as our cat exists in my four o’clock in the afternoon, without ever understanding what a clock is. In a way, the cat is more nearly right than I am, because clock-time is an artificial device, and he’ll have nothing to do with it. [...]

[...] He may or may not actually be speaking at that time, for you may be watching a film. But the teacher exists whether or not he is speaking at that time, and his message is legitimate. [...]

[...] Your question stems from the feeling that if I am here, I cannot be someplace else at the same time, or that all of my energies must be focused here if I am here. There are aspects of my identity with which you are not acquainted … though at a ‘later’ time you may be.

TPS1 Session 525 (Deleted Portion) April 22, 1970 impulses checking warrants running blocking

[...] The checking and subsequent blocking occurs three or four times usually at your meal. Several times both morning and afternoon when he is at his desk. [...]

[...] I would not even tell Ruburt ahead of time (humorously), but even I need the tape in the recorder.

Now I tell you that he has been checking such impulses a good fifty times a day, this including impulses of which he has not been consciously aware. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 7, 1983 Darlene foot streak leg hydro

[...] I’ve noticed that a new suggestion often takes several days to sink into my psyche, reach the proper portion, so I have confidence that this will happen this time, and that I’ll attain significant relief from the gas problem. [...] and I recall it several times a day. [...]

[...] New people were there to take care of her because Lottie and Darlene and Barb were pulled off for other duty—perhaps for some time. [...]

(Then Jane told me that the night nurse, Toni, whom I’ve yet to meet, tried to help her lay on her right side last night, for the first time since she’d broken the leg. [...]

TES3 Session 130 February 8, 1965 semitrance brisk efficient transition outer

[...] I will again suggest that for the present psychological time experiments be carried on once a day. There is no reason to give further time to it, in the evening, at this time. [...]

[...] The situation began as he completed his psychological time experiment this morning, and has continued. [...]

[...] All the more so since the obvious, more noticeable symptoms of the trance state itself are absent; and therefore the state could pass unnoticed for some time.

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