Results 401 to 420 of 1864 for stemmed:time

TMA Session Two August 11, 1980 Brenner rational deer Floyd magical

(I told Jane, joking, that the Democrats might achieve a show of unity in their convention, but that come election time in November they might end up saying something like: “Well, we lost but we were united” against Reagan. To me the political situation, meaning a choice between Carter and Reagan, is almost intolerable, and I wondered why our country had chosen this time of travail, as they say.

[...] His eyes at times, on three or four occasions, read remarkably better. For some time his ankles and knees have had greater freedom of motion — in certain motions — but all such evidence is ignored, largely — or worse, it is viewed ironically, since he is not walking any better.

[...] I’ve experienced these phenomena often in personal sessions, and each time end up resolving to do better next time — to see more clearly, to do all of those things that will easily and effortlessly bring the desired results. [...]

TPS7 Letter to Doctor Henry N. Williams June 7, 1982 ulcer finger dressing calindula Silvadene

[...] We don’t know whether there are really any connections between them and the situations I’ll describe, and would appreciate your comments when you have time. [...]

2. At the same time, I began using the calindula medication on the ulcer twice a day when I would change the dressing. [...]

We haven’t had a chance to ask Seth about this yet, but will the next time we hold a session. [...]

TES9 Session 467 March 12, 1969 brain perception quotes brainscape intellect

The intellect forces you to interpret data in a highly specialized way for the use of the physical organism; and while adopted particularly because of the time structure, your kind of intellect only has value within your particular kind of time structure, and its type of logical thought is much slower and limiting. It moves at a snail’s pace along the line of consecutive time.

The emotional intellect for example is not time-oriented, and this alone makes no sense to the physical brain. It finds it highly difficult to assimilate any information not time-oriented, therefore it labels it as meaningless. [...]

[...] I suggest therefore that you hold six weeks of sessions as always at your regular time, then feel free to miss a week with my blessing and your own, and then begin another six-week schedule.

UR2 Section 6: Session 741 April 14, 1975 Street predict prime series probabilities

[...] And for the first time since we married 20 years ago [in 1954], Jane has a room to herself for her own writing — if she chooses to use it. [...]

[...] At the same time our black cat, Rooney, who’d died in his fifth year, lay in his grave in the backyard of the house on Water Street.6

[...] By the time she laid them on the coffee table between us she was in trance. [...]

TES3 Session 99 October 21, 1964 cellar vessel Tubbs furnace collaborate

[...] Psychological time for both of you should be maintained, for psychic education and for the physical benefits achieved through momentary release from physical time. For Ruburt, salt is beneficial during some periods of the month, and not beneficial at other times.

[...] You are also aware that certain physical organisms seem to withstand this final dissolution, or hold it off for a greater period of your time. For this also there are reasons, which we will consider in due time.

[...] As an actor in a drama goes along with certain acts and gestures that make the play necessary, while at the same time he realizes that the play is a play, he must still focus his attention upon the lines spoken, and use the props available.

DEaVF1 Chapter 6: Session 908, April 16, 1980 cognition classified mathematical savants musician

[...] In your dream, that reincarnational self may appear as a minor character, quite on the periphery of your attention, and if the dream were to include an idea, say, for a play or an invention, then that play or invention might appear as a physical event in both historic times, to whatever degree it would be possible for the two individuals living in time to interpret that information. [...]

[...] “In certain parts of the book, like in the beginning and tonight, I feel like I’ve gone at an accelerated rate, outside time somehow,” she said. “And at a few other times in between, too….”)

[...] Because she has to deliver it linearly in words, which take “time,” she cannot produce her material almost at once, as the mathematical prodigy can his or her answers, but in their own way her communications with Seth are as psychologically clear and direct as the calculator’s objective products are with numbers, or the musician’s are with notes. From the very beginning of the sessions, in late 1963, I appreciated the speed with which Jane delivered the Seth material, and began recording the times involved throughout each session. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session January 9, 1978 Christ thy condemnation thesis crucified

[...] Hence he stressed time and time again that each person was a child of God.

You both chafed against the belief of your times, that man was a natural aggressor, tainted from birth, that he was damned by his very nature, condemned by his early childhood background, by original sin, or by his genes. At the same time you were also tainted by those beliefs, and seemed to see evidence for them whenever you looked into your selves, or outward to the world of your fellows. [...]

I always have to couch my material for you personally, just ahead (emphatically) of where you are at any given time. Overall, however, the main thrust of the material of course has always been way ahead of where you are, practically speaking, at any given time.

TPS1 Session 387 December 11, 1967 Maltz exercises relaxation vision sleepy

[...] During the delivery I had become increasingly sleepy— so much so that at times I had to struggle to keep my eyes open; at times I let them close briefly in relief. [...]

[...] She began in trance while seated in our rocking chair, using a quiet voice and pauses, eyes open at times.)

[...] There has been improvement in his attitude since Wednesday’s session (385th, December 6), and with you I recommend that he reread it several times a week for a while.

TPS1 Deleted Session February 3, 1971 retracing fears chiropractor repressive symptoms

[...] (Half humorously.) Now he thinks he should answer the phone every time it rings. And answer the door every time anyone knocks. [...] He does not want to see anyone, period, often at such times. He does not have to want to see people at all times.

[...] He has in his mind seen himself not as a woman who had certain symptoms, along with many excellent good points and abilities, but he has identified himself primarily at times with the symptoms alone. [...]

So in the beginning particularly you may be the one to take the initiative at times, for he may be reluctant, you see—a symptom of the habit. [...]

UR1 Section 2: Session 694 May 1, 1974 Markle Joseph Mr probable atoms

[...] The body, behaving in time, uses a time structure and acts in it naturally as its “constant” structure endures in time. So in that framework time was experienced — and using that organizational structure, time seems to unite those events.

[...] Yet underneath it all you are significance-making creatures, pattern-formers, immersed in time but basically apart from it, and so new insights come into your awareness and literally change the quality of any given reality at any given time.

[...] Your time structures, then, are intimately connected with probable action and fields of actuality. [...]

TES1 Session 13 January 6, 1964 enzymes chlorophyll solidified mental wires

(I did not describe the vision further at this time, although by now Jane had read my written version of it. [...]

[...] (Jane dictates:) You weren’t alive at that time.

[...] They’ ve been mentioned several times before.”)

TES7 Session 316 February 1, 1967 mother identification Saratoga sensitivity attack

He should not attempt at this time to write anything more than a friendly letter to his mother. [...] Ruburt should read this many times.

At the same time, of course, conflicting is the desire to be known as a successful writer in his hometown, but to do so he must be known again, you see. [...]

[...] They did not grow into such actual disproportionate terms until the time of actual showing arrived.

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 893, January 7, 1980 dreamers language ancient cooperation ancestors

[...] For what would seem to you to be eons, according to your time scale, men were in the dreaming state far more than they were in the waking one. [...] It was indeed a dreamlike world, but a highly charming and vital one, in which dreaming imaginations played rambunctiously with all the probabilities entailed in this new venture: imagining the various forms of language and communication possible, spinning great dream tales of future civilizations replete with their own built-in histories—building, because they were now allied with time, mental edifices that automatically created pasts as well as futures.

Then in your terms man began, with the other species, to waken more fully into the physical world, to develop the exterior senses, to intersect delicately and precisely with space and time. [...]

[...] The need for language arose, however, as man became less a dreamer and more immersed in the specifics of space and time, for in the dream state his communications with his fellows and other species was instantaneous. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 5: Session 524, April 20, 1970 subordinate coordinate angles points units

[...] They will seem to be stronger during certain times than other times, though these differences have nothing to do with either the nature of the coordinate points or with the nature of time. [...]

These points impinge upon what you call time, as well as space. There are certain points in time and space, therefore, (again in your terms), that are more conducive than others, where both ideas and matter will be more highly charged. [...]

[...] When she began speaking her pace was quite slow and her eyes were closed most of the time.)

TPS7 Deleted Session January 1, 1984 cans Cardwell fever Maude Betts

[...] We had a very pleasant time, and Betts brought a jar of jam and some salad for Jane. [...] I said what I thought in a mild way, but I could tell that often they didn’t really understand what I was saying—though at times Betts surprised me a little by agreeing with me. [...]

[...] It was time to turn Jane, and we spent the rest of our time together in our usual routine—massage with Oil of Olay, nap and TV, supper, smokes, dessert and prayer. [...]

[...] I told her that at times we still missed 458; so did she. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 16, 1982 superhuman thyroid crumbled helpless Synthroid

(However, I’ve also discovered that I’ll have to watch my time if I want to get anything done—for “time” can slip away like smoke as I do chores, help nurses take care of Jane, or cook meals or take care of the cats or run errands. [Soon the grass, which is turning green, will need cutting, too.] I became quite concerned over the time element this afternoon when I saw that it was 2:45 before I could get back to the typewriter, when I’d quit work at 11:30 AM. By the time I could go back to work, I was in a half-angry, dejected mood. [...]

(After last Monday’s session, Jane told me that she’d try to hold private sessions when she could, but that at this time she’d rather be free of any expected routine, say of Monday and Wednesday nights. [...]

[...] [We’d also had an unannounced visitor—a Korean woman lawyer—from Los Angeles the other day.] Naturally we’re turning away all visitors because of the time element. [...]

TPS2 Session 630 (Deleted Portion) December 11, 1972 badminton schedules psy goals someplace

[...] The four hours of writing and a half-hour devoted either to psy-time or out-of- body work. These periods can be extended as he progresses; that is, the psy-time.

[...] At other times he experiences them as limiting. [...]

[...] Remind him that spontaneity does also include saying no at times. [...]

TPS1 Session 597 (Deleted) November 22, 1971 Mattie tone Midge Del Sumari

[...] I have always been here in your terms as you have always been in other places and other times, and there is a great familiarity and wonder on our part that you are still involved in these endeavors which were begun in your terms so many centuries ago, and in ways that you cannot now presently comprehend. [...] There are cities that we have built that you have helped us build; there are wonders here, wonders in your own reality that we helped build in other sizes in your time. We have been here many times, and you have been where we are.

He felt then that the tables had been turned on him again, after a time of freedom. Learning to handle these problems took him time, and again the problems themselves helped generate enough activity within his psychic centers to open up new channels.

[...] “Well, give me some time to plan out what I’d like the sessions to cover, then we’ll see.”)

UR2 Section 4: Session 710 October 7, 1974 demons journey objectified City travel

[...] There is no time lag, then, between a feeling and its “exteriorized” condition. [...] If you dream of or yearn for a new house in physical life, for instance, it may take some time before that ideal is realized, even though such a strong intent will most certainly bring about its physical fulfillment. [...] Again, there is no time lag there between desire and its materialization.

[...] Generally speaking, then, you agree to objectify certain inner data privately and en masse at any given “time.” In those terms the airplane objectified the inner idea of flying in “your” time, and not in A.D. 1500, for example.

Instinctively you leave your body for varying amounts of time each night while you sleep, but those journeys are not “programmed.” [...] If you are alert you may even take snapshots — only as far as inner tours are concerned, the snapshots consist of clear pictures of the environment taken at the time, developed in the unconscious, and then presented to the waking mind.

TPS4 Session 813 (Deleted Portion) October 3, 1977 Nebene eclipses path lunar wisdom

[...] When you read the reincarnational information, (about the Roman captain on September 12, 1977), it triggered the Nebene material because of your own personal situation at the time—your mood, and so forth (on September 20, 1977). [...] Earlier this evening I spoke of association as often operating outside of time sequences. [...]

He needs you at times to remind him that he can trust the body’s ancient wisdom—otherwise he would be in as good physical condition as you are. [...] That need not take time, yet you have not followed through. [...]

[...] This does not require long periods of time at all—but the intent is all-important. [...]

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