Results 341 to 360 of 1864 for stemmed:time

TES4 Session 184 September 3, 1965 test Gallagher border Leonard trends

(Seth told Bill he didn’t seem to have enough time in the day because he had the common habit of chopping time up into segments of minutes. A conception of time close to psychological time would give Bill enough time to do all he wants to do.

(Jane, her ESP book finished and mailed, has some free time for a change. [...]

[...] They visited us at 8:30 PM Wednesday, and before Jane and I realized it session time had come. [...]

TSM Chapter Fifteen Pietra probable selves Rob injections

[...] Seth told Rob again that contact could be facilitated by the Psychological Time exercises. (These will be explained in the chapter dealing with the development of psychic abilities.) Rob did these exercises several times that week without making any contact with Dr. Pietra as far as he knew. [...]

[...] The Spacious Present is the basic ‘time’ in which the whole self exists, but the various portions of the self have their experiences in their own time systems.

[...] At the time of the session, we didn’t know what probable selves were, though Seth had used the term once or twice in the past. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 29, 1983 flexing sweaty foot safe knee

[...] She was concerned at the amount of time she was taking up with her motions, but I told her to forget that. [...] I said I thought she might be at least some of the time; the new motions, repeated, could act to put her “under” because of the novelty of the new motions, etc. [...]

[...] However, by this time Jane was in the process of straining, grunting and groaning as she moved her entire body to some degree. [...]

[...] Then her feet began going in time with the arm. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 11, 1984 Sasquatch Ph.D Steiner leg Carol

[...] Her eyes kept changing; at times she could see well. [...] Most of the time Jane had trouble, trying to read around being given her vitals, and finally she gave up. [...] The time seemed to be gone before we could get anything done.

(Yesterday’s session was mainly on the Sasquatch phenomenon, triggered I imagine by the program In Search Of, and I’ll probably take time off from Dreams one morning to get it done. That’s complicated at the moment because I’m already taking time off from Dreams each morning now, to work on 1983 tax figures. [...]

(I did remind Jane that in yesterday’s session Seth hadn’t addressed the question I’d mentioned to her at lunch time — why were we such extremists in our behavior, considering the severity of the symptoms, and so forth? [...]

TES5 Session 209 November 17, 1965 shall primary investigation director secondary

The action performed within the dream; the location; the lack of specific location; the time in which the dream appears to occur; the apparent movements through time within any given dream; the emotional content; the surface psychological content; the work done within the dream; the familiar persons spoken to; the unfamiliar persons spoken to; the relation of the dream to past events and to events immediately preceding sleep; the dream events in relation to future events; messages that are given or sent in sleep.

This business of primaries and secondaries will concern us for some time, and in more ways than you suppose. [...]

And now, if Ruburt worries that he does not carry his share of the work load, because you spend so much time typing our sessions, then the work of typing the dream experiences, both his and your own, shall be his. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session July 20, 1981 handicap Tom symptoms insight aggravated

[...] I’d had that extra time to work some things out. [...] It seems that in recent years one of my main goals in life has been to pare down—or eliminate outright—a number of ideas and obligations and hassles that I’d finally realized weren’t worth the time to retain. Each time I manage to dispense of something that way, I regard it as an achievement. Now, I told her, I want to spend my time on the few things I consider important in life.)

[...] It seemed like a strange idea to me, but I didn’t have time to think about it at the moment. I didn’t have time to really think about what I’d been saying myself, but I hoped there was something to it, and that discussing it would offer her some help in the form of improved health. For some time now I’d thought, often, that it could be that she wanted to be sick —that that was the role she’d chosen for this life, that in many ways all of our efforts to get out from under the symptoms were really beside the point. [...]

(Obviously, many facets of these ideas have been discussed many times. [...] Dealing with our personal situations was taking up more and more of our time. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session December 13, 1972 move resentment dwelling money tenants

He felt finally that at least if you worked full time for yourself that (underlined) complaint would be taken care of. He considered it a practical move in the physical universe, one of the few actual changes that either of you had decided to make in all that time.

Up until that time. I am saying that the build-up of influences affected Ruburt more because this was his only environment through those years when you were away part time.

You have private rooms now in a public area that becomes more public all the time, as tenants, strangers, move in and out. For a while the whole house had feelings of privacy when the same tenants, for example Lucy, were here for some time. [...]

TES3 Session 107 November 16, 1964 dimensions perspectives censure camouflage inhabitants

[...] Jane was this time more fully dissociated, she said. [...] As far as I can recall this is the first time an interruption of this kind has occurred during her dictation.

[...] The feeling lasted for some time. [...]

(She began dictation on time and in a normal tone of voice. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session January 28, 1974 writer personhood success artist inhibit

[...] But in his own way, and no matter how misguided, he was trying to pace himself and his temperament with yours, to play up those mental writing abilities that would help his career, and in which you took such pride—and while doing that, play down qualities that might distract you from your own work, by encouraging physical activities—parties, vacations, travelings, that would further take up your time, when you were already taking time away from your art to help him in psychic work.

[...] Because of this, however, he was never sure whether or not you resented the time spent in this work—the sessions.

[...] We had talked about this at times, of course, but now I thought I saw a new angle to things, and felt hope; where before I had thought there were no new angles....)

SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 583, April 21, 1971 snoring astral lay bed bathroom

[...] I thought that this would be a great time to do something. Now was the time for a fine adventure. [...]

(All this time Jane lay beside me. [...] My attention now began to change its focus; for the first time I really heard myself. [...]

(I slept rather uneasily, waking up several times while class was still in progress. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 20, 1983 massage bloated essays chin medical

(Jane described a dream she’d had last night, a very positive one, she thought, in which she’d looked at her face in a mirror for the first time in a long while. [...] “The last time I did—some months ago—I thought I looked terrible, with a double chin and my face bloated all out of shape....” [...] It was approaching time for people to start coming in to check her vitals when she said she’d try for a short session. [...]

[...] At the same time Jane’s left foot hurt when I rubbed the leg, and turned outward on its side. [...]

[...] During this time Jane moved her arms and hands—which look better—and various other portions of her anatomy. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 889, December 17, 1979 units waves cu particles operate

(Long pause.) In your terms of time, however, we will speak of a beginning, and in that beginning it was early man’s dreams that allowed him to cope with physical reality. [...] In times of drought he would dream of the location of water. In times of famine he would dream of the location of food. [...] He would not waste time in the trial-and-error procedures that you now take for granted. [...]

[...] However (pause), in its purest form a unit of consciousness can be in all places at the same time (forcefully). It becomes beside the point, then, to say that when it operates as a wave a unit of consciousness is precognitive, or clairvoyant, since it has the capacity to be in all places and all times simultaneously.

[...] The ground has been bare of snow most of the time—so far!

TPS3 Deleted Session July 4, 1977 waking sleeping rational prime Dialogues

[...] If you are each ahead of your times in certain terms, you are very much in the natural world. You are in your times then in important biological and psychic ways, interconnected with all other physical creatures, and with the natural world itself. [...]

A dream may be said to be “ahead of its time” if it occurs tonight but foretells events that will not occur for a while. [...] It would be of some considerable value if you both emphasized your belonging in the natural world, rather than emphasizing the fact that you are ahead of your cultural times.

[...] It is almost true to say that your species could not survive if all of its members were awake at any given time.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 9, 1971 predestination Joel Florence slums justify

[...] I can do this in a conscious manner and yet still, as I am here and as I have mentioned, I find a difficulty in looking at you and relating to the selves that you think you are within your given moment of time for I see the composites, so it takes some training on my part to pinpoint you in the time and space with which you are acquainted. [...]

[...] You pretend to agree that the room exists and so we meet in no place of space or time. [...] You know that you are as much in trance here as you ever are when you are in psy-time or when you are making an effort to look inward. [...]

[...] And so I must remember that she is not aware of these, and when I speak to her I must use a designation that will make sense to her at this particular time. [...]

UR2 Appendix 23: (For Session 724) Warren histories elite primitive gurus

[...] — there are points, again speaking simply and in your terms, where probabilities meet: intersections with space and time that occur in your minds while you change directions, where new probabilities that once lay latent suddenly emerge.9 And in terms of your civilization and your time, such a time is now.

(Still to Warren:) So forget all of the histories, my dear friend, and listen to your own thoughts, which are today as alive and vital as those of any man ever born, in whatever time. [...] In that moment can you hear the insects sweeping across the continents and the voices of the leaves speak, and feel their echoes in your blood — and that blood lives, beyond the time. [...]

[...] Some of those present were members of Jane’s ESP class; all had heard Seth speak at one time or another.

TPS5 Session 881 (Deleted Portion) September 25, 1979 approve guiltily refreshment brakes creativity

[...] He should follow the rhythms of his own creativity without being overly concerned with the time. [...] Granted, you need time to write physically, but the basic creativity has its own time.

[...] He has been doing very well, and he tried to approve, but since he lost work time yesterday his approval barely went skin deep (louder).

ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 16, 1971 Kyle Bobby Joel blessings saintly

[...] Other times, they are the results of your own ignorance at any given point and basically unnecessary. [...] But many people do not learn for some time, in your terms, and continue in such periods when they are not necessary. [...]

([Kyle:} “Then the learning experience is no more valid for having spent more time in a depression. There is not more gained because more time has been spent.”)

[...] All the time thinking that it’s open-minded. [...] Also, then, you were one who took care of a church calendar where each given saint had his day and for you, at that time, each day then took on the character of its saint for you believed in this implicitly. [...]

UR1 Section 1: Session 683 February 18, 1974 bulb multipersonhood personhood units herd

(With emphasis:) Reincarnation simply represents probabilities in a time context (underlined) — portions of the self that are materialized in historical contexts. [...] All kinds of time — backward and forward — emerge from the basic unpredictable nature of consciousness, and are due to “series” of significances. Each self born in time will then pursue its own probable realities from that standpoint. [...]

[...] The flower knows it is alive in the bulb, but it takes “time” for the bulb to let the stem and leaves and flower emerge. [...] Only in your system is that time period meaningful.

[...] It uses a time context instead, with each self given a body and a time; but a knowledge of the ideas of multipersonhood could help you realize that you have available many abilities not being used, latent to you but still important in your entire identity, and significant enough to you personally to be developed.

TPS4 Deleted Session October 17, 1977 Paul dentist adequate Carol office

[...] Had you told him “Never mind, when the time comes you will make it,” that would have been adequate enough. You did say, several times, “You’ll be able to make it all right”—and that was also adequate and a good response.

Paul’s activities over the weekend, yours, the time of your call, the fact that he did have the time today, when ordinarily he would not—all of these issues were juggled in Framework 2, to give you, now, the best possible solution, given the conditions in Framework 1, with the desires and beliefs involved.

[...] After he’d left, we could see that in actuality Paul’s visit had offered all that Jane could have desired, under the circumstances; we hadn’t asked for any of it, even his preliminary visit to the house to examine Jane this time—although he’d done that on a couple of previous occasions, again without being asked by us.

TPS5 Deleted Session August 29, 1979 Enquirer Mitzi abilities sperm nosing

[...] As you know, the running records have been broken in late years time and time again. [...]

[...] You know ahead of time the nature of the period into which you will be born. (Pause.) You were both born with certain abilities, and you knew ahead of time that you would have to enlarge the framework of conventional concepts if you were to have room to use those abilities. [...]

[...] Every time she jumped up on a chair—or down—Jane and I winced, but Mitzi wasn’t concerned at all. [...]

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