Results 261 to 280 of 1864 for stemmed:time

TES7 Session 315 January 30, 1967 John Murphy Philip boss district

(The woman John might meet in this town would be June Fleming, whom John met some time ago at a bar called The Elms. He has not seen her for a long time, nor has he been to The Elms recently. John heard Seth’s voice in warning one time when with June Fleming, and heeded the caution. [...]

[...] This time you see I will tell you ahead of time.

[...] She had remained seated all evening, and had spoken at an average pace with her eyes closed most of the time. Her delivery had been humorous at times.

TPS2 Session 605 January 17, 1972 pyramids chanting sound gong bleed

[...] There are bleedthroughs however in space and time as you think of them. Remember, all times are simultaneous.

[...] Ideas are free of space and time. Only your determined focus upon your time conceptions closes you off from many ideas that otherwise are available.

(Pause at 9:35; one of many.) The old Sumerians (spelled) are singing their chants now at the same time that Ruburt is trying to translate them now in your terms. I wish I could impress upon you this great transparency of time so that you could experience its dimensions. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session August 7, 1972 Rochester Venice Loren shuddering woman

He did not tell you the many times he used my suggestions with good results in Rochester, simply because when he had the time to talk to you other matters had arisen, and he forgot some of the instances.

[...] At the same time he resented being put in the position to begin with. His mother had attempted suicide several times. [...]

[...] At the time this knowledge was a surprise to us, since we’d fallen into the habit of thinking the symptoms were an outgrowth of the psychic abilities.

SS Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 546, August 19, 1970 suicide choosing heaven evil impediments

[...] The time of choosing may happen almost immediately, in your terms, or it may be put off for a much longer period while training is carried on. The main impediments standing in the way of the time of choosing are, of course, the faulty ideas harbored by any given individual.

Then they are ready for the time of choosing. Others may insist that because of their transgressions they will be cast into hell, and because of the force of such belief, they may for some time actually encounter such conditions. [...]

At the time of choosing, therefore, the personality is already preparing itself to leave for another existence. In your terms of time this in-between period can last for centuries. [...]

TES9 Session 489 June 23, 1969 pyramid gradations interwoven faint diversities

[...] See the 464th session for February 10, 1969; this is the last time this entity spoke to us. Seth’s entity hasn’t spoken many times; the 464th session and earlier ones contain detailed notes as to the manner of speaking used by the entity, etc.

(At 9:09 Jane told me that for the first time in a long time she felt like “the other personality,” meaning Seth’s entity. [...]

[...] The windows were open to the sound of traffic close by; this made hearing this faint voice difficult at times.)

TES3 Session 106 November 11, 1964 Kiley Nan Playboy November doctor

His own work will go well this week, and his energies be refreshed through his usual activities, and also through painting if he finds time. The fifteen-minute limit for psychological time experiments should be kept until our next session, at which time I will give other directions according to the situation.

[...] With your permission I will look in on you from time to time before our next scheduled session, simply because I enjoy your company.

[...] She was reminded of it because of a slight ache, incurred when she held her arm over her head for an extended period of time.

TPS5 Deleted Session August 30, 1978 civilizations Poett official treachery horizontal

[...] It is a time of turmoil—but it is a time of turmoil partially because consciousness has been willing to extend itself in that particular fashion. [...]

In past times treacheries in governments or politics or religion were hidden. There are no more today than there ever were—but treachery in your time can seldom remain private. [...]

Poett was quite taken with me (amused)—but the story is not earth-shaking, and for a time others have entered in ahead. The affair involved an education for Poett, as he struggled with many concepts, and as he struggled against portions of himself, for he wants to be a journalist even while he has no use for it at the same time.

TPS2 Session 628 (Deleted Portion) November 15, 1972 Ching gamelike coughing Murphy Nope

[...] Before the session I asked if Seth would discuss the Time Magazine cover story about Richard Bach in the November 13th issue, published November 6; and the various predictions made re sales, etc., in the recent deleted sessions.)

[...] It seems you want immediate results, but it all takes time (humorously.

—underlined, in your time.

TES5 Session 231 February 7, 1966 bureau leaflet plates Mono sheriff

Now when I first spoke of the inverted time system, I spoke of it as if it were apart from your own time system, to enable you to see it with some objectivity. [...] It simply is not the time system recognized by the ego.

Now, the time in which the inner ego exists is, as you know, the spacious present. The spacious present is the basic time in which the whole self has its existence, but the various portions of that self have their experience in their own time systems, which are the results of their characteristic methods of perception.

We will imagine then these various one and two, Mono One and Mono Two, multiplied, literally, an endless amount of times. [...] I am taking my time here so that we get this clearly, for I do not often come through with the pure clarity of stereophonic.

TES3 Session 89 September 19, 1964 Louie Ida cruelty eloquence son

He has paid time and time again for this. [...] This time the self-adopted defect is less, a mere annoyance.

[...] By enduring the literally endless small cruelties he does needless penance, but at the same time he strikes back by causing the father hours of remorse. In all relationships these intertwining effects exert, many times, most unpleasant effects.

[...] Bill called out the time to me. [...]

TES2 Session 65 June 28, 1964 land acre purchase house intimacy

[...] We spent some time discussing the session, and the fact that our present landlady had gone up with us to look at the house we were interested in a second time. [...]

[...] She spoke rather fast at times, and usually with some amusement, particularly in the beginning. [...]

[...] It is a very good idea for you to buy a house with land about it at this time. [...]

TES1 Session 15 January 13, 1964 Willy fragment dominant plane cat

The fact that you slipped so easily into this frame should remind you of abilities that you had at one time. [...] When I mentioned homework I was not thinking of anything so strenuous, or certainly suggesting anything that could be so dangerous to you at the present time.

[...] As the personality on your plane actually changes, expands and grows according to its potentialities, as it presents at various times varied images to the world, such as—if you’ll excuse me for using clichés—a smiling face, a sorrowful face, but is still basically the same personality, so on another level does the entity present at various times a varied appearance and speak in a different voice. [...]

[...] He then hopped up on Jane’s empty chair, opposite mine, and lay there staring at me for some time while I took notes. [...] It was some time before Willy finally relaxed and slept on the chair.

UR1 Section 1: Session 684 February 20, 1974 units fluctuates poised blink selectivity

(Slower at 10:07:) Your body’s condition at any time is not so much the result of its own comprehension of its “past history” as it is the result of its own comprehension of future probabilities. [...] I will make it clearer later in the book.2 But your limited ideas of time cause conceptual barriers that operate even when you consider the structure of physical biological life.

[...] Hopefully — hopefully — hopefully, in your terms of time, you may get a glimpse of what I mean. [...]

(A note: Jane telephoned Tam Mossman, her editor, today — and learned that Tam already felt that Seth might have begun another book: he’d wondered about it several times in recent days.

TMA Appendix A Ed Lib predictions skiing Alaska

This is the first time since the sixties that the Gallaghers have ever mentioned those paintings to us also; although they’ve been to Lib’s many times in those years … It’s also interesting that Peg didn’t see the fourth painting, either … She and I seem to “pick up” from each other fairly well, according to past instances…

By this time it was somewhat later in the day. [...] There was no time to answer the letter, of course.

[...] This is the first time we’ve discussed those paintings in … ten years?

TPS2 Session 632 (Deleted Portion) January 15, 1973 sell financial marketplace Nebene eat

[...] I was willing to spend the time necessary to master painting. [...] It also seems that this point coincides with a time of trial for Jane and me, as witness these deleted sessions.

[...] Better that than have you tied to that job at Artistic for any longer a time. [...] He wanted you to do your thing, at the same time that the financial pressure grows. [...]

[...] The feelings mentioned at the (supper) table were conscious at times, but he refused to acknowledge them.

NotP Chapter 9: Session 788, September 6, 1976 significances predream aunt vase Sarah

(9:49.) At the same time Aunt Sarah, unbeknown to you, might pick up a blue vase, one that you had just seen in your mind as belonging on a shelf in her living room. [...] Because of the time element, it seems to you that the first episode caused the others, and that your first association concerning your aunt brought about the “following” events.

The inner significances, however, the associations, existed all at once, to be tuned in to at any point of time. They had their reality basically apart from time, even though they appeared within it.

(At the same time, Seth marched right along on this book, Psyche. [...]

TES7 Seth’s Lecture to Pat’s Boston High School Class March 25, 1967 classroom hell kill chromosomes Pat

[...] If you would see through space and time then do not give any validity to the distortions of space and time. [...] You can hardly grow into your full potential if you think you are a physical creature bounded and limited by the physical limitations of time and space, soon to fall corrupted into an early and filthy grave. [...]

[...] You may think that before that time you knew nothing. You may look back to a time and remember no identity, and you wonder: Who was I then, and how did I come here?

Time, as you know it, is a distortion brought about by the operation of the physical senses. Direct experience has no need of physical time. [...]

TES1 Session 2 December 4, 1963 Watts Denmark Sweden Triev Frank

(By now Jane and I were very curious, since this was the first time we had ever had the chance to resume with a contact made previously on the board. [...]

Long time ago.

(“When did you live on earth for the first time?”)

DEaVF2 Chapter 11: Session 938, November 24, 1981 poems leash colleagues billion wherever

At one time, then, you were more open in a fashion to the kinds of consciousness that you admitted into your circle of reality. At one time, in those terms, you did not draw the lines as finely as you do now. [...]

The freshness of those poems was so vivid to me, their contents so pertinent to Jane’s situation today, that they seemed devoid of all that time that had passed since she’d written them. At once I thought of trying to explore that timelessness in the only way I could as a physical creature—by, contrariwise, taking the time to list a flow of events since she had conceived the poems, putting their creativity into perspective while still feeling it as if it were new. [...]

I see that expanse of time (that four years and five months), as being really an emotional bridge between Jane’s poem in Note 6 for the 936th session and the two she wrote in March 1977. [...] All three poems, then, are of a piece, in which she explores across time and emotion different facets of a common set of beliefs about friendly psychic colleagues and feelings of safety.

TPS4 Deleted Session October 29, 1977 ligaments faith knees Rubin lubrication

(Several times during the last week I’d mentioned to Jane that we should get more information from Seth on her eyes—insisting upon more specific reasons why they were so protuberant. Most of the time we felt that her eyes were healing themselves, since often now she would be able to see with great clarity at various distances even better than with her glasses. [...] I was ready to admit that the body could repair itself in ways that might be mysterious to us, but at the same time I certainly wanted additional reassurances from Seth that we were doing the right thing in going along with his information. [...]

[...] Often at times when his vision is disorienting, that activity however also results in the better focus in reading that is coming about. [...] He will be reading fairly well, then perhaps look up at the television set, following motion of the screen, and then it will take time again—a few moments, perhaps before he reads well again. [...]

He must avoid contradictions, while at the same time not putting his normal walking into some distant future. [...] At the same time, however, you must not be ever-checking Ruburt’s condition for the evidence.

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