Results 161 to 180 of 1864 for stemmed:time

TPS6 Deleted Session November 12, 1981 safe supported clued gritty nitty

[...] The Sinful Self material is “timed” in its own fashion so that although there is a good deal of material already written, its effects are periodic—that is, they are clued to spring into even greater insight which may not be apparent at any one given time. The material acts like a time pill, for example. [...]

There is no doubt, however, that at times Ruburt becomes quite frightened, and the fear of course represents the fear that still lingers concerning the nature of spontaneous action. [...] He is safe, supported and protected—that is, of course, the message that he is trying to get through his head at this time. [...]

[...] I want Ruburt to see, however, that healing is taking place, that he can trust his own mind and body, and that all portions of the self are being dealt with, whether or not such is obvious at any given time. [...]

TES1 February 17, 1964 Callahan Miss attack cramps studio

(This is the second time we have missed a session, the first being over the Christmas holidays. This time, the reaction from Seth was much stronger.

[...] There were mix-ups, in which Miss Callahan’s doctor was waiting for her at the emergency room at the hospital while Miss Callahan stayed home, and during which time Jane called the relatives several times, pleading with them to help, etc. [...]

[...] It appeared to work, and while I rather easily put myself into some kind of trance state I at the same time gave my beneficial suggestions, etc., aiming principally at relaxation, to reduce the back tension I could feel building up.

SS Part One: Chapter 4: Session 521, March 30, 1970 actor play multidimensional production role

[...] You do not understand your own multidimensional reality; therefore it seems strange or unbelievable when I tell you that you live many existences at one time. It is difficult for you to imagine being in two places at once, much less in two or more times, or centuries.

(Pause at 9:24.) Now stated simply, time is not a series of moments. The words that you speak, the acts that you perform, appear to take place in time, as a chair or table appears to take up space. [...]

[...] The assumptions are that time is a series of moments one after another; that an objective world exists quite independently of your own creation and perception of it; that you are bound within the physical bodies that you have donned; and that you are limited by time and space.

ECS1 Impressions (For Jack and Mabel Cross) May 20, 1969 (By Jane Roberts) twin orator academy battling brother

You had a brief life as twins—some definite clear-cut divisions within yourself, have to do with this life when you were one of two—one going one way, and one going the other—one twin had a strong leaning toward military things—a soldier—the organization of the church now serves the same purpose, I believe—security within the organization—the twin who was in the military found his sense of identity as a soldier within the system, but he had great faith in the system—in what he was doing—the other twin was more given to a statesman-like sort of thing—and was in fact an orator, although he had another profession—it included oration to people—the two of you had a very strong telepathic relationship—and this time the church has provided the same kind of organization—you sort of resented the fact that this twin brother of yours had this organization in which he found support and in which he felt so a part because he was absolutely certain of the aims and goals of the organization and he was a good soldier within it—and at that time you envied him that security and that sense of identity within the system in which he believed. This time the orator part of you is still strong in that you want to teach and like to talk and to discuss issues—but also at the same time you wanted the sense of security that you felt the other brother had—also you picked up his desire to go to battle for, only in this case you are using battle for ideas that you are struggling for. [...]

Fourteenth-Century France—riding academy—saw riding accident by an academy when you were about 14—you were held up, crippled in some way, for a couple of years—you had a brother and the brother was with you at the time of the accident. [...]

Greek name—Ostinatious—I am getting also 12 BC—this would be his name, not the other twin, that is because he had this telepathic communication with his twin, he has this sense of wanting unity within himself very strongly, at the same time a sense of being divided. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 15, 1983 Andrew insurance Fife news bureaucratic

[...] She was uncomfortable, though, and talked about being turned—most unusual for her at this time of day. [...] She started out well, but began hesitating at times. [...]

[...] I thought about the tape deal overnight, and this morning decided that it wasn’t worth going through with, at least at this time. [...]

(When I got to 330 this noon Jane told me that this morning after hydro, she’d actually turned over on her left side by herself, for the first time. [...]

TMA Session Eleven September 15, 1980 resurrection Christ biblical ascension tomb

[...] As I stated before, that part of the world was filled with would-be messiahs, self-proclaimed prophets, and so forth, and in those terms it was only a matter of time before man’s great spiritual and psychic desires illuminated and filled up that psychological landscape, filling the prepared psychological patterns with a new urgency and intent. [...] (musically) filled the psychic bill, but who were unfitted for other reasons: They were of the wrong race, or their timing was off. Their intersection with space and time did not mesh with the requirements.

[...] But Christianity was not born at that time. (Long pause.) You might say that the labor pains (intently) were happening then, but the birth itself did not emerge for some time later.

[...] They had to touch the times, and they did so by transforming those times for later generations.

TPS2 Session 647 (Deleted Portion) March 12, 1973 freedom chores varieties impediments lack

[...] Your time is your own. You choose to use the freedom of your time in certain ways, and you are always free to choose. You have the freedom to add varieties to your schedules, to alter some of the time in which you work, but you do not take advantage of that freedom.

[...] Even small changes in your habitual ways of doing things will initiate further feelings of freedom, and let you see that many of your taken-for-granted timely actions are highly ritualized.

What you told Ruburt earlier of course does apply, but there are freedoms now of which you are unaware, so do not concentrate on the limitations, while at the same time do try to rid yourself of them by concentrating upon immediate possible freedoms.

TES4 Session 175 August 4, 1965 Oswego paperweight enlargement quiet indecision

[...] It is sometimes difficult to give specific time limits, since basically I do not perceive time as you do.

[...] This time I had no feeling of enlargement in my face, or in my body below the diaphragm. The sensation lasted very definitely for several minutes, giving me plenty of time to explore it, then gradually dwindled away.

[...] We had no conscious ideas as to why this should be, and indeed this was the first time this problem had come up during the sessions.

NotP Chapter 10: Session 793, February 14, 1977 children play imagination games adults

[...] The phrase “once upon a time” is strongly evocative and moving, even to adults, because children play with time in a way that adults have forgotten. [...]

Put another time on. [...] Done playfully, such exercises will allow you a good subjective feel for your own inner existence as it is apart from the time context.

For another exercise, imagine that you are in another part of the world entirely, but in present time, and ask yourself the same questions. [...] Place yourself a week ahead in time. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 920, October 6, 1980 magical Iran schizophrenia approach debased

“Being your own natural and magical self when you dream, you utilize information that is outside of the time context experienced by the so-called rational mind. The creative abilities operate in the same fashion, appearing within consecutive time, but with the main work done outside of it entirely…. When you were both working on your projects, your cultural time was taken up in a way you found acceptable. When the projects were done, particularly with Ruburt, there was still the cultural belief that time should be so used (underlined), that creativity must be directed and disciplined to fall into the proper assembly-line time slots.

“Important misunderstandings involving time have been in a large measure responsible for many of Ruburt’s difficulties, and also of your own, though of a lesser nature. [...] There is certainly a kind of natural physical time in your experience, and in the experience of any creature. [...] In the light of that kind of physical time, there is no basic cultural time … which you have transposed upon nature’s rhythms.

“My own ideas must be colored to some extent by my place in time also, and middle age seems to be an excellent spot for such a study because theoretically time stretches as far ahead as it does behind. That is, there is as much anticipated time as there is remembered time.

WTH Part One: Chapter 5: April 18, 1984 diseases bedridden tape vein coping

(The day was warm and rainy at times, and the windows were wide open. [...] This time, also, however, her delivery varied in a strange way, seeming to ride rhythms of emotion and resolve by turn. She took many long pauses, and sighed at times while speaking for Seth. I thought several times that she might stop speaking in mid-delivery, but she kept going. [...]

(So much time passed this afternoon that I thought Jane had passed up a session, but finally, after we’d talked some more, she said she wanted to have a short one. She’d become upset as the time passed, for our conversations more and more stressed the fact, without our overtly laboring the point, that our situation is, in our minds at least, rather hopeless. [...]

(I didn’t say so because the time was speeding past and I felt dead tired myself, but the session seemed to offer some glimmers of hope. Earlier today Jane had remarked several times that on April 20th she’ll have been in the hospital a year, and she didn’t see how she was ever going to get out.

TES8 Session 390 January 8, 1968 Blanche contact Anne unpleasant Baltimore

(Jane’s head did not remain still however, but began to tip to one side at times; then she would right it again while seemingly making efforts to speak. [...] At no time, Jane said, did she “see” Blanche, or feel disembodied herself; yet she felt at the same time that contact had been made. [...]

[...] The session began at about 9PM and lasted until the regular time of 10:30. Jane spoke to Seth in a quiet voice for some little time, but no results were obtained; nothing out of the ordinary was noticed by either of us. [...]

[...] Her trance, Jane said, was quite different than the usual Seth trance, and a few times, particularly during the crying attempt, Jane felt she might be approaching an unpleasant experience, as has happened a few times in the past. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session October 18, 1978 safety fest tyrant unpredictability illustrated

(At times Jane wakes me up at night; she’s very nearly crying in discomfort, yet now we understand that those feelings represent her muscles wanting to be used; so far, though, we haven’t managed to get ourselves out of bed at such times, which usually develop perhaps an hour before the alarm is to ring; these bouts, then, happen after she’s usually slept for several hours, and the body wants action. I do think Jane has signaled to the body that it’s time for changes to be made, which marks a learning point for her.

[...] She’s now walking again with the table, two or three times a day, and seemingly better each time. [...]

(After supper tonight she walked twice—both times much faster than she has in years—a very surprising and heartening sign. [...] At the same time, Jane has been exercising a lot lately, and I’d rather she didn’t overdo this activity.

UR2 Appendix 22: (For Session 724) Roman soldier tower Jerusalem Peter

[...] As stated, this makes the second time that I’ve had an experience involving the violent death of a Roman soldier in the earlier part of the first century A.D. (I never did arrive at names for those two militant individuals.) Perhaps both instances are merely my own psychological reflections of present concerns or challenges, although I think that more is involved. Given Seth’s concept of simultaneous time, the best connection I’ve made so far between the two soldiers is that as counterparts of mine they explore questions having to do with authority. As I rebel against authority now — a characteristic remarked upon by Seth in the 721st session — so do my Roman selves in their times.

(The day before the 724th session was held on December 4, I had another experience involving internal perceptions of myself as a Roman soldier in the first century A.D. As far as I can tell, however, this latest episode was not a continuation of my three visions of last October, in which I saw the end of my life while I was an officer in the armed forces of Imperial Rome1 — yet this time also I confronted circumstances surrounding my own death. [...] I don’t mind noting that I wish she had.2 She might have been able to offer insights about it that I couldn’t come up with, especially concerning the seemingly endless abilities of the psyche — call it personalized energy, consciousness, or what-have-you — to travel through its own space and time.

[...] I feel (as Seth mentioned in the 721st session) that I wasn’t Nebene, or two different Roman soldiers per se, but rather that my whole self chose to manifest such personalities together; that I, too, am such a manifestation at a “later” time, then, and that from my own vantage point I can tune in to those other lives. [...] At this writing, I think that I am living my only one hundred percent life now, with the privilege of occasionally being able to focus upon scattered portions of those other existences emanating from my whole self, which has its basic reality outside of our space-time concepts.10

NotP Chapter 8: Session 783, July 12, 1976 hub language cordellas circular wheel

[...] The body ages its 20 minutes of time, and that is all. In dreams, experience is peripheral, in that it dips into your time and touches it, leaving ripples; but the dream events themselves exist largely out of time. [...]

[...] So you plot a straight course, it seems, through time, never realizing in our analogy that the wheel’s circular motion allows you to transverse this ongoing road. [...] Instead they refer to the circular motion of your own psyche as it seems to progress in time. [...]

(Pause at 9:40.) It is not quite that simple, however, for you live in the midst of multitudinous small deaths and births all of the time, that are registered by the body and the psyche. [...] Logical thought, using usual definitions, deals with cause and effect, and depends upon a straight sequence of time for its framework. [...]

TES2 Session 73 July 22, 1964 Pipers constructions chair seed depth

You know that you cannot perceive with the outer senses the pulsations of energy as they form this chair; because you cannot perceive these pulsations, the chair appears durable, a part of your time and space, and continuous in time and space.

There has been a need for discipline, which is now somewhat being achieved, and past interests which have this time solidified into a more coherent purpose. We will at another time go more further into these particular matters.

[...] I have been in my time quite reprobate. [...] Your psychological time experiments should go better next week.

TPS5 Session 832 (Deleted Portion) January 29, 1979 discomfort dentistry noisier knees prognosis

(Added the next day, as I type these notes: The discomfort returned at times, but not to the extent of yesterday. It has the unfortunate effect, of course, of making Jane hesitate to try getting on her feet each time, whether to change chairs, go to the john, or whatever—an effect she tries hard to counter each time. [...]

[...] Some of the changes have resulted in very painful moments for her, as today; at other times she does well. Today is one of the few times she’s missed walking since she began her exercises. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 590, August 9, 1971 pope populace reign Caprina churchman

[...] Often during that time, and for some time afterward, the records are rather unreliable. [...]

There was at the time a secret group called “Followers of the Motherhood of God.” They were considered heretics, and several times petitions were given to me against them. [...]

(At the supper table this evening we had been speculating about the times Seth had given in connection with his life as a pope, both in the ESP class session for May 25, 1971, and the 588th session in this chapter. [...]

TES3 Session 100 October 26, 1964 Jimmy j.j Marian thermostat Jeep

[...] Trying psy-time, I saw apples twice. The first time they were in shades of gray and violet, and I saw small sections of them from a close-up position, as a stem detail, etc. The second time, I again saw the apples in sections, but this time in full color. [...]

[...] She had achieved this ecstatic state, as she described it, several times by that date. [...] Seth stated that he did not realize Jane would achieve this focusing of inner energy so early in her studies with psychological time, and furthermore said that it could have unpleasant effects if it was unwittingly directed toward someone else. [...]

[...] Doing a little figuring concerning the time, he arrived at the conclusion that Marian had had her experience at approximately the same time he had been standing in back of his mother’s house, thinking about his father. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 21: Session 586, July 24, 1971 Christ Paul historical Saul zealot

[...] There were many factors behind the long layoff: Jane’s sheer need for rest; problems and questions of our own that we had wanted to deal with, but had put off for a long time; some work with others; a vacation; and the acquisition of several more rooms across the hall from our original apartment. Jane held ESP classes for some of this time, though, and gave a few sessions within that format.

[...] The actors may “return,” time and time again, in different roles. [...]

The third personality, mentioned many times by me, has not in your terms yet appeared, although his existence has been prophesied as the “Second Coming” (Matthew 24). Now these prophecies were given in terms of the current culture at that time, and therefore, while the stage has been set, the distortions are deplorable, for this Christ will not come at the end of your world as the prophecies have been maintaining.

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