Results 1041 to 1060 of 1864 for stemmed:time

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 913, May 5, 1980 Steffans Mrs woodcuts David heroic

[...] Presumably he referred to the time of Michelangelo. However, my reading indicates that Seth was probably right about prints being unavailable to the “poor peasants” of those times.

[...] Jane met Mrs. Steffans just once, in 1973, when she came through with a spontaneous “reading” for the lady at an informal party David Yoder gave in the apartment he was renting at the time. [...]

Jane was very relaxed by session time. [...]

TES4 Session 168 July 7, 1965 fate accent Lorraine sensation Jesuit

[...] Her manner was quite active and much of the time she leaned forward, elbows on her knees. [...]

[...] You will find, incidentally, that within a fairly short time that the stock of which we have spoken will take a quite severe drop, after which it will slowly rise.

[...] It is developing even better than I had hoped, and our own material will now begin to really develop, for we have enough background to enable us to cover subject matter that would have been impossible at an earlier time. [...]

TES4 Session 185 September 6, 1965 chimney shadow photograph meats test

[...] She looked at me but casually as she spoke, and at times let her eyes close. I would say her eyes were open about half of the time until next break. [...]

[...] Jane told me it is hard to explain, but at times she feels she is more a part of the voice than at other times.

(Since today was a holiday, Jane and I had some extra time. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session July 17, 1978 accident death family killed tragedy

[...] Neither Jane nor I have the temperament for it, or even the time if we did want to do it. [...] Not an easy thing to do at all, unless lots of time was available, and perhaps an exceptional willingness to learn on the parts of such families. [...]

[...] You purposefully, while speaking to your times, speak to those beyond your times and to the future. [...]

[...] You avoided other roots that might allow you to fit into the times in an easier fashion, for those very roots would tie your imagination and ideas to the times, however invisibly.

DEaVF1 A Poem and Commentary by Jane Roberts dawn commentary dusk attend saves

Dawn is breaking.
Why should I lie in bed
worrying about my body or the world?
Before time was recorded
dawn has followed dusk
and all the creatures of the earth
have been couched
in the loving context
of their times.

TPS4 Deleted Session October 10, 1977 Dineen James Carol Rusty Hal

[...] During their visit the woman, Carol, several times expressed the thought that she returned the second time, to see if we were home, because “it was meant to be,” or words to that effect. [...]

[...] Jane and I ate supper with the lights off and the blinds drawn, but by the time she went to work Jane decided to turn on the lights in her writing room, and see them should they return. [...]

[...] In Framework 2 however, again, time and space are not barriers, and there are no impediments in usual terms. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 4: Session 523, April 13, 1970 environment script semicolon pall subjugations

The reasons given for such subjugations matter little in the long run, for the reasons change with the times and with your culture. [...] Time is not closed, however — it is open. [...]

Now: I have spent some time emphasizing the fact that each of us forms our own environment, because I want you to realize that the responsibility for your life and your environment is your own.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 662, May 9, 1973 criminals dike emporium aggression neon

[...] This was the first time I’d had such an experience outside, walking; I found my body moving faster, easier, freer. [...] Later, I wished I’d asked Rob to drive around so I could prolong it, but neither of us thought of doing that at the time….”

[...] Time: about 12:30 a.m., Friday, May 11. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session November 19, 1973 tackled speediest reinstate joint beliefs

[...] At the same time this expansion did put him in situations that he had avoided before, and so the contrast between his physical situation and that of others was apparent—and to him, frightening. [...]

Psycho-Cybernetics worked well for a time, because at that stage the book served to break up body beliefs, though he hadn’t tackled the reasons behind them. [...]

[...] (See Tam’s recent letter, in which he described his dream in which he saw Jane fully recovered, etc.) But still in your time and terms I tell you to follow faithfully what I have suggested.

SS Appendix: Session 591, August 11, 1971 engineer highlighted sixth minister biblical

[...] It includes additional information on several topics already mentioned in the book proper, such as coordination points, biblical times and records, objects as symbols, reincarnation, and expansion of consciousness. [...]

[...] The sixth presentation is from a session held for a student in which Seth mentioned the Speakers for the first time.

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 16, 1984 Joe coughing clerk recovered frightened

(Jane’s Seth voice was again on the quiet side, her delivery quite slow at times.)

[...] Briefly, at the time of the dream, I’d wondered if it hinted at something happening to either of them — Joe or Margaret, that is.)

[...] Then she said, her voice breaking, “It wasn’t until the other day that I really realized — felt — just how far I’d strayed from normal motion, or life, after all this time. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session September 3, 1975 safe impulses biological dead animal

[...] For some time he convinced himself that there was. [...]

Let him take a certain part of the day to type his manuscript, another part in which his creative time is free. [...]

[...] If his at any given time clash with yours, then clearly make your feelings known. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, February 4, 1969 truth intellectually intellect win cracks

[...] So the inner self does not wash its hands, but his ego does not realize this most of the time. [...]

[...] And she fulfills a purpose in this class, and in this group, that is highly important, at the same time she is indeed fulfilling inner possibilities and opening roads. [...]

[...] I promised you a session and you will have it and within the time limit. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session December 3, 1977 newspapers news heroism organizations world

You can if you prefer forget terms like hypnosis, but between tonight’s and next Saturday night’s session, I strongly advise that you take a half-hour: it can be nap time. Or any time. [...]

[...] I’m still surprised, I guess, that even after all his efforts, Seth can creatively come up with fresh approaches to try to help us—this time through our examining our worlds through our personal experiences. This may not be the first time he’s ever mentioned this approach, but still it’s presented tonight with a new twist. [...]

[...] Yet at the same time in a way I feel sorry for Seth, for his unceasing efforts to help seem to usually fall on infertile ground. [...] Although I liked the ideas in the session, then, in another way I found it discouraging, for it’s also saying that after all this time we’re still left to struggle with the old challenges; it hardly seems that we’ve moved very far off dead center, I guess. [...]

SS Appendix: ESP Class Session: Tuesday, January 12, 1971 Bert Gnosticism Jim kick wring

[...] You are mad at life in general, and now you find our friend upon the floor again; this time, perhaps, he is asleep at a somewhat more important chore that you wanted done. (Humorously): Now far be it from me to accuse you of such an act, even in a fantasy, but this time you are out of your mind. [...]

You were at that time a male and a friend of his. Now almost all who come to these classes have at one time or another been engaged in such endeavors. [...]

In the meantime, his muscles have contracted ten times because they could not be put into activity, as the thought behind them was denied. [...]

SDPC Part One: Chapter 2 poems peach moons aesthetic poetry

Time and time again, the inner centers of our being come to our aid through subjective promptings — either in waking, dream or trance states. [...]

[...] I made no effort at the time to examine my own subjective states — I simply expressed them as best I could and then criticized the poems on their aesthetic merits. [...]

On this hazy, lazy day
All thoughts drop to sudden end,
As if the sullen air
Into itself a puncture drew,
So trees and houses and all we know
Were gently drawn to follow through —
Then quickly, like a holocaust,
A container tipped at end at last —
All our thoughts slide away
Into a hole that time has made.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 13: Session 652, March 28, 1973 unconscious sleep waking evil behavior

The natural experiences of what you think of as time distortion, for example, occurring in childhood and old age alike, represent quite normal experiences of your basic “time environment” — much more so than the clock time with which you are so familiar.

[...] Again we were interrupted — this time by the telephone. [...]

[...] At the same time you will be drawn to those individuals because the projections represent a part of you.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 19: Session 667, May 30, 1973 defects Indianapolis radio driver restructure

(While she was waking up, Jane asked me several times if she had really been asleep. [...]

[...] At the same time he had the radio playing softly. [...]

[...] That is, a certain psychic framework is set up through which an individual decides “ahead of time” to experience an entire life situation. [...]

TES3 Session 134 February 22, 1965 aggressive explosions regularity meek scratching

[...] Reaching for him to make him move, I grabbed his tail and at the same time nearly lost my balance. [...] He came loose, but at the same time his claws came out in a reflex action. [...]

[...] Ruburt at this time would not dispense with the sessions, although it is true that he sometimes consciously resents the discipline involved in their regularity.

[...] She said the time had gone so fast it appeared that only two or three minutes had elapsed. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 562, December 7, 1970 civilization violence Lumanians technology caves

[...] In it you have literally as much time as you need, to develop those potentials that you must develop, before leaving the reincarnational existences. [...]

(9:28.) On your planet they were involved in three particular civilizations long before the time of Atlantis; when, in fact, your planet itself was in a somewhat different position.

The strength of this second civilization lay mainly in the areas now known as Africa and Australia, although at that time not only was the climate entirely different, but the land areas. [...]

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