Results 1021 to 1040 of 1864 for stemmed:time

TPS4 Deleted Sessions May 3, 1978 Wayne flamboyant discipline housewife shine

It will help if the two of you together discuss your feelings about time and work. Ruburt’s nature will see to it that he has time to do all the important things he wants to do in any given day. [...]

(Jane asked that Seth comment on her fear about time, a question we’d uncovered recently with the pendulum. [...]

Without going into background information again, and regardless of the reasons, people in your time have been taught to regard their natures with suspicion. [...]

TES9 Session 503 September 24, 1969 astral fetus Midge burned encourage

[...] He is now aware for the first time clearly, of certain areas of rigidity, and realizes the fear behind them. [...]

I am mentioning these matters this evening because the time is ripe, and proper handling now is important. [...]

[...] You will probably come to, realizing you have projected, several times, before becoming conscious of the mechanism of getting out.

UR2 Section 5: Session 720 November 13, 1974 shadows hallucinations oak cast camera

(Long pause at 11:32.) In physical reality there is a time lag that exists between the conception of an idea, say, and its materialization. [...] It must appear within your time context.

[...] I’m quite concerned by some of the questions these experiences have raised — especially the possible time contradictions with some of my other supposed past lives. [...] I regret that I seldom seem to find the physical time for more than very quick sketches relative to any of them.

[...] The photographer in the dream world, though, will find an entirely different situation, for there consciousness can capture scenes from entirely different times as easily as the waking photographer can take pictures of different places. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 738 February 19, 1975 hill Foster house Avenue privacy

(“Let’s take another look at that house up here on the hill,” I said and our car began the long steady climb toward a certain dead-end road … So we looked at the hill house again — if from the outside only — but this time we really looked at it. [...]

At this time of your lives it is important that you act. [...]

Give us time … The hill house represents the future, and the contemporary qualities of it. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 4: Session 824, March 1, 1978 Cinderella fairy tale godmother adult

[...] He found himself as a young adult, at the time of the President Kennedy assassination, in a world that seemed to have no meaning. At the same time, while conditioned by the beliefs of his generation — beliefs that still tinge your times — he held on to one supporting belief never completely lost from childhood.

Tonight, during a pleasant supper time, our friends Ruburt and Joseph watched a television production based upon the Cinderella fairy tale. [...]

They experiment very often, and quite secretly, since their elders are at the same time trying to make the children conform to a given concrete reality that is more or less already mass-produced for them.

TPS3 Session 705 (Deleted Portion) June 24,1974 marshland overimpatience inclination flexibility concentration

Again, certain portions are sore at times. [...]

I have, now, a few suggestions, for this time:

The improvement and flexibility is assured now, but its rapidity in time is dependent upon the easiness of his situation. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 11, 1983 puppy Carol gas washing rotating

Again, some improvements may appear suddenly, ignoring usual time entirely. (Pause.) The body is improving itself overall, however, and some improvements that seem to appear suddenly are the manifestations of improvements that have been taking place for some time, but are only now showing themselves. [...]

[...] If I had time I’d make a dummy of one to show Jane how it works, for it utilizes two pieces of embossed paper and messages to deliver its import. [...]

[...] This time the improvements in her vision are definitely holding much better than they have in the past. [...]

TES8 Session 364 September 13, 1967 hopelessness marriage peanut trap reliable

Now give us some time here. [...]

[...] She has felt psychologically trapped for some time, this bringing about the physical trap into which she has fallen.

The husband, now, should follow this exercise three times dail: He should imagine the energy and vitality of the universe filling his wife’s form with vitality and health. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 27, 1983 Andrew Sue steak evolution endorsed

[...] Jane and I spent some little time discussing it. [...] I said to Jane, that in my hand I held the best man could do about understanding his origins at this time. [...]

[...] By 4:15 she was dozing at times as I did mail. [...]

[...] The weather had warmed considerably—up to 23 degrees by the time I left for 330. [...]

TSM Chapter Nineteen: Disentanglement From Camouflage disentanglement camouflage disengages bodiless formless

“Complete disentanglement from camouflage comes rarely within your system, although it is possible to achieve it, particularly in connection with Psychological Time. When Psychological Time is utilized to its fullest extent, then camouflage is lessened to an astounding degree. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 31, 1983 moved bedsores grunting foot Acuto

[...] While I worked on mail her left foot came up again—a good three inches this time, as she grunted and her head moved against the pillow. [...] It was getting to be vitals time.

(Now Jane moved her arms, one at a time. [...]

[...] By the time I’d finished her toes, the muscles around her eyes and across her forehead were also moving, seemingly with an impetus or life of their own. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 24, 1983 Thanksgiving Gail turkey Judy pranks

[...] Her pace was halting and hesitant at times, though at other times she would do better. [...]

(Sue Watkins visited at about 1:50, and we had a good time. [...]

[...] Seldom does staff have time for such pranks. [...]

TPS3 Session 730 (Deleted Portion, First Part) January 15, 1975 monkey Carol leash Larry class

[...] Yet the greater encounters take place in the psyche, and this encounter is independent of space and time.

While probabilities do operate, your consciousness usually deals with one at a time. [...]

As Ruburt looked out the window he was using all of his abilities, but he could not physically keep both events going at one time, or rather his awareness could not contain all of the perceptive information.

TPS3 Deleted Session December 10, 1973 adrenaline overproduction tension abnormal lovemaking

[...] Now, he ordinarily moves about before he goes to work at his table, and takes less time to arrive here. [...]

Any time the two of you enjoy yourselves physically in lovemaking you are reinforcing and reviving whole groups of healthy beliefs on many levels vital to each of you. [...]

[...] With this comes a lessening of tension, muscular tension, in all areas, and also the initiation of certain hormones produced in times of normal healthy stress, that help combat imbalances.

ECS4 Jane’s Exercise in Class August 31, 1971 pyramid flash gladly Return freedom

[...] Return gladly to the physical form that is a vehicle for your expression in this time and this place. Return to the time and the place gladly, the way someone returns to home, but knowing in the back of your mind that there are many homes and many places and many times, but for now return your focuses, settling back gladly into the body. [...]

[...] I’m going to be quiet for a moment in which time you can explore what you are experiencing. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 841, March 14, 1979 viruses immunity thoughts Jonestown autopsies

[...] At times you have both asked why an ailing body does not simply assert itself and use its healing abilities, throwing off the negative influence of a given set of beliefs and thoughts.

[...] It is not just that thoughts influence the body, as of course they do; but each one of them represents a triggering stimulus, bringing about hormonal changes and altering the entire physical situation at any given time.

(Pause at 9:16.) Your physical body … give us time … is, as an entity, the fleshed-out version — the physically alive version — of the body of your thoughts. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 23, 1984 bubble laundromat Georgia enthusiastically shaved

(I haven’t seen Jane so enthusiastic about doing anything for a long time. [...] I’d often wondered what else I — or anyone else — could do to help Jane, and here a possible solution lay right before us all the time …)

[...] Her eyes were half closed most of the time.)

Because of Ruburt’s mixture of symbolic and literal natures, the gesture gave him an excellent, definite sense of self-approval in a way that he has not experienced in some time. [...]

TES3 Session 87 September 14, 1964 enclosure cancer comprehension capsule gates

This referred to a ship instead on the water, at a time when you crossed the Atlantic and came to Boston. [...] This referred to a time when a leakage was discovered on the ship. This event, you notice, is even further back in time; and the cancer dream was also, though not so far back in time.

[...] Jane’s friend Dee Masters, who had once been director at the gallery where Jane works, and who has been dealt with by Seth at various times, was doing something at an agitator-type washing machine. [...]

[...] I will not devote any more time to this subject now.

TPS3 Deleted Session December 18, 1974 authority economy anonymous secrecy buy

In those terms you are “out of your time.” [...] You cannot speak to your age, your time, unless you understand it, and you cannot understand it unless at one time or another you feel the weight of its authoritative beliefs. [...]

[...] At the same time he has been determined to go ahead. [...]

[...] The idea however has been, the more secret you were, each of you, the better off you were, while at the same time your individual and joint creativity would be known. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 895, January 14, 1980 David suffering illness science genetics

[...] He’d taken up jogging some time ago and was now running 15 miles at a time, three days a week. [...]

[...] I cannot stress too thoroughly the fact that the beliefs of those times structured individual human living, so that the most private events of personal lives were interpreted to mean thus and so, as were of course the events of nations, plants, and animals. The world’s view was a religious one, specified by the church, and its word was truth and fact at the same time.

Each time someone we know gets in serious trouble, Jane and I start questioning anew our own values, and those of the society we live in, for such challenges seem to come unbidden and unwanted from way out in some far corner of each person’s reality. [...]

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