Results 41 to 60 of 69 for (stemmed:telepathi AND stemmed:oper)

TES4 Session 157 May 24, 1965 resistance bunch unbalanced pendulum smooth

We have discussed the ways in which telepathy operates in this respect, and we have to some extent discussed the ways in which the appearance of cohesiveness is maintained. [...]

UR2 Appendix 18: (For Session 711) appendix Jung excerpts animus particles

[...] 2. Telepathy is the communication of thoughts or emotions between minds, regardless of distance. In actuality, it’s often difficult to tell whether clairvoyance, telepathy, or both operated in a given instance. [...]

[...] (See notes 5 and 6 for Session 702.) They can operate in a freewheeling fashion as identities in themselves, or as ‘psychological particles.’ They can also operate in a wavelike fashion, flowing through other such particles. [...] Certain portions of these gestalts can then operate as ‘psychological particles’ in time and space, while other portions operate in a wavelike manner outside of time and space. [...]

[...] My identity includes the identities of many others, and they each operate in their own fashion. [...] More specifically, however, and to a lesser degree, each physical person operates partially as a particleized being, and partially in terms of a wave.35 But identity, being itself inviolate, is on the other hand everchanging — and there is, in the larger framework of reality, no contradiction.

A deeper trance state would allow us to get less distorted information on such a test as this, initially, but our results will improve, and such experiments will be helpful in that the various layers of the two personalities, Ruburt’s and my own, will be seen in their operating procedures.

TES1 Session 27 February 19, 1964 inferiority unjustified Joseph winter explosions

[...] It would involve however the utilization of most, if not all, inner senses, operating as a whole cognizance field. [...] Operating as a whole cognizance field.

[...] The 26th session with John Bradley as a witness had done her much good; especially had the telepathy effect increased her confidence. [...]

In my operations in your plane I must use the materials at hand, but despite any ideas to the contrary this involves a give and take with all involved. [...]

Your reactions the other night, Joseph, had to do with two things; this sense of unjustified inferiority with your own ability to deal with the outside world, hence your physical immobility and back spasm; and with a superficial, rationalizing and false protective measure that operates intellectually in your case, making you think that outside conditions are so stupid that you refuse to do anything to alleviate them, feeling that the situation is so ridiculous that nothing you could do would change it. [...]

TSM Chapter Twenty supraconscious clumps medium perception independent

If we could remove these blind spots and enlarge the focus of our attention, I think that we would become aware of these other events, and that telepathy, precognition, and clairvoyance would be normal, practical methods of obtaining information. [...]

Since the publication of my first ESP book, many people have written me to tell me of their own instances of telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, or projection. [...]

[...] The ego simply will be bypassed, but the other layers of the self, and the neurological structures particularly, will continue to operate as always. [...]

TSM Chapter Eleven Sally Jon Ann Jim Lindens

If it was subconscious role-taking on my part, then it was a darned good job, and if telepathy was involved, then it was a darned good job too, because my student had to check some of the facts with others. [...]

[...] Jim and Ann went away convinced that their son’s life and death had a meaning, that there was sense and purpose in their lives, and that even this seeming tragedy operated for a greater good.

[...] Before he went into the reincarnational background, which was important in this case, he emphasized the importance played by suggestion and telepathy in the sickroom. [...]

[...] At the end of the first session, Seth said, “There are past life connections operating. [...]

SS Appendix: ESP Class Session: Tuesday, January 12, 1971 Bert Gnosticism Jim kick wring

[...] However, telepathy does exist. [...]

[...] Association operates not only within one life, but between lives in your terms. [...]

TES2 Session 43 April 13, 1964 camouflage transportation space disentanglement expansion

The most full operation of the inner senses is possible only in this climate. [...]

In some ways you see, your dream world is actually much closer to the direct experience of reality than is your waking world, where the operation of the inner senses is shielded so from your own awareness. [...]

[...] Telepathy for example is not. [...]

TES4 Session 191 September 22, 1965 Blanche pseudoimage landscape waterfall landlord

[...] I have meant to give you this information in the past, and shortly you will see why telepathy and clairvoyance occur more readily in the dream state.

The exercise involved here will also help Ruburt in giving the material, and it will help in understanding the operation of the self under such conditions. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, October 14, 1969 flashlight channel shadowy penance psychologists

[...] When their theories are broad enough to explain telepathy and clairvoyance and out-of-body realities, then I will listen to them and to their theories. [...]

[...] He is learning to operate in several realities at once. [...]

TES2 Session 47 April 24, 1964 Roarck Jim esthetic a.s.p.r office

[...] He is also a ham radio operator and a science-fiction fan; thus the three of us got along well from the beginning, when we met Jim as he called to service our TV. [...]

[...] Jim also wanted to tell us about two of his friends who had been running some telepathy tests with personnel at the parapsychology lab at Duke University. [...]

Your guest this evening did not merely happen to come upon your acquaintance, though free will does operate, as I have maintained. [...]

NoME Part One: Chapter 2: Session 814, October 8, 1977 flu inoculations season disease shots

[...] What about telepathy between the hemispheres? I think the divisions charted for the brain so far may be too strict, that beliefs about such separations may get in the way of our perception of the brain’s beautifully whole operation.

Give us a moment… Physicians, of course, are also constantly at the beck and call of many people who will take no responsibility at all for their own well-being, who will plead for operations they do not need. [...]

TSM Chapter Thirteen Conz Dean illness Joan headache

[...] Telepathy operates constantly. [...]

[...] Some were serious, and she had several operations. [...]

[...] I demand that discipline operate, and that the soil shall follow my command. [...]

[...] All of nature operates spontaneously. [...]

TES6 Session 244 March 23, 1966 Peggy locations photograph envelope switch

Because of other procedures which I have explained, including the existence of constant telepathy, there is some agreement as to the placement of these objects, or if Ruburt prefers, locations, in space. [...]

When, in the dream state, you are focused in a different dimension, then you see you form from these same atoms and molecules the environment in which you will operate. [...]

UR1 Section 3: Session 702 June 10, 1974 spin electrons technology biofeedback science

[...] There are “electromagnetic momentums thus achieved and maintained,” certain stabilities that operate and maintain their own integrity, though these may not be “equal” at all portions of the spin. [...]

[...] They are even now being forced to consider the possibilities of telepathy as a means of communication, and they will be forced further and further along these lines.

TES7 Session 306 December 5, 1966 Wilbur stamp psychedelic Marilyn rectangle

[...] They organize the basic ground reality into many patterns, and then operate and manipulate within them.

[...] Telepathy here?

TSM Chapter Ten doorway Bill Mark apparition sketch

[...] I’d better mention at this point that Seth says that telepathy operates constantly, providing inner communications to back up all sense data.

[...] Instead we form matter in order to operate in three-dimensional reality, develop our abilities and help others. [...]

TES5 Session 200 October 20, 1965 olive Rico Puerto car cafeteria

First however I would like to speak briefly about Ruburt’s attempts at telepathy with Philip last evening. [...]

[...] That is, the dream allowed his native good spirits to return in force, and to operate in a healthy fashion regardless of physical events.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, January 12, 1971 Joel Daniel violent Ned wring

[...] However, telepathy does exist. [...]

[...] You all know what association is, it operates not only within one life, but between lives, in your terms; so that words and phrases spoken now will trigger the memories but these memories will become alive if you allow them to. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 723 December 2, 1974 language rock sounds Neanderthal prehuman

[...] “Reality” operates basically, however, in a way that is perceived more clearly in the dream state. [...]

3. Seth could be referring to his remark in the 34th session for March 11, 1964: “Telepathic communications go on continually beneath consciousness, and without the aid of telepathy and of the inner senses, language itself would be meaningless. [...]

TES5 Session 217 December 13, 1965 flame candle height test inches

[...] Your own dreams greatly affect the actions that you take within the physical situation, and as you know telepathy operates within dreams.

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