Results 1 to 20 of 122 for stemmed:techniqu
Many of the public-health announcements routinely publicize the specific symptoms of various diseases, almost as if laying out maps of diseases for medical consumers to swallow. There are many techniques apart from medically conventional ones, such as acupuncture, the laying on of hands, or the work of people who may be known as healers. The trouble is that these other techniques cannot be monitored sufficiently so that their benefits can be honestly appraised.
Many other diseases that seem to be spread by viruses or contagions are also related to the problems of society in the same manner, and when those conditions are righted the diseases themselves largely vanish. It should be remembered that it is the beliefs and feelings of the patients that largely determine the effectiveness of any medical procedures, techniques, or medications.
Unfortunately, the entire picture surrounding health and disease is a largely negative one, in which even so-called preventative medicine can have severe drawbacks, since it often recommends drugs or techniques to attack a problem not only before the problems emerges, but simply in case it may emerge.
[...] You are overimmersed, presently, in the technique and the painting.
[...] A portrait must contain a journey into personality, and the technique and the form will then follow naturally and spontaneously.
As you know you are apt sometimes to use a problem with technique as a substitute problem, as a way therefore of escaping from, rather than facing, certain issues concerning the nature of emotion. [...]
The emphasis would not necessarily (underlined) be upon technique nor detail, though it could be, but upon portraying in one portrait, if you will forgive the phrase, the agony and the ecstasy of individual existence. [...]
The technique can follow beautifully through as a handmaiden of the intuitions. The technique can be channels of line through which feeling may flow. (Long pause.) Let the medium and technique follow naturally from the original vision. [...] Then this fine technique will be truly used to advantage.
In the beginning you could not have painted if you had not allowed yourself to develop this technique, which allowed you to use emotion and yet contain it. [...]
[...] Then let your flawless technique follow the vision, and on occasion help define it.
If you believe in the laws of cause and effect, as accepted, or in the laws of polarity, as accepted (and explained in a letter we received today), then you will be bound by those laws, for they will represent your artistic technique. [...] You will not have the “technique” to attract other experience, and as long as you stick with one technique your life-pictures will more or less have a certain monotony.
[...] Not just technique is concerned, but the entire visual experience of his life.
(All of this is very acute artistic information, and embodies the use of good technique even today. [...] Many frescos were ruined in those days through poor techniques. [...]
[...] A chemical technique learned.
(Rembrandt’s technique has been the subject of much speculation over the centuries. [...]
[...] This maintains purity and clarity of color—and has been considered sound painting technique over the years.)
(My back was beginning to bother me this morning, at around 11:00, so I sat in my chair, in the studio, and closing my eyes began to use the induction technique that Jane had used on me in our previous sessions. [...]
[...] While you went to art school, you recognized that in larger terms art cannot be taught, merely basic techniques. [...]
[...] The ideas, for example, in Personal Reality are exactly those that will resolve his doubts and remove his fears, and the techniques given do work.
[...] The pendulum method is simply a technique that is effective because of your beliefs, and brings to light your own quite conscious ideas—those that you might not approve of, and so conveniently appear to forget.
[...] But what you have is a learned pattern of face-saving self-deception and nefarious (with amusement) techniques, taught by parents to children; so often you pretend to want one thing, and you may say that you “will it” to happen—perhaps because what you really want is unacceptable, or so you have been taught: it is demeaning, or evil, or whatever. [...]
[...] They see it as the current necessary way to write—the in things, but most of them unconsciously understand the reasons behind the techniques, as I explained them earlier.
[...] Techniques may improve, the work may become more polished, but the quality of the poetry itself is what is important.
Ruburt then has indeed been involved in working out his dilemmas, both in their private and public nature through the use of such dream techniques, the subsequent feelings aroused in the daytime, and the intuitive resolutions and insights that then occur. [...]
[...] It was one in which she was attempting to follow in a still-life some of the techniques I’d showed her a few days ago, when I repainted another still-life composition she’d started, and showed her how to get more opaque effects for variety; a demonstration, then, for she’d asked for “a lesson.” [...]
Through medical techniques some of your old people are kept alive long enough so that this process begins, appearing in distorted form, sometimes psychologically apparent but biologically frustrated. [...]