Results 381 to 395 of 395 for stemmed:success

TES1 Session 14 January 8, 1964 solidified plane counteraction board cup

[...] The first time, at about 10:45 PM, she could not exert enough pressure to use the keys; the second time at about midnight was more successful, but still uneven in pressure and lacking punctuation and capitals.

TES1 Session 18 January 22, 1964 tree bark Burrell Miami Mr

[...] I was doing some samples for a business venture with a relative that offered a chance of rather handsome monetary rewards if successful; our agreement was that Jane would hold a temporary job in the meantime.

UR2 Section 4: Session 708 September 30, 1974 sleepwalkers hibernation flesh code secondary

I am speaking in your historical terms because before the historical system that you recognize, man had indeed experimented with these other directions, and with some success. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 721 November 25, 1974 king Roman counterparts soldier Jamaica

[...] One of the drawings is very successful, and I plan to do an oil painting from it.

TPS6 Deleted Session February 4, 1981 public exposure latest disclaimer books

The success of the books brings such questions into prominence, of course, and I will discuss more of those allied concerns. [...]

TSM Chapter Twelve Doris Matt reincarnation Rev Jon

[...] Here we find abilities shown, ignored, and misused through a succession of lives; a rather classic example of the ‘progress’ followed by many psychically endowed, but in poor control of their personalities and abilities.

UR2 Section 5: Session 718 November 6, 1974 James view Jung tuned William

In the same way, if you are overly concerned about the nature of your own reality, and if you are looking to others to justify your existence, you will not be able to abandon your own world view successfully, for you will feel too threatened. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 737 February 17, 1975 house family Foster Borledim Sayre

Our tactics were successful in freeing us, and I suspected that we were through with Foster Avenue. [...]

TES2 Session 68 July 6, 1964 Mark Bill doorway apparition bath

[...] The affair will be successful. [...]

TES5 Session 204 November 1, 1965 John Driscoll Dudley Elms companion

(See also page 11 of the 200th session for notes on the clairvoyant/telepathic experiment, involving John, that Jane conducted successfully the last time he was in this territory. [...]

UR2 Appendix 12: (For Session 705) evolution Darwin appendix dna realism

In light of the excerpts to come in this appendix from the 44th session, it should be noted that when Seth used the term “camouflage,” he referred not only to our physical world as one of the forms (or camouflages) taken by basic reality, but to another kind of time as well — the medium of successive moments the outer ego is used to, and in which our ordinary world exists.

[...] Jane has had some success here; in Chapter 6 of Adventures, see her projection experience involving “Dr. Sam’s house.”

UR1 Introductory Notes by Robert F. Butts volumes Unknown sections footnotes letter

[...] Other kinds of tests, more “formal” ones that we carried out in 1965–66, are detailed in Chapter 8 of The Seth Material; it’s easy for us to forget now that those early tests were quite successful, and could be resumed at any time. [...]

SDPC Introduction Valerie metaphor grief hospital death

[...] I think I know my own parents better now than I did when they were ‘living.’ I understand so much more about them now, and with compassion see and feel their strivings and hopes, loves and successes and failures in ways I was not consciously aware of before. [...]

TES4 Session 170 July 19, 1965 Footage dear display prove doctor

(Jane had slowed her pace somewhat, and I was now having some success in keeping up with her. [...]

TES5 Session 218 December 15, 1965 Priestley Peggy Dunne San seminar

[...] According to Priestley, while the individual therefore is free from successive moments, he still does not have easily available, at fingertips so to speak, any information or realizations from time three. [...]

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