Results 1 to 20 of 38 for stemmed:subdu

TPS7 Deleted Session November 17, 1983 denture pretty shoulders subdued Sharon

(At 3:19 she began a few subdued motions of her left foot as I worked with mail. Her breathing speeded up a little also.

(4:00. More similar mild exercises, including getting the “satin” feeling in her right shoulder. “I’ve got that thing again where when I stop doing the exercises my eyes work better,” she said. “I can see the colors better.” Another good sign. Rest. After getting her eye drops Jane did some more subdued exercises while I made notes and worked on mail.

TPS5 Session 850 (Deleted Portion) May 2, 1979 stress unpleasant reconcile affectionate potent

[...] All is much more subdued, though. [...]

TES8 Session 415 June 10, 1968 pilot gulf Blevins bailed fuel

(Jane began speaking in trance in a somewhat subdued voice. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session April 9, 1979 taxes groin paying kitty hassles

[...] The feelings linger, though in a much subdued form. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 8, 1982 bespoke harbingers interlaces sporadic settling

(Jane’s delivery had been sporadic in an odd way, her Seth voice subdued, making me feel that she could lose the session at any moment by slipping off into sleep. [...]

TPS5 Session 887 (Deleted Portion) December 5, 1979 Danahers Ariston stretching impulses overemphasized

(Even when the session was held, Jane’s delivery as Seth was for the most part rather quiet, comparatively subdued.

TES7 Session 326 March 15, 1967 projection levitations remember easiest occultists

(Jane’s voice flat and subdued, eyes closed. [...]

TES1 Session 30 February 27, 1964 refrigerator kitchen iceboxes sanitary chiropractic

[...] One can look into the kitchen from one end of the living room and thus see the tree, and in a subdued light it is very effective. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 19, 1983 leg tension dehypnotizing aspirin rotating

[...] When Seth came through her voice was a bit hoarse, but with good subdued power. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 9, 1983 gas tray leg aspirin mattress

[...] Her Seth voice was strong if subdued. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 5: April 18, 1984 diseases bedridden tape vein coping

(Jane seemed somewhat subdued, although she ate well. [...]

TES8 Session 390 January 8, 1968 Blanche contact Anne unpleasant Baltimore

[...] As I continued speaking, trying to help Jane get an emotional feeling of making contact without being engulfed by any strong or unpleasant emotion that Blanche might be reexperiencing, Jane began to whimper in a subdued way. [...]

TES8 Session 392 January 22, 1968 displaced minister Philip John committed

(Jane’s voice had been subdued giving the data. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 887, December 5, 1979 library Archives journals unpublished copies

Her delivery as Seth was for the most part comparatively subdued.)

NotP Chapter 4: Session 768, March 22, 1976 sexual lesbian homosexual taboos identification

[...] In “subduing” its own female elements, the species tried to gain some psychological distance from the great natural source from which it was, for its own reasons, trying to emerge.

DEaVF1 Essay 2 Monday, April 5, 1982 explanations frenetic handset intercoms stoicism

[...] Her delivery this evening had been as fast as that of last time, yet more subdued. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 7, 1983 Darlene foot streak leg hydro

[...] Her motions today were subdued, her grunts and breathing not so prominent. [...]

TES5 Session 215 December 8, 1965 candle flame Roy height test

[...] The sound was subdued, yet plain enough in our very quiet room. [...]

[...] The candle flame had remained subdued.

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 893, January 7, 1980 dreamers language ancient cooperation ancestors

(Pause in a steady, if usually rather subdued, delivery.)

DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 890, December 19, 1979 units ee sperm particles unmanifested

(By now Jane was moving into a more subdued form of that rolling, resonant delivery for Seth that she’d used in the last session.)

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