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TPS3 Thursday, August 4, 1977 Notes southwest sunglasses Fullers anyhow stuff

Thursday 12:20—What I like about all this is that I FEEL that the head area—which is clearing all day and week—is the basic area in which everything started; even the slowness; and that all of that is in the process of clearing—that, the physical stuff PLUS, this AM the feeling I’m doing stuff at creative inspirational levels too; figured out important stuff about James for example—and I FEEL that my recovery can be easy—automatic—and that it only seems that the “body needs time” etc. when you’re at that level—and that.... I’m leaving it.

TPS6 Jane’s Notes December 27, 1980 Xmas anniversary blankets wormy planter

[...] In fact Seth gave us Frameworks 1 and 2 stuff in there, to help me. I did grab hold several times, and with the God of Jane book, the new inspiration there—and stuff on following impulses, made some very good improvements. [...]

[...] Now as I write some old dumb stuff comes emotionally to mind—my mother saying that I’d destroy those I loved or some such nonsense.... [...]

TPS3 Friday, August 12, 1977 Notes vet lengthened blurry funny Billy

A bewildering series of body stuff today. [...] This would mean both have lengthened some; and that’s the side, the right one, I had the eye stuff and funny balance feelings on. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session September 4, 1972 wheelchair knees devil re giant

[...] “And now these little men’ve got little things like trowels, and they’re taking scoops of white stuff out of my body and throwing it away. They spray something on the part first, that makes this white stuff soft, then they scoop it out.”

[...] Then they scooped out some stuff like they did before, this time from where the top vertebrae meet the skull, and they threw all this stuff away. [...]

(At 9:05 Jane said, “I’m getting some real weird stuff. [...]

TPS6 Jane’s Silver Dream Fragment February 14, 1981 silver silverware servants sterling serviceable

[...] I tell the “help” that this isn’t my cup of tea, they will have to help; at the same time I discover that this isn’t the best silver as I’d thought but serviceable enough stuff. [...] My body hurt from polishing the stuff.... [...]

UR1 Section 3: Session 696 May 8, 1974 blueprints Platonic gender language hauntings

Give us a moment … Man is himself made as much of God-stuff as earth-stuff, so in those terms now the god in himself yearned toward the man in the god, and earth experience. [...] Through various exercises in this book, I hope to acquaint each of you with the inherent oneness of the inside and outside realities, to give you a glimpse of your own infinite nature even within the bounds of your creaturehood — to help you see the god-stuff in the man-stuff. [...]

TPS3 Monday, August 15, 1977 Notes married James session doing times

Eyes & body doing stuff all day. [...]

TPS3 Jane’s Notes Sunday July 10 reflexology ok trifle acrylic looser

I didn’t hold on stuff quite as much & walked a trifle easier.

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 22, 1984 drought brand vitamin rasping hydro

[...] She said that she wanted “to do book stuff, but I’m spending all my time trying to find out about my health.” [...]

[...] Jane had “no idea that he was going into that weather stuff.” [...]

UR1 Appendix 11: (For Session 698) Wonderworks intersection chameleon objectification levels

“Wonderworks — inner experiences just beneath usual consciousness — contain different orders of events.1 Literally the stuff of all creativity (in miniature).

[...] The universe is the result of a certain kind of focus of consciousness; the stuff of it, the matter, rises out of inner wonderworks — of which the private wonderworks of each of us is a part.

TPS6 Jane’s Dream/Notes April 12, 1981 adulteress disclaimer ok liar wicked

[...] There was stuff I’ve also forgotten though that made me waken at once, furious; some connection between the two books, also whole bunches of feelings rise to my mind about the disclaimer being like a sign or statement that I’m a liar or that my work isn’t truthful or like, hell, the letter A for adulteress they used to pin on wicked women.... [...]

TPS3 Wednesday, August 17, 1977 Notes attic contrary decent closet rules

AM: we get up at 6 so the men can get up to the attic to work through the bedroom closet; R. Reads chapter 2 of James; my body continues its stuff.

ECS4 Jane Roberts’ ESP Class, August 31, 1971 helper class Alright appendage gal

[...] is that I’m also sending stuff out to some of the regular members in class who are working hard and to whom I dont have time to speak in class. [...]

[...] And really see what you can do, ‘cause you can do stuff in the dream state with your consciousness just like you can here. [...]

TPS5 Jane’s Notes March 26, 1979 Moonies dissatisfied superimpose Anyway Jonestown

[...] (There was some other stuff I got but I’ve forgotten it already.) Anyway the chapter was to be followed according to what I got, by one on frightened people who suddenly break out of old ideas, open their mental environments, and seemingly work miracles in their lives; like the old man, the old woman....

TPS3 Jane’s Notes Saturday July 9, 1977 aok Edna reflexology supernatural James

[...] Used Seth’s Natural data stuff to good advantage. [...]

TPS4 Jane’s Notes June 19, 1978 allergic fleabites routine Blumenthal hasten

(Out on the porch tonight off and on I kept getting stuff from Seth but so normally and smoothly that only something Rob said later made me remember. [...]

ECS1 Jane’s Impressions: Theodore Muldoon, April 8, 1969 Syracuse thatthere figurehead muldoon ninety

[...] But I think this has to do with that other stuff so you should check it. [...]

TPS3 Tuesday, August 9, 1977 Notes McClure Bob ligaments knee symphony

[...] (Body stuff continues.) [RFB note: Bob McClure died, August 1979, of cancer.] Do two sketches of Bob McClure.

TPS3 Session 770 (Deleted Portion) April 5, 1976 hindsight lull plow reactivation fondest

[...] “I’m just not up to it,” Jane said, “but there’s a lot of stuff he could give on the ulcer thing right now. [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 7 camouflage Malba instruments Decatur senses

The elementsthose that you now know and those you will createare camouflages of the basic stuff or vitality which you cannot discover with your outer senses. [...]

Since very often the vitality or stuff of the universe seems as innocuous as air … then look for what you do not see. [...]

[...] Therefore, you will come up against the basic stuff of the universe and feel its effects, though your physical senses will not necessarily perceive it.

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