Results 1 to 20 of 112 for stemmed:stranger

ECS4 ESP Class Session, October 19, 1971 Dee strangers tosses joy met

Some of you were quite surprised by the strangers that you met. None of you have made the connections as yet between the strangers you have met in your dreams, the strangers that have come to class, and your own experiences.

Now, my welcome to those who came for the evening, and I have a few remarks to make to our regular class members. You have met many strangers lately, both in the dream state and in regular waking reality. And you met some strangers here last week. See that you learn who they were.

ECS4 ESP Class Session, August 3, 1971 Margie Wally joy class strangers

[...] Therefore, I want you to take particular notice of people in your dreams who are strangers to you. [...]

([Gert:] “Would we at anytime hallucinate, say, the strangers?”)

([Gert:] “In the dream state, these strangers or associates, would we put on them a face that we would be able to relate to, say, a member of our family?”)

ECS3 ESP Class Session, May 11, 1971 classroom gown awaken yourselves strangers

[...] Around you there are friends and strangers, and you have always been friends and strangers to each other. [...]

[...] The voices of strangers and beloved ones are often the same voices, and the scenes that you see often, you have seen before. [...]

TES8 Notes by Peggy Gallagher table circulatory Danny graphics complacency

[...] I come to you as a complete stranger. I am a stranger to you but you are not strangers to me, and so you see, I have the advantage, and I always take advantage of my advantages.

ECS4 ESP Class Session, September 21, 1971 pyramid Martin Whatever autumn myths

[...] Also be on the lookout for strangers that specifically approach you. Not strangers that you meet, but strangers that approach you where no effort is required on your part. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session May 10, 1978 inspired guests impulses strangers responding

Before I discuss our main material, I have a few comments regarding strangers.

You might make a small sign: “Beloved stranger: we are working. [...]

[...] You could compose several such signs, so that one might read: “We are not seeing any strangers today at all,” but there are many variations that you could settle for.

SS Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 540, July 6, 1970 ghosts apparitions repetitive pseudoappearance rewashing

As mentioned earlier, however, in the sleep state you may help recently dead persons, complete strangers, to acclimate to after-death conditions, even though this knowledge is not available to you in the morning. So others, strangers, may communicate with you when you are sleeping, and even guide you through various periods of your life.

TES7 February 2, 1967 Dream: First Sequence collegelike Mahaar multicolored Dane knolls

[...] We are strangers, incidentally, meeting in the dream.

TES7 February 2, 1967 Dream: Second Sequence packages Faulk crinkle baubles squinting

[...] They were friends of my mother but strangers to me and I thought that maybe they had read the ESP book.

ECS1 Session 363, ESP Class, September 12, 1967 island Grangers Monchuco Jesuit slurred

[...] The stranger lives on the island and he wears a ring. [...]

[...] There is an S connected with the stranger, also an A. And the Grangers have come from down a road or path, that is somewhat hilly, from a settlement there, and they have been riding, perhaps bicycles or wagon-like vehicles—or a wagon driven by animals—pulled by animals. [...]

TES8 Session 363 September 12, 1967 island Monchuco slurred port boat

[...] The stranger lives on the island and he wears a ring. [...]

[...] There is an S connected with the stranger, also an A, and the Gallaghers have come from down a road or path that is somewhat hilly, from a settlement there, and they have been riding, perhaps bicycles or wagonlike vehicles: or a wagon driven by animals; pulled by animals.

TPS3 Session 809 (Deleted Portion) August 8, 1977 pulleys ligaments refrigerator tightening Kautz

If, for example you see, in objective life with strangers about, that you prefer your isolation, relatively speaking, you can make certain decisions. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session July 26, 1978 interview walking Poett inferiority spontaneiously

When no effort is made now and then to encounter strangers, or guests of that nature, in any position of relative authority, then Ruburt does not question his feelings or beliefs directly. [...]

[...] Nor could I take any comfort from Seth’s remarks about encountering strangers, or even friends, I said, since it seemed that whenever any outsider was present we were both constantly worrying about whether they would notice Jane’s condition, whether she ever got on her feet, and so forth, until it seemed that those episodes were hardly worthwhile. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session October 10, 1977 Dineen James Carol Rusty Hal

[...] She met two delightful strangers—near-foreigners. [...]

[...] Until Ruburt was at his desk this evening, he did not finally decide whether or not he would greet the strangers you knew had earlier tried to reach you. [...]

(10:19.) This sort of thing happens frequently with Miss Dineen, and consciously she is drawn toward areas of town, for example, in which certain individuals are shopping or strolling, so that while she visits few fashionable establishments, she enjoys a series of seemingly unrelated, pleasant encounters with strangers.

TPS2 Session 617 (Deleted Portion) September 25, 1972 negative harbored underlined concentrate thumbnail

[...] For reasons that I will get to, and to some extent have told you, you got into the habit of inhibiting joy, and being a stranger to gaiety.

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 15, 1971 Ellen Florence Alpha Joel sedate

[...] You have all met each other either as strong friends or relatives or acquaintances or simply as strangers who passed each other perhaps upon a street in another time and another place. [...]

[...] And as I always do to show not only guests and seeming strangers the nature of vitality but always to impress it as deeply as possible into your knowledge, then let me again remind you that this vitality is your own; that life, physical or nonphysical, is a full vitality that it is not necessarily quiet, that it is not necessarily sedate, and though my voice does not ring with the innocent chatter of children, that that same vitality that fills them fills me and fills each of you. [...]

TES7 Session 292 October 10, 1966 cap beer Friday tipping trio

(“Connection with a stranger also.” Last Friday evening was connected with a stranger, in that a stranger, Georgia Mae Fields, wrote the article on table tipping in the November 1966 issue of Fate Magazine. [...]

[...] Connection with a stranger also.

TPS2 Deleted Session October 2, 1972 Seagull Aerofranz Dick Bach Eleanor

With strangers the sessions often are personal, however, because their own needs and emotional reactions are initially so vibrant. [...]

[...] None of you are strangers. [...]

TES6 Session 260 May 18, 1966 Goldsmith Nate Saratoga spade visit

[...] A meeting with a stranger, a man, in his office, and some connection with Detroit. [...] This is separate from the earlier mention of the stranger. [...]

TPS6 Jane’s Notes July 17-19, 1981 pleasure prowling fans Longwell phone

[...] But I thought of him, a stranger, in the newspaper office of a strange town.... [...]

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