Results 81 to 100 of 132 for stemmed:straight

TSM Chapter Four voice counteraction Rob parapsychologist hoarseness

In this fourteenth session I spoke for Seth for fifty minutes straight, the longest period without a break up to that date. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session February 11, 1981 public arena spontaneous withdrawing white

[...] (Long pause.) If Ruburt wrote other kinds of books—mysteries, for example, or straight novels—he would of course have no trouble explaining them in the public arena. [...]

TES7 Session 319 February 13, 1967 canvas linen Tom glued Shop

The knees, incidentally, I can help him here: in Saint Vincent’s punishment took the form of having the child kneel straight upward, and doing so Ruburt’s knees often became sore. [...]

TES8 Session 381 November 24, 1967 table Carl pressure floor Claire

(Carl, being big and strong, could hold the table as he did, with but one hand, the arm extended straight out, for some little time. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 5: Session 900, February 11, 1980 lampshades light Floyd colors spectrum

[...] The shade of the closest lamp was fatter and taller than its companion’s, but this didn’t seem to matter: I soon realized that both lights were supernally bright—so strong, indeed, that although I was very tempted to turn my head to look straight at them, I refrained because I wasn’t sure I could stand facing them. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 741 April 14, 1975 Street predict prime series probabilities

It has been fashionable to think in terms of straight-line evolution, for example. [...]

TES4 Session 189 September 20, 1965 Beach Instream York test script

(Last week we received Dr. Instream’s letter of September 13, in which he wrote that he would like to try straight clairvoyant communication with Seth on Monday and Wednesday nights at 10 PM. [...]

TES2 Session 68 July 6, 1964 Mark Bill doorway apparition bath

[...] I did want to set the record straight, concerning the definite change in Ruburt’s features; and as you may have supposed, I was indeed listening in at your little discussion. [...]

[...] I could not help but mention this, and I hope you have set them straight.

TES2 Session 70 July 13, 1964 Philip John compromise jeopardize demented

[...] She had short straight light brown hair, and smiled down at me over her right shoulder. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session September 24, 1977 Nebene foreshortening pendant Egyptian Framework

When Ruburt sends out energy he feels no impediment in space, and has felt a straight line go out in whatever direction required. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 8: Session 633, January 17, 1973 Augustus sirens thoughts perfect denied

[...] Therefore enter Augustus Two with his great ideas of extraordinary power, vigor and superiority — (louder and smiling:) I am keeping my Augustuses straight. [...]

TES9 Session 435 September 11, 1968 Evelyn Maisie brakes Papa car

[...] Wide, they stared straight ahead, toward the bookcase. [...]

TES2 Session 57 May 27, 1964 notself skin self secondary constructions

[...] Her brown hair was pulled back; she was sitting on a straight chair beside a small table, holding phone in left hand, wearing dungarees. [...]

TES2 Session 66 June 29, 1964 construction overlapping continuums glass Voghler

[...] Using again the arbitrary divisions, brain for the physical construction, and mind as the intangible, then to set the record straight brain would not sense the inner planes, while mind would deal with them.

TES9 Session 502 September 22, 1969 dog inactivity failure comfort yourself

[...] You have been denying your own feelings for some time, or only giving lip service to them, and we will have to set you straight and free.

TPS2 Deleted Session January 3, 1973 Hugh steak demands significant greater

(I thought at least that Jane could use the psychic awareness as intuition, etc., in her work, as everyone else did, do her “straight writing,” and let it go at that. [...]

TSM Chapter Three wires mirror séance palm cubes

[...] And then the head in the mirror tilted, and looked down, while Jane herself sat with her head erect, staring straight ahead into the mirror.

TES6 Session 275 July 25, 1966 parking ticket noninterval intervals Treman

(We visited the park three times during that week, but I kept the date for the ticket straight by attaching a penciled slip to it. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 10, 1982 chair scared crying leaned tv

[...] “I found your face,” she said then, staring at me straight on. [...]

UR1 Section 2: Session 688 March 6, 1974 cu dolphins holes cell neurological

[...] There was never any straight line of development as, say, from reptiles to mammal, ape, and man. [...]

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