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WTH Part Two: Chapter 10: June 4, 1984 spontaneous compulsive impulses maple processes

Many people, however, fear spontaneity: it evokes extravagance, excesses, and dangerous freedoms. Even people who are not so fervently opposed to spontaneity often feel that it is somehow suspect, distasteful, perhaps leading to humiliating actions. Spontaneity, however, represents the spirit of life itself, and it is the basis for the will to live, and for those impulses that stimulate action, motion, and discovery.

It is only because civilized man has somewhat overspecialized in the use of one kind of knowledge over another that people fear the unconscious, spontaneous portions of the self. The fear alone causes them to block out still more and more unconscious knowledge. Since the spontaneous portions are so related to bodily activity, they are very important in facilitating good health, and when people feel divorced from their spontaneous selves, they also feel divorced to the same extent from their own bodies.

Science itself often displays compulsive and ritualistic behavior, to the point of programming its own paths of reasoning, so that they cover safe ground, and steadfastly ignore the great inner forces of spontaneity that make science — or any discipline — possible. As I have said before, spontaneity knows its own order. Nothing is more highly organized than the physical body that spontaneously grows all of its own parts.

TES8 Session 421 July 8,1968 spontaneity problems pent solved endeavor

Now in the past he felt that you also did not trust his spontaneity. The spontaneity has its own strength that will sustain him if he lets it. Your early (underlined) concern over spontaneous sessions frightened him.

He tried to be spontaneous and not spontaneous at the same time. Spontaneity itself has its own rhythm, with needed periods of rest that follow naturally. [...]

[...] On the one hand it set itself against spontaneity. [...] On the other hand Ruburt was spontaneously religious.

TPS5 Session 877 (Deleted) September 3, 1979 sperm order eggs spontaneous apelike

[...] At the level at which spontaneous order operates, however, perception would span those dates. [...] Such disciplines usually exaggerate and intensify one kind of natural spontaneous order over another. This is done because the natural spontaneous nature of order is not understood. [...]

[...] The material in those sessions concerned her ideas of work, spontaneity, and order, among other things. She’d thought that spontaneity didn’t have any order.)

Now: Spontaneity knows its own order, and it is from spontaneous order that all secondary classifications of order emerge. [...]

TPS1 Session 393 (Deleted) February 14, 1968 discipline spontaneous integration unreasoning propulsion

He doubled his discipline, and tried to put the lid upon the spontaneous self. For some time he confused true spontaneity with acts caused by blind propulsion, so he could not trust his spontaneous nature. [...] Ruburt therefore thought she was spontaneous; for a while he did not see the blind panic behind the words or acts.

You therefore would protect him from the results of his own spontaneity, carried too far, for he never thought in terms of a spontaneity tempered by self-discipline. In Florida he saw his father as the epitome of unreason and uncontrolled spontaneity, which had actually become a hodgepodge of unrelated emotional acts, and he felt you then deserting him symbolically.

The crisis would have developed on the condition that Ruburt tried to use and develop his spontaneous and intuitive abilities on an adult basis. The cleavage between discipline and spontaneity had long existed; given the all-or-nothing attitude of the personality, there was bound to be a swing, a complete swing from one to the other until the personality learned to combine the two and become more thoroughly integrated.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, April 22, 1969 bacon discipline bees demand Dean

[...] For in the miraculous spontaneity of the sun, there is a discipline that utterly escapes you—and a knowledge that is beyond any knowledge that we know. And in the spontaneous playing of the bees from flower to flower there is a discipline beyond any that you know, and the laws that follow their own knowledge—and joy that is beyond command. For the true discipline, you see, is found only in spontaneity. Spontaneity knows its own order, and in the spontaneous expression of each spirit—you find what you consider discipline—and there is no other. [...]

[...] My Dean, the spontaneous self that you so fear is the self that speaks to Bega. [...] You are highly confused as to the meaning of spontaneity and discipline. Now the seasons come each year as they have come for centuries upon your planet—and they come with a magnificent spontaneity and with a creativity that bursts upon the world. [...] And there is a merging of spontaneity and discipline—truly marvelous to behold. [...]

In the spontaneous working of your nervous system, what do we find? [...] And yet all of this rests upon the spontaneous workings of the inner self and the nervous system of which the intellect knows little. And without that spontaneous discipline, there would be no ego to sit upon the shoulders and demand discipline. [...]

TPS1 Session 563 (Deleted) December 2, 1970 noncontact tendencies spontaneity role relationship

You had always counted upon him to be freely spontaneous, and could not understand his reactions. When you told him to be spontaneous he was all the more confused. Earlier in both of your minds, Ruburt was the spontaneous part of the relationship, hence for many reasons the unpredictable element. [...] For of course your personality has some strongly spontaneous and intuitive elements, as you now know, and Ruburt also has very definite, now too definite, tendencies toward discipline.

For a while then you were willing, comparatively speaking, to let Ruburt express the spontaneous, strongly spontaneous, elements of both of your personalities; with the joys and perils involved, and denying him the responsibility of learning how to temper and use spontaneity. He was willing to let you express the reasoning, deliberate qualities of both of your personalities—the deliberating elements, and to that extent not permitting you to fully express your own spontaneity. [...]

He then got into the habit of checking the spontaneous self at every point, and setting up opposing muscular reactions and tensions. [...] It was precisely, you see, the relationship between spontaneity and discipline operating between yourselves, that was projected upon the sessions, and inhibited any spontaneous comments I could make.

TPS1 Session 368 (Deleted), October 2, 1967 conscientious super spontaneous self hurry

When your words disagreed with his spontaneous self severe conflicts arose. [...] You were through your art however also connected to his spontaneous self. Originally you saw Ruburt as the spontaneous self, and your ideas of discipline were quickly gobbled up by the overly conscientious self before you recognized its existence.

The energy of the overly conscientious self is as strong as that of the spontaneous self, hence the impasse that had been reached. [...]

[...] It was the spontaneous self who kicked up the fuss this afternoon, thinking: hurry, hurry, hurry, see things my way (when Jane tried to work on the dream book, unsuccessfully).

TPS1 Session 369 (Deleted) October 4, 1967 conscientious overly spontaneous self deeply

[...] The spontaneous self was the first to break away, and forcibly. [...] Now a whole new uniting principle has been realized by the spontaneous self, but little attempt was made to enlarge the definitions of good on the part of the overly conscientious self.

[...] The spontaneous self enjoyed them. [...] It deeply distrusted the spontaneity allowed in such jobs.

The spontaneous self has seen itself in female terms. [...] Spontaneously the personality always felt at one with All That Is. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session April 1, 1970 motion nonrunning mental spontaneity running

Feelings of spontaneity therefore automatically release the body mechanisms when they are allowed expression. [...] The body and mind are so connected that the mind remembers, say, muscular spontaneity as the muscles remember mental spontaneity. And the will, now, can be used to initiate a series of actions that will be spontaneous; and the motions now, the physical motions, in turn set up mental images of spontaneity that become self-generating. [...]

[...] Remind him, for the 100th time, that he can trust his inner self implicitly, and does not need to set up guards against its spontaneity, for spontaneity is his life, and the source of his creativity; and underline that sentence.

I suggest therefore at this point, that you encourage Ruburt in spontaneous physical activity as divorced, say, from a discipline exercise. [...] The motion is associated with joy and spontaneity. [...]

TPS1 Session 367 (Deleted) October 1, 1967 overconscientious success Crowders unworthy spontaneous

The later poetry represented joy and the psychic work spontaneity. [...] The overconscientious self must be shown that the spontaneous self is the God self. If this is done it will add its strength to the purposes of the spontaneous self. Otherwise it will fight the spontaneous self, even to the death. [...]

[...] Therefore evil also, and so he shall not run; running being symbolic of spontaneity. [...] I have been a safeguard, for I was between him and complete spontaneity, you see.

[...] The overconscientious portion always trusted the spontaneous self as far as poetry was concerned, but distrusted spontaneity otherwise.

TPS3 Session 694 (Deleted Portion) May 1 1974 gullibility monitor spontaneity trusted compromise

[...] His intellect and intuitions spontaneously operate together. He is spontaneously critical, but critically spontaneous.

[...] Unconsciously, and at certain levels of consciousness, he figured it was the best route, allowing him spontaneity plus control; in much of this you acquiesced for some time, having grown tired of playing the guardian to his spontaneity.

[...] He trusted you to set safe bounds on his spontaneity. [...]

TES9 Session 422 July 10, 1968 protein poem spontaneous overtime reserves

The act of writing the poem at this time, regardless of the poem’s message, you see, represents a willingness to allow the spontaneous self expression. [...] Even the emotion in the first portion, spontaneously expressed and creatively formed into art, is a good indication.

In his case he made alterations that severely prevented expression of spontaneity, in physical movement. [...] When he realizes, and you can help him, that he is indeed safe, only when he trusts his spontaneity, then he will be free.

[...] The working schedule will help also, for as he sees the product of his spontaneity, he knows he can trust it. The body worked overtime in quelling spontaneity, and used needed reserves to maintain the symptoms. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session March 22, 1972 orgasm lovemaking rebel demanded mantras

[...] First of all, as you well know, you cannot force spontaneity. You have it in your mind that you must be spontaneous, that you must let yourself go, and as you also know, spontaneity is not achieved in that manner. [...] You have always given of yourself—in many areas you have always been spontaneous. [...]

[...] You have a gift for bringing out the spontaneity from others, for calling from them qualities of giving and letting go, and in so doing you ride the spontaneity of others also—you can go along with it. [...]

[...] When the condition is set up or the situation in which giving in, in your terms, is expected of you, and when the hypnotist is set up as an authority—you instantly rebel, and in your own way, you reinforce your ideas of spontaneity by refusing to go along with the authority. Going along with the authority is not being spontaneous to your way of thinking—it is conforming.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, December 15, 1970 Theodore sensitivity pious badger mask

[...] I am waiting to see how you do, and Ruburt will be mad at me because he will say that you will not be spontaneous if you know I am around and, you see, you must prove him wrong. If I can be so spontaneous and dead these many years, then I fail to see why you would have any difficulty! [...]

For now (to Theodore) accept the thoughts as a spontaneous part of the moment. [...]

See (to Theodore) how that makes you spontaneous. [...]

TES7 Session 314 January 25, 1967 restraint err ailments pendulum discipline

He has blocked me several times when the cat lover and Jesuit were here, and the circumstances were good for a spontaneous session, particularly good, in fact. [...] Without spontaneity, he does not operate effectively or well. [...]

Now, if you err, it is far less dangerous to err on the side of spontaneity, given your personalities, than it is to use too much restraint. [...] Too much spontaneity at worst could only cause some embarrassing moments. [...]

[...] His personality pattern is not quiet, nor aloof, but given to spontaneous inner motion that maintains its own individualistic balance. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session April 15, 1970 poetry symptoms daemon displacement bookcase

In Ruburt’s case therefore the distrust of spontaneity was indeed reflected in all areas of his life, particularly in spontaneous activities in both physical and creative realms. The sexual portion of his being also reflected the blockage in spontaneity. [...]

When he allows himself spontaneity his true vitality returns, and the feeling of joy, active joy, that he has so often missed. My word to him now then, for the 100th time—but now he will take it—is to allow himself spontaneity on a daily basis, the feeling of playfulness. [...]

The hints on spontaneity that have been given this evening, again, may sound simple, but they are highly significant, and Ruburt will know when, subjectively, he is being spontaneous. [...]

TES7 Session 320 February 20, 1967 compulsive pamper token denial sweaters

Any spontaneity became suspect however, except artistic spontaneity. [...] The spontaneity did erupt in constant nervous behavior, and erratic behavior. [...]

The spontaneous self when it did escape, you see, managed to do so only under circumstances where the explosive impulses shattered their way through. [...] The old fear of spontaneity returned, and the methodical attempt to deny subconscious impulses; the old feeling of unworthiness was also activated, and the body duly denied. [...]

[...] An outgoing atmosphere, oddly enough, will now allow the spontaneous inner self freer expression spontaneously, you see; the yoga, I am afraid, did represent a severe distortion, and yet a particularly tricky one, for generally speaking the exercise is excellent; and in the beginning when I recommended it, it was helpful in slowly coaxing out the inner self.

TES7 Session 321 February 22, 1967 sweaters release sensitivities pendulum reliable

[...] These outings will be of benefit here, not only because they allow for spontaneous interaction, but because they serve to break the schedules in ways that do not disturb working hours. [...] He has been afraid to simply sit and think, for fear of letting the spontaneous self show without the symbolized writing mechanism.

He is beginning to identify his spontaneous self now with the spontaneity of the nursery school children, and this is a definite improvement. [...]

This rigid control of consciousness prevented spontaneous enjoyment of an everyday variety that would otherwise have had a beneficial and balancing effect. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session August 27, 1973 kiss redecorating hug spontaneity love

He believed that emotional freedom would be construed as chaos, that while you said be spontaneous, you meant “Be spontaneous when it is convenient.” [...] Spontaneous love-making for example would cut into the work schedule that both of you had evolved.

Spontaneity, except in work, has been largely closed out of your lives, but it is to him unnatural. Spontaneous trips are in the same category, regardless now of the physical difficulty. [...] The classes afford him some spontaneity.

Strangely enough, in encouraging his spontaneity you are encouraging your own, because often he acts for both of you. [...] You are seeing what happens when spontaneity becomes hampered through beliefs, and in your early life you believed you must hamper it in yourself. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 28, 1977 ethics Protestant gifted inspirations work

I want Ruburt, again, to encourage spontaneity in all areas, and to trust that the spontaneity is the result of quite orderly sequences in Framework 2, and of larger patterns of creativity that are not yet consciously apparent. I want him to allow for greater physical spontaneity, to perform a physical act when he feels like it, and for greater psychic and creative spontaneity, both in his working hours and outside them; to concentrate on creativity, not time; for then you use time and it does not use you.

[...] You cannot inhibit spontaneity in one area and not in another, but he did not get it properly through his head that spontaneity did not mean license, or that spontaneity was going to work against his work if he gave it half a chance. [...]

The instances of Framework 2 activity as you become aware of them will show you the true nature of creativity, and acquaint you with the mental feeling of freedom and spontaneity. [...] Spontaneity as you understand it now, in the light of your knowledge, can only add to your work, for it is not meaningless license, nor is it composed of impulses contrary to your work. [...]

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