3 results for stemmed:specimen

UR1 Section 2: Session 695 May 6, 1974 photograph species probable picture specimen

When you see a picture of an animal in its environment, you often make connections that you do not make when you see a picture of a human being in his or her environment. Yet each location is as unique as the habitat of any animal — as private, as shared, as significant in terms of the individual and the species of which that individual is a part. Simply to stretch your imagination: When you look at your photograph, imagine that you are a representative of a species, caught there in just that particular pose, and that the frame of the photograph represents, now, “a cage of time.” You, from the outside looking down at the photograph, are now outside of that cage of time in which your specimen was placed. That specimen, that individual, that you, represents not only yourself but one aspect of your species. If you hold that feeling, then the element of time becomes as real as any of the other objects within the photograph. Though unseen, time is the frame.

TES9 Session 489 June 23, 1969 pyramid gradations interwoven faint diversities

[...] You perceive them stuck like living specimens on the glass of present time, with no comprehension of their multitudinous expression elsewhere.

TPS4 Deleted Session July 26, 1978 interview walking Poett inferiority spontaneiously

[...] He sees himself at such times in an inferior physical situation, so that it seems to him that physically “he is not a good specimen,” but obviously flawed. [...]