Results 81 to 100 of 334 for stemmed:speci
It is somewhat humorous that such a vital consciousness could even suppose itself to be the end product of inert elements that were themselves lifeless, but somehow managed to combine in such a way that your species attained fantasy, logic, vast organizational power, technologies, and civilizations. [...] It cares little for the individual — only insofar as the individual helps the species to endure. [...]
(Pause.) At times your species has traveled those passageways, and many of your myths represent ghost memories of those events. There is a rhythm, again, to all existence, and so in your terms your species returned to its home planet, to renew its roots, refresh its natural stock, to return to nature, to find solace again amid the sweet ancient heritage of dusk and dawn.
[...] There are, then, other species like (underlined) your own, and in the vast spectrums of existence that your reality cannot contain, there have been galactic civilizations that came together when the conditions were right.
[...] And as you will see, those impulses of a private nature are nevertheless also based upon the greater situation of the species and the planet, so that “ideally” the fulfillment of the individual would automatically lead to the better good of the species.
Beneath all of the frustrations and upsets we may feel at their surface manifestations, Jane and I are caught up in the deeper meanings of events like those at Jonestown and TMI, for they represent great challenges that our species has set for itself, through this century and beyond. [...] In our lifetimes Jane and I look forward to our species at least making a start at grappling with such large areas of its own activity as science and religion. [...]
Seth maintains that our inner knowledge usually merges so smoothly with our present concerns that we seldom recognize its source, yet it provides the individual and the species with a reliable, constant stream of information through a psychological lifeline to which we are each connected.
He discusses in depth the experience of early man and the different organizations of perception that prevailed, and stresses that the species has always had access to “inner data” so that its source of knowledge was never exclusively dependent upon exterior circumstances. [...]
It follows, then, that precognition would be involved in evolutionary alterations, so that the various species would prepare themselves in the present to take on those changes that would be necessary in the future.
And in all of this, as always, Seth stresses probabilities as playing a vital role in the development of the individual and the species, and as representing the basis for free will. [...]
Numerous forms of vocal communication — whether “true” speech or not, in current opinion — undoubtedly existed among the ancestors of our species for many millennia before the appearance of late Neanderthal man, however; according to conservative estimates such methods could have been in use for well over two million years, perhaps beginning even with our prehuman or animal stages. Jane and I find certain other research claims inconceivable: that in some of those earlier times verbal exchanges between members of the species, whether they be called prehuman or human, could have been a hindrance rather than an asset. [...]
[...] In terms of time, lapses had to occur as various species physically matured and developed. [...]
[...] At the same time those sounds are, in your terms, filled with the implications of antiquity, and bring up connotations of the species’ and of the psyche’s past.
[...] As science now reaches back into human beginnings, the already scanty evidence gradually disappears, until finally it seems highly unlikely that the species will ever really know how or when its language and/or speech started.
The second island-spirit says, also to the third: “You are myself, only my excitement, my joy and beauty, are concentrated in the magic of my volcano, and you instead stand for the twittering excitement of diverse species — birds and animals and insects — that flow in far less grandiose fashion across the slopes of your uneasy land.”
[...] The many species that roam my domain demand my attention, and if you two want to exchange your realities that is fine — but leave me out of it, please.”
[...] From it springs a completely new and unknown species of plant, as far as the island is concerned; and the plant in turn brings forth flowers with pollen, fruits, and scents (spelled) that have a different kind of creativity that is still its own. [...]
[...] The beloved birds have multiplied, and there is in the old familiar sameness a new, muted, but delightful refrain, colon: new species in keeping with the old, but more vigorous. [...]
[...] I spoke rather thoroughly in my last book (The Nature of the Psyche) about the sexuality of your species, but here I want to mention how some of those sexual beliefs affect your behavior.
[...] The species is obviously a part of nature and not apart from it.
[...] No seed is identical to any other, yet generally speaking there are species that serve to unite them. [...]
[...] In personal terms, again, each species is concerned not only with survival but with the quality of its life and experience.
(With some dry amusement:) Now: I myself have heard it said that all other species preserve nature, while man has a propensity for destroying it.
[...] Therefore science, for example, says that creatures — except for man — operate by blind instinct, and that term is meant to explain all of the complicated behavior of the other species. [...]
[...] No disease rubbed out the entire species.
Give us a moment … Those intimate realizations, however, had to be counterbalanced in line with certain purposes set by your species, and even for that matter momentarily set aside so that other abilities and characteristics could emerge. The species’ sense of curiosity would not allow it to stay in any home territory for long,6 and so the sense of intimacy was purposely broken. [...]
These different lines of focus will each show you other aspects of your own reality, as individuals and as a species.
To that extent the so-called past experience of your ancestors and of your species is concurrent with your own, biologically speaking. [...]
[...] Practically speaking, however, the species accepts certain portions of dream reality as its so-called real events at any particular time, and about those specialized events it forms its “current” civilizations. [...] The psychic and biological mechanisms were there, permitting the species to know, particularly in time of stress or danger, what normally unperceived events might threaten survival. But in the dream state, then as now, all such issues were contemporary, acting as models from which the species then chose the practical events that formed its physical experience.
[...] A Study of the Psyche as It Is Related to Private Life and the Experience of the Species. [...]
In Section 4, then, Seth has more to say about CU and EE units, cellular consciousness, ancient man, evolution, space travel, and other seemingly disparate subjects as he continues to develop his thesis that “biologically the species is equipped to deal with different sequences of time while still manipulating within one particular time scheme.” [...]
No one, whether that individual is a psychic, a mystic, a writer, a poet, or even if he or she combines all of those qualities (as I think Jane does), can encompass all of the incredible differences within the human species. [...]
According to Seth, each of us chose such a course at this time — but now, we think, a time of imperative change is necessary if we are to continue our progress as a species. [...]
[...] We can at least observe, and enjoy, the behavior of other species with whom we share the world.
The camouflage patterns within your own physical universe are coherent enough so that all individuals of a given species appear to perceive more or less the same surroundings. There are groupings of perceptions belonging to various species, but all of these perceptions are not inherent in each species. [...]
The fact is, that even in your own universe all of your camouflage forms are not perceived by any one species, your own included. At best your scientists will only discover more of these camouflage patterns, but the entire system will simply not be perceived by any one species, and you will never perceive camouflage patterns outside of your own patterns. [...]
The material dealing with the interrelationship and cooperation of the various species in their combined maintenance of your physical universe, will take many sessions. [...]
[...] But beyond this, the species itself possesses the possibilities for adaptations that allow it to exist and persist in the physical environment under drastically varying circumstances. Hidden within the corporal biological structure there are latent specializations that would allow the species to continue, and that take into consideration any of the planetary changes that might occur for whatever reasons.
[...] You [as a member of the human species] do indeed see yourself as the supreme flower of history so far, yet when you can know what is going on clearly and concisely on the other side of Elmira, and can communicate it also, then you will be as primitive and as civilized as some of those primitive people.
It did not serve your species’ purposes at this time to work with the mind — with telepathy, with the feeling for the earth that you could have developed.
[...] Therefore, that world-probability in which telepathy and clairvoyance8 would have been common, well-known facts of life, self-evident in any civilization — that probability became latent while the species followed another route.
I told Seth that it could be — but that I also wondered why over the centuries the species couldn’t have slowly accumulated a body of knowledge like that he was giving us now.
[...] They are not hypothetical, generalized plans of an objective species to its offspring, but a genetic message carried tenderly to each specific individual of that species (intently)—so uniquely couched that none of those individuals are the same.
Following one’s own nature, therefore, would ideally lead to the greater fulfillment of the species and the world. [...]
[...] The species of mankind, and all other species in your universe on your particular horizontal plane, follow this law under the auspices of evolution. [...]
[...] The mind expands continually, both in individual terms and in terms of the species as a whole, and yet the mind takes up neither more nor less space, whether it be the mind of a flea or a man.
[...] Consciously such knowledge is not given to the ego for obvious reasons, but every organism, through its inner senses, is equipped with subconscious knowledge of personal disasters, deaths, and so forth, the personality itself deciding beforehand what it considers disastrous; and the members of the species as a whole know in advance of their wars. [...]
[...] They have managed in some way to make this inner knowledge a part of the ego-understanding of the species.