Results 21 to 40 of 498 for stemmed:space
Focusing the senses in time and space is to some extent an acquired art, then — one that is of course necessary for precise physical manipulation. [...]
A certain amount of leeway in space and time lingers, for even biologically the child is innately equipped with a “forevision” that allows it some “unconscious” view of immediate future events that forewarn it, say, of danger. [...]
[...] These, however, do not have to be trained to a particular space-time orientation.
[...] Adult games deal largely with manipulations in space, while children’s play, again, often involves variations in time. [...]
[...] Expansion you see is a word that implies movement or enlargement in space, and space itself in the way the word is usually used, is a camouflage. Space, I have said, is the fifth dimension, but you have seen that this true space has little in common with the space that you usually think of. That is, fifth dimensional space is not an emptiness to be filled, being itself alive and vibrant, and changing its outer nature according to the plane which is composed of it.
Therefore the expanding universe implies a universe expanding in a more or less empty space, and this is not true. [...]
If many of the inner senses behave as if your conception of time and space do not exist, then the obvious reason is of course that they do not. [...]
[...] In a strange manner, space puckers to an unobservable degree, as far as your instruments are concerned, near these coordination points.
Some of my readers may be familiar with “black” and “white holes” in space, that your scientists have recently discovered.
[...] A “black hole” is thus left in space, and surrounding matter can disappear into this.
[...] There is, again, a wrinkling effect about these points, though not as yet observable to you, where space itself, it seems, yearns to disappear inside the first point. [...]
[...] It is what you may consider your counterpart of physical space. After a short break, we will discuss then your misconceptions concerning space, for you will see that your idea of space is the result of your own physical perceptions. Where you can perceive nothing, you presume to call empty space, but where you perceive nothing there is much.
[...] In the dream universe you are however free, and familiar, with both space and time in a manner which is denied you in the waking state. [...] Where in space is the street upon which you walk in a dream?
[...] It expands and grows and you feel its vitality gather, yet when you say it grows and expands, it does not grow and expand, again, somewhere in the space between your ears, to burst apart the bones of the skull. It expands in a way that has nothing to do with space.
Nor is the self limited by either space nor time, for in dreams you have an actuality that has nothing to do with space nor time, and these dream experiences change and alter your personality, for action must of itself always change. [...]
So the inner senses and the subconscious can do the same thing as far as inner space, and what you would call inner time, is concerned. [...] Time and space, dear friends, are both camouflage patterns, therefore the fact that the inner senses can conquer time and space is not, after all, so surprising. To the mind with its subconscious, and to the inner senses, there is no time and space, and therefore to them nothing is conquered. [...]
[...] Now the outer sense of sight would seem to confound space, and seemingly conquer a portion of distance by using your eyes. That is, you do not necessarily have to walk a short distance in order to see what is in the particular space involved.
[...] He is beyond the man on the corner in space. [...] But although he sees him pass in space he knows that they exist, he and the motorist, simultaneously even though usually the idea of passing on involves time.
Nor do such projections involve necessarily journeys through space as you know it. [...] It is now thought, I believe, that time and space are basically one, but they are both a part of something else. [...] Space, as you experience it in the dream state, comes much closer to reality.
[...] This idea perhaps will help you to understand experience in terms of intensity, and projections, or the movement of consciousness, without necessarily any involvement with space.
True motion has absolutely nothing to do with space. [...]
Studies of space and distance as they are experienced in dreams will be helpful, and our material will indeed deal with such discussions. For investigation into the nature of space and time as they are experienced within the dream framework, will tell you more about the real nature of space and time then you can ever learn through studying their distorted appearances within physical reality. [...]
You can also tell yourselves when you wish that you will give special attention to the nature of time and space, as these appear within your dreams. You will discover then upon awakening that many perceptions concerning time and space within the dream state will remain with you.
As I mentioned, your psychological time experiences will also help you to investigate the nature of time and space to some degree.
Dream locations exist in so-called physical space as truly, or as falsely, as physical objects exist in physical space. [...]
I said then that the universe expands in a way that has nothing to do with space. [...] A dream location exists, contracts or expands also in a way that has nothing to do with space as you understand it.
[...] He has taken it for granted that dream locations do not exist within physical space.
[...] You perceive certain patterns of energy as solid objects, and that energy which you do not perceive as solid, you call space.
[...] Space travel will be dumped when your scientists discover that space as you know it is a distortion, and that journeying from one so-called galaxy to another is done through divesting the physical body of camouflage [matter]. The vehicle of so-called space travel is mental and psychic mobility, in terms of psychic transformation of energy …”
4. In the 40th session for April 1, 1964, Seth had something to say about the challenges space travel will present to our own civilization: “… you are severely hampered as far as space travel is concerned, by the time elements involved … In your terms it will simply take you too long to get where you want to go. [...]
[...] Some of these civilizations did not need spaceships.4 Instead, highly trained men combining the abilities of dream-art scientists and mental physicists cooperated in journeys not only through time but through space. [...]
“It is very possible that you might end up in what you intend as a space venture only to discover that you have ‘traveled’ to another plane [probability]. [...]
[...] Within dreams space and time expand, again, as I have mentioned,7 but in a way that you cannot physically pinpoint. Your own exterior space exists in precisely the same manner from the standpoint of any other reality (emphatically). For that matter, you yourself are so richly creative that your own thoughts give birth to other quite legitimate systems of which you have no knowledge.
Give us a moment … (Humorously, to me:) You are the living version of yourself in space and time, around which your world revolves.11 The great potentiality that exists in the unknown self, however, also actualizes other such focuses, and in the same space-time framework. [...]
[...] Mental impressions of any kind therefore are not simply imprinted, or written, as it were, in a medium of space and time. [...]
[...] They are utilized to some extent in daydreaming, however, and in certain alterations of consciousness while you perceive as real, or nearly real, events that are not immediately happening within your space-time structure.
[...] If you would see through space and time then do not give any validity to the distortions of space and time. [...] You can hardly grow into your full potential if you think you are a physical creature bounded and limited by the physical limitations of time and space, soon to fall corrupted into an early and filthy grave. [...]
[...] You will say, I am a physical organism and I live within the boundaries cast upon me by space and time. [...] I am free of space and time. [...]
[...] That which appears full, that space which appears full, is misleading, for reality is already given to a rigid form.
[...] Such a development as we are considering involves instead an expansion or extension; in the same manner that the expanding universe takes up no space, but expands in terms of value fulfillment, so the expanding consciousness would take up no space, but would also expand in terms of value fulfillment. [...]
[...] However, as your expanding universe does not expand in space, so your expanded self will not grow in space to amazing proportions of pounds and tons.
[...] Since consciousness to begin with does not exist in space, then there is no reason why the consciousness cannot so expand beyond its set limitations, and theoretically continue to do so. [...] When so-called space travel becomes truly popular, truly practical, it will come along these lines.
[...] You have not learned to venture forth from an arbitrarily designated selfhood, into an extended environment that knows no space or time. [...]
[...] Your idea of space travel would be to send a ship from one planet, earth, outward into the rest of space that you perceive on that “flat” screen. [...] Imagine here, now, that the screen’s picture is off-center to begin with, so that everything is distorted to some extent, and going out into space seems to be going backward into time.
There are space-time coordinates that operate from your viewpoint — and space travel from the standpoint of your time, made along the axis of your space, will be a relatively sterile procedure. [...]
[...] True space travel would of course be time-space travel,5 in which you learned how to use points in your own universe as “dimensional clues” that would serve as entry points into other worlds. [...]
[...] In what seems to be the small space of the screen many programs are going on, though you can tune in to only one at a time.
When you have completed a life then it is as if you have finished a living portrait of yourself, using the mediums of space and time. [...] The memories and realities within that portrait are yours to learn from and to use as a model for other such living portraits in time and space.
[...] When you look at the great world picture before you in space and time, look at it as you would a multidimensional worldscape, painted by some artist who was all of the great masters in one; and behind the scenes of destruction and conflict, feel the great energy that in itself denies the destruction that is in that case so cleverly depicted.
I have told you that a plane was not necessarily a location in space, but a field of mental vitality. [...] I have told you that it is space, since this was the beginning of our discussions. During our earliest session I used the term space for simplicity’s part for your sakes, while still explaining most carefully that this fifth-dimensional space was far different than what you consider space to be.
Width, height, length have no meaning in dimensions that do not have existence in space as you know it. [...]
The energy of your being exists outside of your system, however, and impinges upon it in your terms, becoming “alive” physically at certain points of time and space. Your own greater energy dips in and out of the space-time continuum as you understand it. [...]
[...] There are as yet undiscovered, bizarre changes in the brain during certain dream states, an acceleration that quite literally propels the consciousness out of its usual space-time continuum into those other realities from which it comes.
[...] The electrical reality of emotions and thoughts represents a thought dimension that has been completely neglected; and in it there are other dimensions; as within your field there is apparent space and time and height and thickness, so in the electrical system there is intensity and what I will call space reality, electrical mass and potentiality, which is different from intensity and polarity.