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[...] Constructive thoughts do not simply affect the system for good in some sort of a generalized fashion, nor do destructive thoughts simply happen to affect the system directly.
A mistake of sorts connected here somewhere. [...]
(Jane tells me that “a mistake of sorts connected here somewhere” could refer to a mix-up concerning the room we had rented at the motel, but I do not recall this personally. [...]
[...] “Things are really weird, like the sky’s cracking … Seth talking about it sort of controlled things, but now my head’s getting really big …” I roused her with a call, and she said, “Yeah, it’s wild … I don’t know whether I should break it or go along with it. [...]
[...] See especially the 567th session in Chapter 16: “Now the same sort of behavior occurs on a deep, basic, secret and unexplored psychological level.” [...]
[...] It’s further said that our attempts to describe or visualize such nonphysical qualities inevitably cause us to misinterpret them; so the artist wonders whether the atom’s movement in more than one direction at once may not be perfectly “natural” in its own environment — some sort of ability quite separate from any play we may indulge in with words while trying to consciously comprehend it.
In a sort of backhanded compliment, Seth asked Rob to tell me that my abilities were improving—it was a well-made thought-form. [...]
“So when you consider the dream world, you have the same sort of universe, only one constructed within a field that you cannot physically perceive. [...]
[...] They possess an inner familiarity, a cohesiveness that belonged to a more or less specific period and to periods before, where they inhabited the same sort of reality. [...]
“The same sort of psychic agreement holds the dream system together as holds the physical system together. [...]
[...] Therefore, actually producing the physical work for the publisher was going to be up to me, and I was anxious to begin work on this once we’ve established some sort of viable daily routine revolving around Jane’s nursing care, sleeping schedule, medication, etc.
[...] A temper tantrum, such as dish throwing, would have been more effective than no action, though not the best sort of solution.
Since this sort of expectation allies you both, you both should try to overcome it, since if one doesn’t there would be a troublesome, though not critical, discrepancy that could at least temporarily bother your relationship.
(Its very difficult for the practical world—for people who aren’t primarily “artists or creators” to deal with that sort of thing; they don’t know where to place it and ideas alone make them uncomfortable—they aren’t real or unreal according to their way of looking at reality.
[...] I explained to Jane some thoughts I’d had in bed last night—that her returning home in reasonably good shape would solve all of our major challenges at this time: her career, income, insurance problems, physical freedom, the ability to travel if we chose—all of them, freeing us to start leading some sort of more-or-less normal lifestyle. [...]
I did you see make my earlier suggestion to Ruburt, also in the hopes that it would initiate the sort of discussion in which you have just been involved.
When the time is available, a class of sorts would be advantageous.
[...] Nor does it mean that they cease to exist when you are no longer conscious of them, for they have their own sort of molecular and electrical construction. [...]
[...] I am making an attempt here this evening, since we have three present, to give a very brief, and I am afraid inadequate explanation, that will however serve as a basis so that these three, at least, will be able to have some sort of a standing ground for other discussions.
[...] I mentioned feeling sound because this is a capability that lies latent within your own physical system, but this same sort of a juggling of perspective data is what happens, generally speaking, when inhabitants of a different system perceive realities that also have an existence within your own system.
For Philip’s sake again, I do not anticipate any sort of disaster, but plans may be born at that date which will affect his participation in his professional field. I also see a sort of trouble in September for a woman neighbor, who lives three doors down the street from him.
I have been giving you the same sort of training. [...]
[...] I was looking out at it through a glass window of some sort; sensation of traveling fast, quick view of cockpit.
To be less facetious, I am giving you a brief session also to let you know that since you did hold an unscheduled session, I will endeavor to equalize whenever situations occur of this sort.