Results 61 to 80 of 895 for stemmed:situat
When an animal is sick it immediately begins to remedy the situation, and unconsciously it knows what to do. [...] It does not wonder what it did to get into such a situation. [...]
[...] Again, the situation has great complexity, for the condition is still a healthy attempt on the part of the body to maintain balance. Overall there is also the world situation to be taken into consideration — the status of the species on the planet, in which, say, overpopulation problems will bring about death to insure new growth.
[...] In a natural situation, this might involve a mass migration from one territory to another. [...]
[...] The emergence of the “pause of reflection” mentioned earlier (in the 635th session in Chapter Eight, for instance) and the blossoming of memory along with the emotional intensification, led to a situation in which members of the new species recalled, in the present, the dead and the diseases that killed them. [...]
On occasions that you barely recognize, one of you has been in a doubting mood while the other was in a mood of faith, picked this up, and was able to change the situation also for the one who felt doubtful. [...]
[...] (A great line.) The fear of the situation does not help, of course, for any such tension holds back the relaxing process—and the eyes are relaxing, and the neck and tendons, for example, letting go. [...]
[...] During break Jane said she knew that either she or Seth could tune into the situation at the Museum of Modern Art, but that she could “feel resistance” to the idea. [...]
Now, I will consider the situation in which you are involved (pointing to Florence), and we shall discuss it at a session as soon as possible. [...] She is not considering others but only herself, but from the torment within herself she is projecting the situation. There is advice that will help her and I will go into the situation more thoroughly in a regular session. [...]
Your own entity knows your strong points and your weak points, and it gives you life situations and it hopes that you will solve these problems. [...]
[...] The very challenge was made because it, the challenge, aroused him to action in a situation in which he felt your natural inhibitions would meet up against his denied spontaneity.
There is more there, but it is a cameo situation involving many important ingredients, where he feels that letting go means he is too flamboyant for you. [...]
The dancing situation is also important because bodily motion is involved. [...]
[...] This more liberated self sees the situation much more clearly, suggests a given line of action (but does not order it), and informs the dreaming self. The dreaming self then manufactures a group of dreams in which the solution is stated within a symbolic dream situation.
[...] You might think you smell a particular odor, for example, that is distasteful to you (following through with the situation as given). [...]
[...] The job situation might never appear as such within any of the dreams, of course.
[...] I was after an understanding on various levels of the fact that Jane had created something that certainly assumed equal billing with her other creative work—that the personality may have been quite aware that this would happen, and was willing in some sort of terms for the situation to exist for a number of years.
[...] With such an edifice, Ruburt can only use his abilities under certain conditions, and he imagines all kinds of impulses, situations, or whatever, that might steal them away, or steal away the time necessary to express them. [...]
Your household situation was set up with Ruburt’s immobility, relatively speaking, largely uncontested. [...]
[...] Ruburt’s faith in his body is growing, but each such situation, right now at least, can and should be a new learning process.
[...] Natural hypnosis, as explained in the last chapter, leads you to seek out those situations that will confirm your beliefs, and to avoid those that threaten them.
[...] Let us look into a situation involving a woman I will call Dineen, who telephoned Ruburt today from a Western state, and see one of the predicaments that can arise.
[...] It was apparent that Dineen sat alone all day in her lovely home with nothing to do; that she was making no effort to face her situation truly, but looking to others to do it for her, and therefore reinforcing her sense of powerlessness. [...]
[...] One impulse may be in response to one need, one to another—but all in all, taken together, they will sustain and guide you to your most fulfilling situation if they are allowed to, and if they are trusted.
[...] You were of great help this morning, allowing him to talk out the situation at the time.
There is much material, of course, dealing with the hostage situation, for as it in a fashion echoes Ruburt’s own situation, so it also symbolizes the situations of many people, which is why the affair captures the attention of the world. [...]
(Long pause at 9:49.) In a way, the external politics of the situation within your country is helping Ruburt to understand his own position far better than he did earlier. [...]
[...] In times of seemingly calamitous encounters with nature, individuals may find themselves amazed at their capacity to relate with other people, but in the artificially induced psychic disaster area of massive LSD therapy, the situation is reversed. Consciousness finds itself in a crisis situation; not [because of one coming] from the exterior world, but because it is forced to fight on a battleground for which it was never designed and cannot understand, where basically counted-upon allies of association, memory and organization, and all the powers of the inner self, are suddenly turned into enemies.
In all of this the body’s situation is highly agitated, and the physical organism is forced to respond as best it can to a series of disastrous events — which, however, it realizes it cannot be experiencing physically. It knows a “mock” battle is going on, but cannot stop itself from sending forth those chemicals and hormones necessary to a physical situation of like degree. [...]
[...] The individual’s conscious mind is then forced to face the charged situation — but after the event, in retrospect. [...]
Under enforced annihilation, there is a frantic attempt at reorganization as the inner self tries to “send up” alternate egos to handle the situation — and in those terms, the more egos you kill the more will emerge.
[...] When you alter these conscious beliefs through effort, then a period of time is necessary while the structure learns to adjust to the new preferred situation. [...]
[...] Again, you are each your own artist, and your inner visualizations become models for other situations and events. [...]
[...] If you understand the nature of probabilities, you will not need to pretend to ignore your present situation. [...]
They feel themselves couched in an overall feeling of security and safety, even in the face of an unpleasant environment or situation. [...]
[...] These take it for granted that any stressful situation will worsen, that communication with others is dangerous, that self-fulfillment brings about the envy and vengeance of others, and that as individuals they live in an unsafe society, set down in the middle of a natural world that is itself savage, cruel, and caring only for its own survival at any cost.
[...] It is bad enough to anticipate that most unfortunate situations will worsen rather than improve, but it is foolhardy indeed to believe that mankind is bound to destroy itself, or that nuclear destruction is nearly inevitable.
[...] For some time the organism could take this, and as situations changed the spontaneous self would once again emerge. With a changing physical situation necessitating agile manipulation, the physical stimulations came so quickly that the pattern did not have a chance to jell. [...]
[...] Often it seems to you that you have learned little, that your mental, psychic, spiritual and physical situation should be far better.
[...] Both of you however still overemphasize the entire situation.
[...] The basis, now, (underlined) of Ruburt’s situation is not largely (underlined) from the past.
The situation to which I referred was not the one regarding your father-in-law, though that will be resolved.
The situation however in the family does involve your own parents. [...]
The family situation is not immediate, this week for example, but it is developing.
[...] John said this could be the family situation that is developing, and that Seth referred to.
[...] The pendulum told me my situation was related to the fact that I stopped painting early, the windows, my worries about Jane, my age—the whole bit, in other words, so that I ended up thinking I’d accomplished precious little over the years. [...]
[...] The situation triggered many fears, about you and Ruburt being alone, your age, the age of your brothers, who would come to your aid, or Ruburt’s. If necessary, Leonard at least had a knowledge of the medical world, while you and Ruburt do not. [...]
Almost all such instances (underlined) involve thoughts nearly conscious, conscious, or just below consciousness, in which you have projected imagined unfortunate situations into the future. [...]
[...] In many cases, immediately on leaving the body there is, of course, amazement and a recognition of the situation. [...]
(Pause at 9:48.) Then with this as framework, and in terms that they can understand, such individuals are told the true situation. [...]
Such an individual may find himself in ten different environments within the flicker of an eyelash, for example, with no idea of the reason behind the situation. [...]
[...] The situation is rather tricky from the guide’s viewpoint, for psychologically utmost discretion must be used. [...]
For one thing, again, almost all situations, including the most drastic, can be changed for the better to some extent, and the very attempt to do so can increase a person’s sense of control over his or her own circumstances. This does not mean that those adverse situations can be changed overnight in usual terms (though ideally that is also possible), but that the sense of control over one’s life encourages all of the mental and physical healing properties.
The same applies to almost any situation. [...]
[...] We told Jim we haven’t made any firm decision about seeking medical help, but will when the glasses situation is taken care of. [...]
[...] Jim said he couldn’t comment on Jane’s situation from a medical standpoint, except to say her eyes per se are okay. [...]
[...] Ruburt’s reaction to stressful situations was a repressive one: he did indeed often feel in a steady state of some alarm. [...]
All of the issues I have mentioned—love-making, the energy exercises, poetry and so forth—lead toward a therapeutic situation (pause), toward the realization that expression itself is safe, and serve to remind him that creativity’s uncertainty is itself highly creative, providing its own safety within a context of exuberant expression. [...]