Results 141 to 160 of 895 for stemmed:situat
I said I must deal with the situation according to your individual and joint understanding at any given time. [...] It is natural enough in stressful situations to fluctuate, so that when you have been largely in a Framework 1 reference, I often give you advice geared to it, while allowing you avenues out of it into Framework 2. The morning suggestions are Framework 2 openers, so to speak.
I do not expect you to suddenly switch all of your orientation in this situation to Framework 2—yet again I have hope (louder) of gently enticing you both to take great-enough advantage of Framework 2, so that you have more confidence and experience with its qualities.
[...] In quite other terms Nebene wonders why he is bothered or hampered in his life situation, so devoted to detail and literal interpretation, by his strong leanings—temptations to him—toward creativity and spontaneity.
In whatever situation you find yourself, in whatever “life,” (in quotes) there will be different focuses of abilities, conflicts of ability that are all challenges. [...]
You quite gladly used those disciplinary abilities, and they served you well in early years as a framework in which you handle your parents’ situation. [...]
[...] In helping Ruburt in this manner, you see, you automatically release portions of your own personality and abilities that have been repressed, and that is a portion of the whole situation.
The local situation would have involved five people, two of which are known to you. [...] The man will still become involved, not in the location to which they will be presently situated, but in another within a period of a year. [...]
[...] Her name is Y-o-l-y-n-d-a, and a situation was ready to arise in her immediate environment which still will occur, although not so drastically.
[...] The situation which she will encounter is still unfortunate, but nevertheless of a lesser nature than would have been encountered here.
(“What is the situation?”)
(One thing I’ve learned above all else: I’ll never again create a situation like this, where years pass before a book is delivered to the publisher. [...]
[...] Somehow the person learns to circumnavigate the unpleasant situation, or the conditions change because of other people involved — and presto: the disease itself vanishes.
[...] To mix your purposes with the conventional family life would have been most difficult, so you chose situations that left you free until you met—that is, of property, children, or important ties.
[...] Ruburt should ask for another reincarnational dream, and it will help both of you if you consider your situation from a larger context – for that context will throw illumination upon those areas where your comprehension is less than it might be (with quiet amusement).
In earlier years such a situation was faced by Ruburt in a blind panic run from one end of the continent to another. [...]
If he is not able to see himself at all times as a successful, earning writer, then he feels like a fool in other areas also, and is suddenly enraged over situations at the gallery which, while not the best, hardly bother him at all when he is selling his writing.
This session should certainly help clear the situation generally, and certainly help Ruburt distinguish real grievances from projected ones. [...]
[...] Gradually the situation reverses, until it becomes more difficult to retain clear concentration in the between-life situation.
In these circumstances, when the personality attaches itself at conception, there is almost without exception strong past-life connections between parents and child, or there is an unceasing and almost obsessional desire to return to the earthly situation — either for a specific purpose, or because the reincarnating personality is presently obsessed with earthly existence. [...]
[...] Gradually the identification with the between-life situation dwindles until nearly full focus resides in the physical body.
[...] It only manages to stress many of the pertinent issues, and in its way it would point out the situation quite clearly. [...] They are afraid to some extent of being sued for such a purpose because they themselves dwell in a mental situation in which threats are everywhere, in which all precautions must be taken. [...]
I am making no recommendations, but hopefully adding to the information that you have at hand, and offering another framework from which you can view the situation. [...]
[...] To pretend such situations do not exist, out of fear of them, will only bring the feared reality closer. It is far better to situate yourself firmly in your own reality, acknowledge it as your own, encourage your strength and creativity, and from that vantage point view those areas of the world or of your own society that need constructive help. [...]
[...] To add your own energy, focus, and concentration to dire circumstances in other portions of the world does not help, but adds to, such situations.
In their own ways, other portions of your multidimensional being are involved in experiences, then, somewhat similar to your own, though on the outside the situation may be completely different. [...]
Now: No matter what your current situation, the answers lie within your own aspirations and abilities. [...]
(Thus, Jane found his offers of help at the house to be just what she’d have asked for, given an “ideal” situation. In many ways, we found the situation to be quite similar to that involving the recent visits of Carol and Fred, from Canada, and of Hal and Rusty, from Lancaster, Pennsylvania—in that it seemed the necessary inner workings to bring about the ideal situation had been carried out in Framework 2. More on this can be added in later sessions. [...]
[...] Previously this round of projections had been almost automatic—that is, he did not catch himself at it, but accepted the worries as worries, without seeing that the situations might or might not occur.
It served to remind him what he was doing—but more, it allowed him to recognize the situation, which you saw clearly while for a time it was invisible to him.
I will have further pertinent material myself to add to the overall category of Ruburt’s situation, but I am simply making this evening’s session to give him a sense of immediate direction, and in his case to break the ice, so to speak. [...]
Ruburt is dealing with quite profound material involving the self’s relationship with its own source—this material being worked out in your current situations. [...]