18 results for stemmed:singular

TPS6 Deleted Session December 15, 1981 ness singularity participation single child

To some extent, particularly at certain levels, that participation brings about a far greater sense of sympathy and power than adults ever realize, particularly in your cultural times. The child does not have to cry out or address or search for a particular kind of God, because it understands through such subjective behavior that its own precious singularity is also a part of the greater us-ness of all other creatures, and that its singularity is automatically assured, as is its own us-ness within that larger context.

From their parents they learn to pare down the dimensions of their own practically accepted personhood. To that extent they cut themselves off from large portions of their own subjectivity. The “us-ness” of a single identity is experienced less and less. It exists, nevertheless. (Long pause.) I told you that at certain levels contradictions would certainly seem to appear, but the us-ness of the self represents an important psychic characteristic. The child’s explorations of its environment are in a fashion quite different from its later adolescent explorations of the world. A child’s curiosity goes out in all directions. In a fashion it psychologically multiplies itself as it goes. Its consciousness spreads out to include all that it perceives, while still retaining a sense of its own singularity.

(Very long pause at 9:37.) Give us a moment.... The creative abilities in one way or another deal with the us-ness, with the inner intersections that everywhere occur within the most singular seeming aspects of your reality. The creative abilities join the creator and created (long pause) in a behavior in which for example, now, the painting that is to be affects the creator of it before its inception and before its form, so that the two are connected in a kind of behavior in which at deeper levels the ideas of cause and effect can have no meaning. The painting-to-be pushes against the awareness of its creator (all intently).

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 21: Session 672, June 25, 1973 Affirmation creaturehood hate deny closeted

[...] Basically it is a spiritual, psychic, and biological necessity, and represents your appreciation of your singular integrity.

SS Part One: Chapter 6: Session 526, May 4, 1970 soul entity eternity clumps motionlessness

It is only because you have a highly limited conception of your own entity that you insist upon its being almost sterile in its singularity. [...]

NotP Chapter 8: Session 783, July 12, 1976 hub language cordellas circular wheel

[...] The psyche’s picture of reality, then, would be equally incomprehensible to the conscious mind because of the intense focus upon singularity that your usual consciousness requires.

TES8 Session 413 May 29, 1968 trace structure image coordinates retain

[...] Your earth identity (smile) in singular terms, is one existence. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session February 9, 1981 Walter public inferior Oswego encounters

[...] That is, if once he disliked crowds, a new purpose and understanding should let him rise above such nonsense—but there has always been a kind of singularity there (long pause)—a characteristic need to go his own way. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 928, November 12, 1980 Paul Christ master Iraq Iran

(Long pause at 9:55.) The Christ story in the beginning was not nearly as singular and neat as it might now seem, for the finally established official Christ figure was one settled upon from endless versions of a god-man, with which man’s psyche has long been involved: He was the psychic composite, the official Christ, carrying within his psychological personage echoes of old and new gods alike—a figure barely begun, comma, to be filled out in time, although originating outside of it (again, all very intently).

TES1 Session 1 December 2, 1963 Watts Yes Towson Frank Gratis

[...] Note that the word ROAD, singular, also occurs once.)

TPS7 Deleted Session October 26, 1982 David vitamins Cohen letter guitar

(3:00.) Now: with the birth of a child the multitudinous nature of divinity by any name is instigated, and through the infinite realms of man’s history that individuality, that singularity, and that multisingularity, are eternally proclaimed in ways beyond your known knowledge. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 640, February 14, 1973 therapeutic therapy illumination grace chemicals

[...] Singular circumstances, meaningless to others, can be used to open your own storehouse of energy and inner strength. [...]

TES6 Session 262 May 25, 1966 poinsettia plant horizontal Bristol Callahan

[...] [Jane gestured again, the envelope in the same position, short end up.] From this we infer that Seth refers to the spines of the leaves, and not their stems; yet mention is made only of an oval shape, singular.

TES2 Session 82 August 27, 1964 Provincetown cottage keg Gary Larry

(Bill Macdonnel also states that as one looks out the front room of Larry O’Toole’s cottage, he sees just to the left a dock with boats, although Seth stated it as “a boat and dock,” singular. [...]

TES6 Session 245 March 28, 1966 vaccine Wyoming polio Lucy family

[...] Note that Jane doesn’t distinguish between singular and plural here—one of the points I hoped would be brought out in the experiment.

UR2 Section 6: Session 740 February 26, 1975 infinities infinite Millers Corio finite

(“A singular ‘its’ but a plural ‘infinities’?” I asked. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 721 November 25, 1974 king Roman counterparts soldier Jamaica

Many people realize intuitively that the self is multitudinous and not singular. [...]

UR2 Appendix 19: (For Session 712) hole sound massive particles atom

[...] Also, Seth Two had usually expressed “itself” in the singular, whereas tonight’s material was coming through under the plural “we”:) “All con-scious-ness has as-pects that are act-i-va-ted and ex-pressed in all idi-oms or real-i-ties. [...]

NoME Part One: Chapter 1: Session 801, April 18, 1977 epidemics inoculation Mass Volume finished

3. Seth’s delivery is remarkably clear and unambiguous, but once in a while he’ll come through with an awkward sentence (as we all do), or one that combines the singular and the plural when one or the other should be used throughout, or he’ll repeat a certain word too often. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 931, July 15, 1981 sinful overlays journal church bonding

[...] Your main belief systems lead you to feel that your present life is singular, unsupported by any knowledge of prior experience with existence, and fated to be cut off or dead-ended without a future. [...]