Results 1 to 20 of 38 for stemmed:shot

TPS6 Jane’s Dream July 27, 1981 vaccine shot nightmare ok medicine

In the AM the dream instantly reminded me of an almost completely different opposite dream, a nightmare that I had just about the time my eye troubles and other difficulties began in earnest: It was in the spring when I was doing James. Frank was doing construction on the porches then, too, and I was worried about the Gallery-of-Silence people bugging Prentice and me. In the nightmare a doctor said I’d have to get a certain shot or vaccine as preventative medicine though he regretted having to do it. I was terrified and ran though he said it was for my own good. They caught me and gave me the shot, mentioning something about aftereffects. In last night’s dream I wasn’t frightened, just refused and gave my reasons. (I think the idea was that increased symptoms were “preventive” medicine against a greater feared event or condition....)

NoME Part One: Chapter 2: Session 814, October 8, 1977 flu inoculations season disease shots

4. Seth referred to the paralyzing Guillain-Barre syndrome, which struck a tiny proportion of those receiving shots in the 1976 swine flu program in this country. [...] Then in May of this year a number of scientists, working both in and outside of government, agreed that the flu shots triggered the Guillain-Barre syndrome, but that the reasons for such reactions in certain individuals are unknown. Jane and I didn’t take the shots.

[...] He sternly suggested that the elderly and those with certain diseases make appointments at once for flu shots.

The official mentioned, by the way, that there was indeed no direct evidence connecting past flu shots with the occurrence of a rather bizarre disease that some of those inoculated with the flu vaccine happened to come down with.4 All in all, it was quite an interesting announcement, with implications that straddle biology, religion, and economics. [...]

TPS6 Jane’s Nightmare April 30, 1981 shooting hulk lunge robbery policeman

[...] On a nighttime street in a city, maybe New York, a shot rings out. [...]

TES2 Session 59 June 3, 1964 depth horse nail quality Boston

(Before giving me the shot in his office, the doctor gave me a skin test for sensitivity, which proved negative. [...] I barely made it home, and spent the next month recuperating from a violent reaction to the horse-serum-based shot. [...] I now must carry a warning card in my wallet, and have been told another such shot would probably be fatal.

[...] The nail I stepped on penetrated rather deeply through the sole of my shoe, but was not very painful; but since it was rusty we thought it best to get a tetanus shot. [...]

TPS4 Jane’s Notes Friday, April 7, 1978 scorn career approbation highpoints libvary

[...] and to remind myself and the subconscious about responding to actual experience...remind it also that its experiences with scorn or whatever, as written down—were not all of its experience by a long shot. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 18: Session 666, May 28, 1973 flood Pigs Joseph Cuba Bay

[...] Both were safe as long as shots were not taken. [...] Only an hour later the radio announcements completely changed; people were told that they did not need shots, and that indeed the inoculations could cause severe reactions.

TPS7 Deleted Session May 27, 1982 vasculitis waterbed Dr Kardon trimmer

[...] In that case I had trusted myself—not for example taking tetanus shots, though early radio medical advice insisted upon the shots as an emergency procedure. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 15, 1984 Rita mopped heparin styles freer

[...] I pressed the call button again — and Leanne came right in to unhook my wife, and give her a shot of heparin in her heparin lock, to keep it open for the next IV.

TPS6 Jane’s Notes July 17-19, 1981 pleasure prowling fans Longwell phone

[...] Tells me a big shot at Bantam called liking God of Jane and inquiring about paperback rights, assures me our paperbacks are selling okay. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 9: June 1, 1984 panel Robert Oil Conz Sr

Jane liked this trance shot: In a quiet moment during a hilarious session in 1969, Seth contemplates Rich Conz, a photographer for the Elmira Star-Gazette. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session September 20, 1978 murderers fabric victim shell Eastern

(“Do you want to say something about my dream, in which I get shot?”)

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 1, 1971 Joel Bette Indians kids didn

([Jane:] “She also took the first shot at you guys, but that didn’t mean much because you were going to kill them anyway.”

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: April 25, 1984 flea rats diseases inoculations autobiography

[...] I told Jane that the material made me speculate about Joe Bumbalo: He’s had many operations in his life, and has been shot full of drugs often. [...]

TES9 Session 508 November 20, 1969 Rich Diane flashgun Betty photos

(Rich took forty shots, most of which turned out well, as we saw later. [...]

NotP Chapter 2: Session 756, September 22, 1975 drama program Trek station waking

[...] A woman is shot down in the street. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 897, January 21, 1980 Billy David divine model weather

[...] He had a temperature of 105° when the vet gave him a shot and prescribed some pills. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session July 26, 1978 interview walking Poett inferiority spontaneiously

[...] The encounter with the reporter, for example, on quite practical levels represented a shot in the arm, in that it quickly showed Ruburt that he is quite able to deal with such situations, that he handles them well, and that sense of confidence can then be used as new information to help break down old beliefs of inferiority.

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 8, 1971 Davey Joel Oslo sway opium

[...] You shot him.”

TPS2 Deleted Session September 4, 1972 wheelchair knees devil re giant

[...] “Then I went up like in a spiral through that room upstairs with all that music and energy, and shot out above it. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session September 10, 1973 hours work nonconventional creativity inspiration

He was not walking properly by a long shot, but he wanted to get up, and he walked as well barefooted as with shoes. [...]

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